ACE Weekly 12/16/2015 - 12/22/2015

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


Type               Attitude
Date             12/21/2015
DOY                355 2015
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration       5:52 minutes
Start             18:37:10z
Stop              18:43:02z
ra,decStart    265.27,-8.73
ra,decStop     270.62,-9.28
ra,decExpect   270.87,-9.42
Deviation          0.26 deg (-4.7%)
HGAStart          -8.91 deg
HGAStop            8.99 deg
SunStart          15.23 deg
SunStop           14.25 deg
SpinStart        5.0437 rpm
SpinStop         5.0451 rpm
Nutation           0.18 deg
Firing            30 pulses
FuelUsed         0.0977 lbm
FuelRemain      93.8352 lbm
FinalSCMass    1328.095 lbm

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:

- Attitude maneuver:            Tuesday, 12/29/2015
- SK-78 maneuver:     		January 2016 (Actual Date TBD)


SIS OCR-65 (MOCR ACE-359): Disabling 6-8 Noisy Matrix Detector Strips

SIS OCR-64 did not succeed in completely quieting the noisy Matrix
detector strips that caused oscillation in the RTSW rates.

Per SIS Instrument Team direction, the FOT will disable the following
6 strips: M1AHV #29, 36, 48 and M1BHV #20, 24, 27.

If there is no improvement in the RTSW rates during the pass, the FOT
will disable 2 more strips: M1AGND #19 and M1BHV #42.

Note: The current plan is to implement SIS OCR-65 during the DOY 357
DSS-15 contact (BOT=20:30 UT).


Data Capture: 100%  DOY 347-354 2015

