ACE Weekly 09/03/2014 - 09/09/2014

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


Type          Attitude          	 SK-71
Date         09/09/2014         	09/09/2014
DOY           252 2014			252 2014
Thrusters     2R 4R+ 4R-		3A 4A
Duration       7:40 min         	0:53 min
Start         16:03:13z			17:01:55
Stop          16:10:53z			17:02:48
ra,decStart  152.42,-4.19		158.70,-7.58
ra,decStop   158.70,-7.58		158.68,-7.56
ra,decExpect 159.02,-7.76		158.70,-7.58
Deviation      0.36 deg (-5% short)	  0.03 deg 
HGAStart      -9.65 deg			+10.76 deg
HGAStop      +10.76 deg			+10.74 deg
SunStart      18.07 deg			 15.76 deg
SunStop       15.76 deg			 15.75 deg
SpinStart    4.9952 rpm			4.9970 rpm
SpinStop     4.9970 rpm			4.9850 rpm
Nutation       0.02 deg			  0.52 deg
Firing        39 pulses			continuous
FuelUsed       0.1256 lbm        	  0.1758 lbm
FuelRemain   104.4048 lbm		104.2290 lbm
FinalSCMass  1338.665 lbm		1338.489 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 09/16/2014.




Data Capture:  99.99%  DOY 243-250 2014
   DOY 248 16:33:03-16:34:06  64 seconds covered by realtime ADC

   ADC data includes:    CRIS, EPAM, MAG, SIS, and SWEPAM-I
   but does not include: SWEPAM-E, SWICS, SWIMS and ULEIS


DOY 246  09/03/2014  S-ACE-0687  G14-0014  DSS-24 Red/Antenna Brake
DSS-24 was unable to track ACE for the entire pass due to the Antenna
Brake Set.  DR#G115421
IMPACT:  No SSR playback performed.  Data would be caught up in 3 days
if no further problems were encountered.

DOY 248  09/05/2014  S-ACE-0688  G14-0015  DSS-15 Transmitter Red
The DSS-15 transmitter was red due to a power supply fault.  DSS-15 had
been providing downlink.  Since ground commands are needed to start the
data playback, the tracking was stopped so that the station maintenance
could replace the power supplies.  Uplink was provided with 78 minutes
left in the pass.  DR#G115437
IMPACT:  Since the data playback was behind schedule, an hour was needed
to catch up before the data was overwritten.  If DSS-15 had been unable
to provide an uplink, ~10 hours of data would have been lost.