ACE Weekly 03/19/2014 - 03/25/2014

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         03/25/2014
	DOY          084 2014
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     9:54 min
	Start        20:37:38z
	Stop         20:47:32z
	HGAStart     -8.42 deg
	HGAStop      +8.82 deg
	SunStart     15.61 deg
	SunStop      12.46 deg
	SpinStart    4.9846 rpm
	SpinStop     4.9867 rpm
	Nutation      0.16 deg
	Firing       50 pulses
	FuelUsed       0.1586 lbm
	FuelRemain   108.0724 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1342.333 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 04/02/2014.


DOY 080 (03/21/2014) 1357z  SWX-038  1 cmd  Set adc_trigger=4
The SWICS instrument team set the trigger mode to 4.  Background: The
SWICS instrument has been in TOF trigger mode (adc_trigger=12) for most
of the mission.  When the TOF discriminator circuit starting firing
continuously (8/23/2011), the instrument team investigated other trigger
modes.  This OCR command returns the instrument to the trigger mode
tested on 10/24/2011.

	previously sbcsetatrig adc_trigger=12 TOF only
	09/07/2011 testing calibration triggers
	09/15/2011 sbcsetatrig adc_trigger=12 TOF only 
	09/16/2011 sbcsetatrig adc_trigger=10 Energy only/calibration
	10/20/2011 sbcsetatrig adc_trigger=0
	10/24/2011 sbcsetatrig adc_trigger=4
	10/25/2011 sbcsetatrig adc_trigger=8  Energy only
	05/31/2012 sbcsetatrig adc_trigger=12 TOF only
	03/21/2014 sbcsetatrig adc_trigger=4


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 075-082 2014

The Near Earth Network continues to perform range tests in order to
analyze the Doppler bias with the Flight Dynamics Facility.
	03/20/2014  079  1410-1540  AGO 9m

The FOT deleted DSN passes on 3/20/2014 and 3/22/2014 to help Juno
recover from safemode.  Time was acquired with the Near Earth Network's
WS1 antenna on both days.

DOY 077  03/18/2014  S-ACE-0676  G14-0004  MMOCOPS3P Disk Drive Error
The mmocops3p hard drive was generating disk errors which prevented
users from logging in.  The System Administrators replaced the hard
IMPACT:  Minimal.  The computer is one of 2 redundant workstations for
the "GMSEC bus".  Complete failure of the GMSEC bus would only impact
the FOT notifications.

Disk drive failures in the MMOC
03/18/2014  mmocops3p hard drive failure
01/13/2014  another drive failure in backup NAS RAID
12/15/2013  mmocops1b hard drive failure
11/22/2013  2 drives failed in backup NAS RAID
02/28/2013  mmocops3b hard drive failure

DOY 078  03/19/2014  S-ACE-0635  G11-0061  MUS RT crash
The MMOC SLE software (Multi-User SLE, MUS) that was connected to
real-time data crashed 2 minutes after Beginning of Track (1312z).  The
software was restarted at 1331z.  The last occurrence of a MUS RT
problem was 11/08/2013.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  Activities delayed 20 minutes.
SSR playback recovered over 2 days due to short passes.

DOY 082  03/23/2014  S-ACE-0678  G14-0006  DSS-24 Transmitter Problems
DSN station experienced alarms which suspended the transmitter (2057z).
The station restored uplink within 28 minutes (2125z).  Note, DSN
transmitter problems require the MMOC to reconnect the SLE network
connection.  The MMOC software does this automatically.  The DSN
station, however, requested that the MMOC not reconnect during the
transmitter down-time, which required manual intervention.
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 28 minutes.  SSR playback recovered at the
end of this pass.