ACE Weekly 06/17/2015 - 06/23/2015

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


Type           Attitude			
Date           06/23/2015	
DOY            174 2015			
Thrusters      2R 4R+ 4R-		
Duration        5:55 minutes		
Start          16:51:46z		
Stop           16:57:41z		
ra,decStart    88.57,40.03		
ra,decStop     95.62,39.64		
ra,decExpect   95.91,39.50	
Deviation       0.24 deg (-4.2%)	
HGAStart      -11.04 deg		
HGAStop       +11.05 deg		
SunStart       16.89 deg		
SunStop        16.59 deg		
SpinStart      5.0148 rpm		
SpinStop       5.0159 rpm		
Nutation        0.19 deg		
Firing          30 pulses	
FuelUsed        0.0981 lbm		
FuelRemain     97.6963 lbm		
FinalSCMass    1331.956 lbm	

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday, 06/30/2015.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 165-172 2015

A successful planned failover to the ACE backup operational system
(mmocops1b) was performed on Friday, 06/19/2015.

For reference, the operational backup system underwent a series of
security patches and ACE operations (i.e, commanding and telemetry) will
be conducted on the updated/backup system for approximately the next two
weeks (leaving the primary system intact if the need for usage arises).
Following this period, the primary operational machine (mmocops1p) will
be updated with the required security patches and a transition to the
primary system will be performed.

The relevant point of contact at ASC (Dr. Andrew Davis) and White Sands/WS1
(David Venzor) were informed of the corresponding IP address changes,
required to maintain continuity of ACE data product delivery.

