ACE Weekly 12/17/2014 - 12/23/2014

ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type           Attitude
	Date          12/23/2014
	DOY            357 2014
	Thrusters      2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration        5:44 min
	Start          16:39:08z
	Stop           16:44:52z
	ra,decStart   271.25,-9.08
	ra,decStop    276.61,-9.12
	ra,decExpect  276.82,-9.22
	Deviation       0.31 deg (-4% short)
	HGAStart       -8.73 deg
	HGAStop        +9.03 deg
	SunStart       14.42 deg
	SunStop        15.13 deg
	SpinStart     4.9933 rpm
	SpinStop      4.9946 rpm
	Nutation        0.07 deg
	Firing         29 pulses
	FuelUsed        0.0955 lbm
	FuelRemain    101.8776 lbm
	FinalSCMass   1336.138 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 12/30/2014.


DOY 352 (12/18/2014)  2100-2115z  MMOC-431  Backup Exercise
A Contingency Exercise was performed to satisfy an SSMO requirement that
the backup system can command the spacecraft.  The prime system (1p)
disconnected from DSS-45 and the backup system (1b) connected and sent a
NO_OP command which was received by the spacecraft.


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 348-355 2014

DSN antenna time is limited in the first half of January.  The WS1
antenna will be scheduled to fill gaps.

Santiago (Near Earth Network) performed a ranging test for DSCOVR while
ACE was in the low downlink rate.  The last test was performed
  12/22/2014  DOY 356  2130-2230z

