ACE Weekly 12/09/2015 - 12/15/2015

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


Type               Attitude
Date             12/15/2015
DOY                349 2015
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration       5:41 minutes
Start             16:38:35z
Stop              16:44:16z
ra,decStart    260.28,-8.65
ra,decStop     265.46,-8.73
ra,decExpect   265.74,-8.83
Deviation          0.29 deg (-5.2%)
HGAStart          -8.91 deg
HGAStop            9.00 deg
SunStart          14.83 deg
SunStop           14.85 deg
SpinStart        5.0423 rpm
SpinStop         5.0437 rpm
Nutation           0.06 deg
Firing            29 pulses
FuelUsed         0.0947 lbm
FuelRemain      93.9328 lbm
FinalSCMass    1328.193 lbm

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:

- Attitude maneuver:            Monday, 12/21/2015
- SK-78 maneuver:     		January 2016 (Actual Date TBD)


SIS OCR-64 (MOCR ACE-358): Raising Matrix detector thresholds on SIS
Telescope A and disabling 5 noisy Matrix detector strips

SIS RTSW rates have been showing increased noise since December 3, 2015.
As a result of the approaching seasonal perihelion, Matrix detectors
are getting warmer which causes more noise on their strips. Per SIS
Team direction, the ACE FOT raised thresholds on all Matrix strips
on Telescope A, and disabled the following 5 strips: M1AHV #26, 28, 44,
46 and M1BHV #45.

SIS OCR-64 was implemented during the 2015 DOY 349 DSS-15 contact,
following the successful completion of the weekly attitude maneuver.

Note: SIS Team close evaluation of RTSW rates following the DOY 349
implementation indicates some of the matrix detector strips are still
noisy. The SIS Team will monitor RTSW data over the upcoming weekend
and develop another SIS commanding sequence to implement before the
Holiday next week.


Data Capture: 99.998%  DOY 340-347 2015

Note: 12-sec data gap during the carryover playback of 342:00:00:00 -
342:23:59:59 (unrecoverable).


DOY 349 (12/15/15) SOAR S-ACE-68: Late Acquisition due to Transmitter
Problem (DR #G116803)

A 34 minute and 2 second late acquisition occurred due to a transmitter
problem at DSS-15 (Goldstone). The transmitter output power fluctuated
between 100 W and 300 W, causing CLTU bind to be interrupted. Automated
bind was attempted during the unstable power occurrence and was

After a recalibration was performed at the station, the carrier was brought
up and the MMOC established commanding capabilities.


Approximately a 30 minute delay on the start of the weekly attitude
maneuver and the SIS instrument commanding (SIS OCR-64), in addition to
15.5 minutes of carryover playback for the next day (DOY 350).