ACE Weekly 01/08/2014 - 01/15/2014

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.  This weekly
report covers 8 days in order to include the delayed maneuver on
Wednesday 1/15.


	Type         Attitude        SK-68
	Date         01/15/2014      01/15/2014
	DOY          015 2014        015 2014
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-      3A 4A
	Duration     6:08 min        36.562 sec
	Start        13:31:44z       14:25:46
	Stop         13:37:52z       14:26:24
	HGAStart     -9.02 deg       +8.98 deg
	HGAStop      +8.98 deg       +8.97 deg
	SunStart     12.75 deg       11.70 deg
	SunStop      11.70 deg       11.70 deg
	SpinStart    4.9805 rpm      4.9815 rpm
	SpinStop     4.9815 rpm      4.9729 rpm
	Nutation      0.06 deg       0.03 deg
	Firing       31 pulses       continuous
	FuelUsed       0.1030 lbm      0.1207 lbm
	FuelRemain   109.5408 lbm    109.4201 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1343.801 lbm    1343.680 lbm

The attitude and station keeping maneuver #68 were delayed one day due
to DSN DSS-54 antenna being unavailable.

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 01/21/2014.


DOY 010 (01/10/2014) 1420-1422z  CRIS-011  2 cmds
The Image Intensifier was powered on after being automatically
safeguarded during the last week's solar activity (Wednesday 1/8/2014
09:18z, DOY 008).  This OCR was last executed on 05/28/2013.


Data Capture:  99.99%  DOY 005-012 2014
DOY 007 15:59:27-15:59:30  4 second gap while catching up on data
DOY 007 17:02:48-17:02:51  4 second gap covered by ADC

ADC format includes data from  CRIS, EPAM, MAG, SIS, and SWEPAM-I
but does not include data from SWICS, SWIMS, ULEIS and SWEPAM-E

The Near Earth Network continues to performed range tests in order to
analyze the range bias with the Flight Dynamics Facility.
	01/09/2014  1830-1930z   9m Santiago
	01/10/2014  1620-1710z   9m Santiago
	01/13/2014  1750-1840z  13m Santiago

DSN is having problems with several antennas.  DSS-54 is down an
additional day per week (during daylight hours) for continued corrective
maintenance in relation to the azimuth drive noise that had the antenna
red from 12/20/2013 to 12/27/2013.  The DSS-45 transmitter is red from
1/13/2014 to 1/20/2014.  The DSS-34 transmitter has issues, but is
working with a reduced uplink power.  There are also problems with a
couple of the 70m DSN antennas, but ACE does not use those.

ACE had passes with WS1 on 1/8/2014, 1/9/2014 and 1/14/2014 to free up
time on DSN this past week.

