ACE Weekly 09/04/2013 - 09/10/2013

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         09/10/2013
	DOY          253 2013
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     7:18 min
	Start        17:40:34z
	Stop         17:47:52z
	HGAStart     -8.42 deg
	HGAStop      +8.94 deg
	SunStart     17.89 deg
	SunStop      14.25 deg
	SpinStart    4.9561 rpm
	SpinStop     4.9576 rpm
	Nutation      0.05 deg
	Firing       37 pulses
	FuelUsed       0.1214 lbm
	FuelRemain   112.1064 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1346.366 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 09/17/2013 and
station keeping maneuver #67 is scheduled for Monday 09/23/2013.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 244-251 2013

The DSN problems on DOY 245 (AR#G13-0009; DR# G114235) resulted in
duplicate data being delivered.  Depending on the data processing, this
could show up as data loss.  In particular, duplicate data is a problem
when a VC4 frame is spread across 3 VC2 frames (this happened for frames
245-10:34:47 and 245-10:36:13).  The MMOC software has been updated
(MOCR ACE-318) and is successfully handling this occasional problem.

The AFSCN tracking of ACE for NOAA SWPC was tested on 9/9/2013 (DOY
252).  AFSCN was last used 11/10/2012.  After ~1.8 hours (1500-1645z),
AFSCN was able to track ACE and send data.  However, a problem with a
WAN Interface Unit (IU) Card prevented data from reaching the VAFB SCD
and the MMOC for forwarding to NOAA SWPC.  The card was fixed and data
successfully flowed to NOAA SWPC from 1839-1844z.  The test ended with
the start of the DSN pass and the switch to the high data-rate.

AFSCN tracking will be needed because the NICT antenna in Tokyo is
unavailable from Oct 2013 to Mar 2014 and the KSWA antenna on Jeju
Island will be unavailable during typhoons.  Note, NOAA SWPC activities
are separate from the Goddard Flight Operations, but noteworthy topics
are occasionally included in this report.

