ACE Weekly 01/28/2016 - 02/02/2016

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


Type               Attitude
Date             02/02/2016
DOY                033 2016
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration      10:35 minutes
Start             13:26:07z
Stop              13:36:42z
ra,decStart   297.35,-20.77
ra,decStop    307.60,-23.55
ra,decExpect  307.51,-23.70
Deviation          0.17 deg (-0.4%)
HGAStart          -7.85 deg
HGAStop           +4.08 deg
SunStart          17.56 deg
SunStop            9.95 deg
SpinStart        5.0441 rpm
SpinStop         5.0469 rpm
Nutation           0.13 deg
Firing            54 pulses
FuelUsed         0.1599 lbm
FuelRemain      93.0116 lbm
FinalSCMass    1327.272 lbm

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:

- Attitude maneuver:     		Tuesday, 02/09/2016




Data Capture: 99.983%  2016 DOY 024 - 2016 DOY 031

Note: Data gaps (15 sec - 50 sec) identified during the carryover playback
of DOY 024, 025 and 31 (unrecoverable).



DOY-033 (02/02/16) SOAR S-ACE-45-CTT-1: Autonomy Bin Dump Miscompares

- Autononmy Bin 41 miscompare notification received during daily end of
pass state of health verification activities.


No impact to automated pass operations. FOT verified correct autonomy bins
were disabled (41) and enabled (42) based on current SSR in record (SSR
B).  The ace gri was updated manually by the FOT before the end of the DOY
033 contact.


- The SSR failover Bins (41 and 42) are enabled/disabled daily and the ACE
ground reference image (GRI) is updated with the latest corresponding bin

- Once the nominal SSR swap had occurred and SSR B had been placed in
record, Bin 41 and Bin 42 were commanded on the S/C to disable and enable
states, respectively.

- The Bin 41 and 42 states were scheduled to be updated sequentially in
the GRI. However, the Bin 41 GRI update process did not complete
- As encountered on 2015 DOY 342 (the last occurrence of this discrepancy),
the observables suggest that the ace_gri updating procedure encountered an
(infrequent) execution issue due to the "race" conditions setup during the
automated running of the ace_gri script (i.e, the Bin 41 GRI update process
starts but does not end before the start of the Bin 42 GRI update).

- The FOT will submit a MOCR to update the operational procedure with a
"WAIT until" completion condition (i.e., between the update of the Bin 41
and Bin 42 in the ACE GRI).