ACE Weekly 08/05/2015 - 08/25/2015 All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected. ======================================================================== Attitude/Orbit: Type Attitude Attitude Attitude Date 08/11/2015 8/18/2015 8/25/2015 DOY 223 2015 230 2015 237 2015 Thrusters 2R 4R+ 4R- 2R 4R+ 4R- 2R 4R+ 4R- Duration 7:16 minutes 7:03 minutes 14:37 minutes Start 14:33:15z 18:25:39z 17:23:30z Stop 14:40:31z 18:32:42z 17:38:07z ra,decStart 121.80,11.55 128.55, 9.67 135.25, 8.74 ra,decStop 128.48, 9.91 135.20, 8.97 144.87,-1.08 ra,decExpect 128.71, 9.78 135.44, 8.90 145.22,-1.45 Deviation 0.25 deg (-3.6%) 0.25 deg (-3.6%) 0.51 deg (-3.6%) HGAStart -10.20 deg -10.09 deg -10.10 deg HGAStop -7.20 deg -5.18 deg 10.68 deg SunStart 18.96 deg 19.01 deg 18.62 deg SunStop 13.30 deg 12.90 deg 14.99 deg SpinStart 5.0138 rpm 5.0154 rpm 5.0172 rpm SpinStop 5.0156 rpm 5.0173 rpm 5.0217 rpm Nutation 0.06 deg 0.18 deg 0.07 deg Firing 37 pulses 36 pulses 74 pulses FuelUsed 0.1186 lbm 0.1156 lbm 0.2217 lbm FuelRemain 96.6472 lbm 96.5316 lbm 96.3100 lbm FinalSCMass 1330.907 lbm 1330.792 lbm 1330.570 lbm - The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday, 09/01/2015 ======================================================================== OCRs: None ======================================================================== Activities: Data Capture: 100% DOY 214-235 2015 ======================================================================== Anomalies: DOY 228 8/16/2015 S-ACE-35 DSN Ground Anomaly �� Madrid Complex D65 unable to successfully lock on the low rate RTSW data; entire support lost (DR# M108951). Post-pass DSN analysis attributes anomaly to the widened bit error tolerance (BET) solution implemented in response to 2014 ground receipt time anomaly (reference AR# 118839). FOT will follow up with the NOPE to determine whether or not BET should be modified. IMPACT: Moderate. FOT converted ranging-only support to a tracking pass and extended duration. FOT also staffed support to verify S/C status.