ACE Weekly 02/05/2015 - 02/10/2015

ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.

	Type           Attitude
	Date          02/10/2015
	DOY            041 2015
	Thrusters      2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration       10:05 min
	Start          16:02:38z
	Stop           16:12:43z
	ra,decStart   311.75,-11.03
	ra,decStop    315.16,-19.25
	ra,decExpect  315.53,-19.86
	Deviation       0.70 deg (-7% short)
	HGAStart       -8.14 deg
	HGAStop        +0.94 deg
	SunStart       12.28 deg
	SunStop         9.66 deg
	SpinStart     5.0003 rpm
	SpinStop      5.0016 rpm
	Nutation        0.12 deg
	Firing         51 pulses
	FuelUsed        0.1558 lbm
	FuelRemain    101.0744 lbm
	FinalSCMass   1335.336 lbm

The next attitude maneuver and station-keeping maneuver will be Tuesday



Data Capture:  100%  DOY 032-039 2015

Santiago (Near Earth Network) continues their ranging tests while ACE is
in the low downlink rate.  The data will be used in preparing for the
DSCOVR mission.  No tests have been scheduled for the upcoming week.

  02/04/2015  DOY 035  1900-2000z (originally 1845-1945z)
  02/04/2015  DOY 035  2020-2130z (originally 2000-2100z)
  02/05/2015  DOY 036  1905-2000z (originally 1845-1945z)
  02/05/2015  DOY 036  2020-2120z (originally 2000-2100z)
  02/06/2015  DOY 037  1530-1630z (originally 1510-1610z)
  02/06/2015  DOY 037  1705-1750z (originally 1630-1730z)
  02/10/2015  DOY 041  1957-2052z (originally 1915-2015z)

The DSCOVR launch has slipped several times.  Because pass activities
are initiated via ground command, ACE is very flexible in inserting
passes when previously occupied antenna time becomes available.

2/5/2015 DOY 036 - NASA/NISN has 2 SCDs (Small Conversion Device) at
VAFB for routing data from AFSCN.  These SCDs also route ACE data from
AFSCN to NOAA SWPC via the GSFC MMOC when the usual SWPC antennas are
not available.  The second SCD has been transitioned to be solely for
DSCOVR data.

