ACE Weekly 11/27/2013 - 12/03/2013

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         12/03/2013
	DOY          337 2013
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     6:59 min
	Start        12:20:51z
	Stop         12:27:50z
	HGAStart     -8.67 deg
	HGAStop      +8.97 deg
	SunStart     13.54 deg
	SunStop      17.89 deg
	SpinStart    4.9737 rpm
	SpinStop     4.9753 rpm
	Nutation      0.08 deg
	Firing       35 pulses
	FuelUsed       0.1151 lbm
	FuelRemain   110.1628 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1344.423 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 12/10/2013.




Data Capture:  99.0%  DOY 328-336 2013
DOY 336 04:25:33 - 06:06:14 (1.68 hours)

Normally, data capture statistics cover Sunday to Sunday.  This week
adds the data loss that occurred on Monday.  Antenna time was difficult
to acquire with the new moon on Monday 12/2/2013 (DOY 337).  Playback of
recorded data was behind and DSN DSS-54 experienced problems with their
Antenna and Pointing Control Assembly.

DOY 335  12/01/2013  1730-1930z  DSS-15  ACE Return To Service Demo
No problems were found with the RTS Demo with DSN's DSS-15.  DSS-15 (34m
antenna in Goldstone, California) has been upgraded with an S-Band
transmitter that will allow ACE to use it.  DSS-15 will start taking
passes on 12/14/2013.  DSS-27 will be decommissioned on 12/24/2013.

Santiago certification tests began on Monday 12/2/2013.  The previous
tests (April-August 2013) were to determine if Santiago could range for
the DSCOVR mission.  These certification tests are to determine if ACE
Orbit Determination can use Santiago and free up time on DSN.  DSN only
has 3 antennas in the southern hemisphere and they are in higher demand.


DOY 326  11/22/2013  S-ACE-0668  G13-0011  MMOC Network-Attached Storage
The backup NAS RAID hard drives failed (Synology Model DS410).  Two out
of the four disks had failed and the RAID is not recoverable.  (The RAID
would be recoverable if only 1 disk had failed.)  The disks were
replaced on 12/03/2013 (DOY 337) and the backups resumed.
IMPACT:  Since the RAID was a backup, no data was lost.

DOY 336  12/02/2013  S-ACE-0669  G13-0012  DSS-54 Antenna Pointing
25 minutes after Beginning Of Track (BOT), DSS-54 observed azimuth
oscillations.  Antenna tracking was stopped for 30 minutes and the
Antenna and Pointing Control Assembly was reset.  DR# M107599
IMPACT:  Recorder playback was behind schedule.  This outage resulted in
1.68 hours of data loss.  (DOY 336 04:25:33 - 06:06:14)