ACE Weekly 11/20/2013 - 11/26/2013 All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected. ======================================================================== Orbit/Attitude: Type Attitude Date 11/26/2013 DOY 330 2013 Thrusters 2R 4R+ 4R- Duration 8:24 min Start 14:33:52z Stop 14:42:16z HGAStart -8.73 deg HGAStop +9.03 deg SunStart 11.83 deg SunStop 17.47 deg SpinStart 4.9722 rpm SpinStop 4.9739 rpm Nutation 0.15 deg Firing 42 pulses FuelUsed 0.1357 lbm FuelRemain 110.2780 lbm FinalSCMass 1344.538 lbm The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 12/03/2013. ======================================================================== OCRs: DOY 324 (11/20/2013) 1509-1511z SIS-057 2 cmds SIS detector strip M1B HV #18 became noisy after the 11/12/2013 maneuver (sun angle increase from 8.4 to 15�). This OCR disable that detector strip. M1B HV strip#18 had been disabled 11/15/2012 (SIS-049) and re-enabled on 01/22/2013 (SIS-054). ======================================================================== Activities: Data Capture: 100% DOY 321-328 2013 ======================================================================== Anomalies: None