ACE Weekly 07/23/2014 - 07/29/2014

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type          Attitude
	Date         07/29/2014
	DOY           210 2014
	Thrusters     2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration      11:30 min
	Start         17:30:25z
	Stop          17:41:55z
	ra,decStart  112.28,27.37
	ra,decStop   116.25,18.63
	ra,decExpect 117.37,17.18
	Deviation      1.80 deg (-16% short)
	HGAStart     -10.49 deg
	HGAStop       -6.41 deg
	SunStart      17.45 deg
	SunStop        6.41 deg
	SpinStart    4.9912 rpm
	SpinStop     4.9910 rpm
	Nutation       0.10 deg
	Firing        58 pulses
	FuelUsed       0.1799 lbm
	FuelRemain   105.3096 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1339.570 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 08/05/2014.  The
attitude maneuvers (7/21, 7/29 and 8/5) are longer than usual as we
cross the ecliptic plane (~8/7/2014).

This week's attitude maneuver was again short.  The investigation
continues.  The extra buffer is sufficient so that the next maneuver is
still next Tuesday.
   Date         Actual ra,dec   Expected ra,dec   deviation  short (%)
   04/01/2014   18.95  -5.15    19.18  -5.06      0.25 deg    -3%
   04/08/2014   27.53  -0.69    27.76  -0.74      0.24        -2%
   04/15/2014   36.18   2.70    36.37   2.52      0.26        -1%
   04/22/2014   44.93   5.96    45.12   5.83      0.23        -1%
   04/29/2014   54.60  12.03    54.87  11.87      0.31        -1%
   05/06/2014   60.45  26.36    60.85  27.05      0.78        -5%
   05/13/2014   63.39  32.25    63.78  33.05      0.86       -12%
   05/20/2014   69.49  35.51    70.20  35.72      0.61        -9%
   05/27/2014   76.45  37.45    76.99  37.51      0.43        -7%
   06/03/2014   82.17  39.11    82.40  39.11      0.18        -3%
   06/10/2014   91.99  38.97    91.84  39.06      0.15        +2%
   06/17/2014   95.60  39.71    95.96  39.70      0.28        -8%
   06/24/2014  101.96  39.24   102.16  39.13      0.19        -3%
   07/01/2014  108.48  38.10   108.74  37.98      0.24        -4%
   07/08/2014  114.35  36.62   114.77  36.37      0.42        -7%
   07/15/2014  118.89  35.15   119.48  34.81      0.59       -12%
   07/21/2014  112.43  27.58   111.98  26.45      1.32       -11%
   07/29/2014  116.25  18.63   117.37  17.18      1.80       -16%




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 201-208 2014


DOY 207  07/26/2014 S-ACE-0684  G14-0011  DSN Earth Receive Time
Additional instances of DSN's Earth Receive Time being behind by 1
second continues.  DSN believes the problem to be a synchronization
problem between the TCT (Time Code Translator), DCC (Downlink Channel
Controller), and RRT (Receiver, Ranging, and Telemetry).  DSN has
assigned Anomaly Number 118875 to this problem.  DSN has linked this
problem to one found with Voyager (DR#N109529)
IMPACT:  Since the ERT deviation is short (~3 minutes), it has
negligible impact on the clock calibration report sent to ASC and NOAA

DOY  Date       Station  ERT behind duration               DSN DR#
197  07/14/2014  DSS-65  -1 second  15:30:44 to 15:38:16z 
201  07/20/2014  DSS-15  -1 second  16:11:48 to 16:14:45z  N109669
207  07/26/2014  DSS-24  -1 second  14:45:48 to 14:48:30z  N109670