ACE Weekly 02/25/2015 - 03/03/2015

ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.

	Type           Attitude
	Date          03/03/2015
	DOY            062 2015
	Thrusters      2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration       13:16 min
	Start          19:20:39z
	Stop           19:33:55z
	ra,decStart   335.25,-23.90
	ra,decStop    347.67,-19.95
	ra,decExpect  348.37,-19.54
	Deviation     0.78deg(-6%)
	HGAStart      -10.52 deg
	HGAStop        +9.66 deg
	SunStart       19.16 deg
	SunStop        13.69 deg
	SpinStart     4.9997 rpm
	SpinStop      5.0034 rpm
	Nutation        0.24 deg
	Firing         67 pulses
	FuelUsed        0.2032 lbm
	FuelRemain    100.1452 lbm
	FinalSCMass   1334.405 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 3/10/2015.  Due to
limited antenna time, the next station-keeping maneuver is scheduled for
Friday 3/13/2015.

With the maneuver performance returning to normal (-6% this week), the
nitrogen from the internal lines has probably been expelled.  Closing
the B latch valves has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday
3/18/2015 pending a review on Monday 3/16/2015.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 053-060 2015

MMS is scheduled to launch 3/13/2015 ~0300z (DOY 072).  DSN antenna time
is limited in the following week.  Unfortunately, the new moon on
3/20/2015 means that the WS1 antenna view for ACE will overlap with LRO
(LRO has top priority on WS1).  This risk of data loss will be higher
during that week.

