ACE Weekly 09/23/2015 - 09/29/2015

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


Type               Attitude
Date             09/29/2015
DOY                272 2015
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration           9:47 minutes
Start             20:00:58z
Stop              20:10:45z
ra,decStart    180.09,-16.49
ra,decStop     189.17,-19.58
ra,decExpect   189.38,-19.86
Deviation          0.34 deg (-2.9%)
HGAStart         -10.12 deg
HGAStop           10.70 deg
SunStart          15.13 deg
SunStop           17.54 deg
SpinStart        5.0320 rpm
SpinStop         5.0349 rpm
Nutation           0.14 deg
Firing            50 pulses
FuelUsed         0.1551 lbm
FuelRemain      95.5340 lbm
FinalSCMass    1329.794 lbm

Maneuver Scheduling:

Next attitude maneuver:         Tuesday, 10/06/2015
Next station keeping maneuver:  Tuesday, 10/06/2015




Data Capture:  99.9959%  DOY 263-270 2015

Note: A 25-sec playback (VC4) data gap was identified during the
266:20:24:47 (UT) - 266:20:25:11 (UT) time window.

Inspection of the DOY 267 event log and the DSN DR system does not yield
any ground system problems which correlates with the 25 sec data gap.
However, it is worth noting that the playback data for the affected time
frame covers data that was carried over from DOY 266 (i.e, data loss during
a re-dump cannot be further playback, leading to a permanent data gap).

As part of an independent verification, the FOT confirmed that identical
results are obtained using the SLE data at the MOC and IDR files retrieved
from DSN - consistent with a short lived DSN link problem or a data
processing problem at the station.

Since ACE has a 90% data capture requirement and the 25 sec gap yields a
99.9711% data capture for DOY 266, no SOAR entry will documented for this
(relatively small) data loss.

