ACE Weekly 05/21/2014 - 05/27/2014

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         05/27/2014
	DOY          147 2014
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration      6:46 min
	Start        14:31:02z
	Stop         14:37:48z
	HGAStart     -9.50 deg
	HGAStop     +10.83 deg
	SunStart     15.09 deg
	SunStop      19.40 deg
	SpinStart   4.9934 rpm
	SpinStop    4.9949 rpm
	Nutation      0.19 deg
	Firing       34 pulses
	FuelUsed       0.1110 lbm
	FuelRemain   106.5068 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1341.767 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for 06/03/2014.

Update on attitude maneuver performance.
Investigation continues into the recent attitude maneuvers being short
of the expected target.  Attitude maneuvers had typically been off by
~0.25 degrees from the expected target.  The maneuvers in May have
fallen much shorter of the expected target, although the recent attitude
maneuver (5/27) has not been as far off (see following table).
   Date         Actual ra,dec   Expected ra,dec   Off by (degrees)
   04/01/2014   18.95  -5.15    19.18  -5.06      0.25
   04/08/2014   27.53  -0.69    27.76  -0.74      0.24
   04/15/2014   36.18   2.70    36.37   2.52      0.26
   04/22/2014   44.93   5.96    45.12   5.83      0.23
   04/29/2014   54.60  12.03    54.87  11.87      0.31
   05/06/2014   60.45  26.36    60.85  27.05      0.78
   05/13/2014   63.39  32.25    63.78  33.05      0.86
   05/20/2014   69.49  35.51    70.20  35.72      0.61
   05/27/2014   76.45  37.45    76.99  37.51      0.43

The investigation continues.  Future maneuvers are being planned with an
extra day of drift.  In other words, maneuvers had been planned to allow
8 days of drift, but are now being planned to allow 9 days of drift
(with maneuvers on the 7th day).  Future weekly reports will note if
maneuver performance worsens or a cause is discovered.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 138-145 2014

