ACE Weekly 12/03/2014 - 12/09/2014

ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type           Attitude
	Date          12/09/2014
	DOY            343 2014
	Thrusters      2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration        6:21 min
	Start          13:28:53z
	Stop           13:34:50z
	ra,decStart   260.17,-9.14
	ra,decStop    265.74,-9.10
	ra,decExpect  265.94,-9.17
	Deviation       0.23 deg (-4% short)
	HGAStart       -8.82 deg
	HGAStop        +9.03 deg
	SunStart       14.30 deg
	SunStop        16.65 deg
	SpinStart     4.9911 rpm
	SpinStop      4.9924 rpm
	Nutation        0.21 deg
	Firing         30 pulses
	FuelUsed        0.0985 lbm
	FuelRemain    102.0776 lbm
	FinalSCMass   1336.337 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 12/16/2014.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 334-341 2014

Santiago (Near Earth Network) performed a ranging test for DSCOVR while
ACE was in the low downlink rate.
  12/03/2014  DOY 337  1645-1754z (originally scheduled 1630-1730z)

There is only 30 minute southern hemisphere ranging scheduled between
the maneuver on 12/09/2014 and the maneuver on 12/16/2014.  There had
been 2 southern hemisphere ranging in the prior week and there are 2
southern hemisphere ranging in the following week, so the impact should
be negligible and short-term.

