ACE Weekly 02/26/2014 - 03/04/2014

CORRECTION: Doppler residuals are in units of mm/sec (not m/s).

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         03/04/2014
	DOY          063 2014
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     8:30 min
	Start        15:44:28z
	Stop         15:52:58z
	HGAStart     -8.70 deg
	HGAStop      +8.86 deg
	SunStart     18.02 deg
	SunStop      13.37 deg
	SpinStart    4.9804 rpm
	SpinStop     4.9820 rpm
	Nutation      0.11 deg
	Firing       43 pulses
	FuelUsed       0.1385 lbm
	FuelRemain   108.5108 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1342.771 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 03/11/2014.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 054-061 2014

FDF has analyzed the following Near Earth Network range tests.  The
average range and Doppler residuals are included.
	02/10/2014  041  1450-1535z  WS1  -6.3m  +0.1mm/s
	02/10/2014  041  1614-1650z  WS1  -5.1m  -0.1mm/s
	02/17/2014  048  2055-2255z  WS1  -4.5m  -0.1mm/s
	02/18/2014  049  2145-2245z  WS1  -1.5m  -0.1mm/s
	02/19/2014  050  1830-1930z  WS1  -3.8m  +0.2mm/s
	02/20/2014  051  1940-2040z  WS1  -5.0m  -0.1mm/s
	02/20/2014  051  2130-2230z  WS1  -5.4m  +0.1mm/s

	02/19/2014  050  1630-1730   AGO3 -8.3m  -7.9mm/s

FDF reports that AGO3 provides Doppler data at 1/10sec rate which may
not be enough to filter the sinusoidal oscillation due to the spacecraft

The following range tests have been completed, but are waiting for the
02/25-03/04 (maneuver to maneuver) orbit determination arc.
	02/27/2014  058  1700-1800   AGO
	02/28/2014  059  1530-1630   AGO
	02/28/2014  059  1700-1800   AGO

The following range test will be completed in the upcoming week.
	03/06/2014  065  1400-1500   AGO

These certification tests are specifically for the DSCOVR mission.  ACE
is also interested in using Santiago if FDF determines that the Santiago
ranging is sufficient to supplement or replace the DSN Canberra southern
hemisphere ranging.


DOY 058  02/27/2014  S-ACE-0674  G14-0002  DSS-54 Software & Data Fwd
DSS-54 had a software issue at the beginning of the pass (1320z), which
was resolved after 37 minutes (1357z, DR# M107813).  After the delay,
the MMOC received telemetry and started commanding.  Data forwarding
from the MMOC to NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) was not
working properly.  After a gap of 24 minutes (1421z), the MMOC software
(ace_data_fwd) reconnected to NOAA SWPC and backfilled the missing data;
no manual intervention required.
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 37 minutes.  SSR playback was caught up over
3 days.  NOAA SWPC notified the FOT about the 24 minute gap due to the
ongoing solar activity.