ACE Weekly 05/20/2015 - 05/26/2015

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


Type           Attitude			 SK-75
Date          05/26/2015	        05/26/2015
DOY            146 2015			146 2015
Thrusters      2R 4R+ 4R-		3A 4A
Duration        5:08 minutes		 1:08 minutes
Start          16:02:33z		16:59:53z
Stop           16:07:41z		17:01:01z
ra,decStart    70.92,34.30		75.95,36.48
ra,decStop     75.95,36.48		76.01,36.62
ra,decExpect   76.25,36.52		75.95,36.48
Deviation       0.23 deg (-4.8%)	3.09%
HGAStart       -7.52 deg		+10.90 deg
HGAStop       +10.90 deg		+11.02 deg
SunStart       15.05 deg		 19.20 deg
SunStop        19.20 deg		 19.32 deg
SpinStart     5.0261 rpm		5.0274 rpm
SpinStop      5.0274 rpm		5.0128 rpm
Nutation        0.18 deg		  0.17 deg
Firing         26 pulses		Continuous
FuelUsed        0.0861 lbm		 0.2251 lbm
FuelRemain     98.2476 lbm		98.0225 lbm
FinalSCMass   1332.508 lbm	       1332.283 lbm

FDF preliminary estimate is that SK-75 was -3.09% cold.

For comparison purposes, SK-74 (performed on 3/13/2015, before
closing the B latch valves on 3/17/2015) was -11.8% cold.
The SK-75 maneuver performance improvement is expected, as
remnant nitrogen (pressurant) in front of the B latch valves is
expelled from the system.

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday, 6/02/2015.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 137-144 2015


DOY 145 05/25/15 S-ACE-0690  DSN's Earth Receipt Time (ERT)
DSN ERT was behind by one second for the entire D15 support
on DOY 145.

Data flagged bad and discarded.  The Clock Calibration Report
was regenerated and delivered to ASC and NOAA.