ACE Weekly 03/26/2014 - 04/01/2014

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         04/01/2014
	DOY          091 2014
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     9:41 min
	Start        19:23:18z
	Stop         19:32:59z
	HGAStart     -8.09 deg
	HGAStop      +8.81 deg
	SunStart     13.66 deg
	SunStop      12.50 deg
	SpinStart    4.9865 rpm
	SpinStop     4.9886 rpm
	Nutation      0.13 deg
	Firing       49 pulses
	FuelUsed       0.1557 lbm
	FuelRemain   107.9168 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1342.177 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 04/08/2014.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 075-082 2014

On 03/26/2014 (DOY 085) a DSN Project Interface Test (PIT) with DSS-15
for DSN's Uplink Tracking and Command Subsystem (UPL v11.1) was not
started.  The station was unable to calibrate the transmitter to 250W
(DR#G114872).  The station reconfigured to the normal uplink system.
Spacecraft activities were delayed 1 hour.  The last UPL PIT (UPL v10.5)
was completed 9/25/2012.

The Near Earth Network performed a complete week of ranging passes so
that Flight Dynamics can test orbit determination using only WS1 and AGO
data and compare that with the orbit determination using DSN data.  The
results will be included in next week's report

	Wed 03/26/2014  085  2040-2125   WS1
	Thu 03/27/2014  086  2350-0040   WS1
	Fri 03/28/2014  087  2200-2220   WS1 (moved for view)
	Sat 03/29/2014  088  2357-0040   WS1
	Sun 03/30/2014  089  2040-2120   WS1 (moved for view)
	Mon 03/31/2014  090  1910-1940   WS1 (moved for view)
	Tue 04/01/2014  091  1420-1515   WS1

	Tue 03/25/2014  084  1730-1745   AGO (pre-mnvr)
	Wed 03/26/2014  085  1900-1940   AGO
	Thu 03/27/2014  086  1710-1755   AGO
	Fri 03/28/2014  087  1530-1615   AGO
	Sat 03/29/2014  088  1830-1915   AGO
	Sun 03/30/2014  089  1950-2035   AGO
	Mon 03/31/2014  090  1700-1745   AGO
	Tue 04/01/2014  091  1330-1415   AGO


DOY 084  03/25/2014 S-ACE-0677  G14-0005  DSS-15 Earth Receive Time
When DSS-15 re-acquired telemetry at the high data-rate, the station's
Earth Receive Time (ERT) was behind by 0.26 seconds when compared with
the spacecraft clock.  The ERT remained behind for the remainder of the
pass.  The DOY 084 clock calibration was recalculated with the invalid
ERTs removed.
IMPACT:  This problem also occurred on the previous DSS-15 pass (DOY
071).  But the 4 subsequent DSS-15 pass have not had any Earth Receive
Time problems.