ACE Weekly 01/14/2015 - 01/20/2015

ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type           Attitude
	Date          01/20/2015
	DOY            020 2015
	Thrusters      2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration        6:18 min
	Start          20:22:44z
	Stop           20:29:02z
	ra,decStart   292.41,-10.42
	ra,decStop    298.37,-10.52
	ra,decExpect  298.55,-10.64
	Deviation       0.21 deg (-3% short)
	HGAStart       -8.65 deg
	HGAStop        +9.05 deg
	SunStart       13.73 deg
	SunStop        10.40 deg
	SpinStart     4.9973 rpm
	SpinStop      4.9983 rpm
	Nutation        0.19 deg
	Firing         32 pulses
	FuelUsed        0.1043 lbm
	FuelRemain    101.4780 lbm
	FinalSCMass   1335.738 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 01/27/2014.




Data Capture:  99.999%  DOY 011-018 2015
   DOY 017 12:12:32-12:12:33  2 second gap while catching up on data

Santiago (Near Earth Network) continues their ranging tests while ACE
was in the low downlink rate.  The data will be used in preparing for
the DSCOVR mission.  Additional tests are scheduled for the upcoming
week (Wed 1/21, Fri 1/23, Mon 1/26, Tue 1/27)
  01/15/2015  DOY 015  1915-2015z
  01/20/2015  DOY 020  1700-1800z

WS1 antenna time was acquired for Thu 1/15, Sat 1/17 and Sun 1/18.  The
next WS1 pass is scheduled for 1/30/2015.

The DSCOVR launch is now scheduled for 2/8/2015.  The scheduling team is
still working the passes, but DSN time will certainly be limited.  WS1
will be used when it is available, but the LRO view will overlap ACE
during the week of the new moon on 2/18/2015.  The risk of data loss is
increased for February.


DOY 015  01/15/2015  S-ACE-692  G15-0001  DSS-24 Red
DSN's D24 antenna was unable to support an ACE pass due to Antenna Servo
Drive.  DR#G115851
IMPACT:  145 minutes of antenna time lost.  Because SSR playback was
behind, time with the NEN WS1 antenna was acquired.  Data capture was
caught up by 1/18/2015.