ACE Weekly 03/09/2016 - 03/16/2016

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


Type               Attitude                     SK-79
Date             03/16/2016                03/16/2016
DOY                076 2016                  076 2016
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-                     1A 2A
Duration      10:43 minutes                32 seconds
Start             16:52:14z                 18:07:04z
Stop              17:02:57z                 18:07:36z
ra,decStart   359.19,-14.06               8.38,-10.12
ra,decStop      8.38,-10.12               8.49,-10.33
ra,decExpect    8.55,-10.31               8.38,-10.12
Deviation          0.08 deg (-0.8%)                   (+0.847%)
HGAStart          -8.63 deg                 -7.77 deg
HGAStop           +7.77 deg                 +7.96 deg
SunStart          12.87 deg                 14.60 deg
SunStop           14.60 deg                 14.81 deg
SpinStart        5.0615 rpm                5.0642 rpm
SpinStop         5.0642 rpm                5.0546 rpm
Nutation           0.15 deg                  0.10 deg
Firing            55 pulses                Continuous
FuelUsed         0.1621 lbm                0.1038 lbm
FuelRemain       92.044 lbm                91.940 lbm
FinalSCMass    1326.304 lbm              1326.200 lbm

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:

- Attitude Maneuver:     		Tuesday, 03/22/2016




Data Capture: 100%  2016 DOY 066 - 2016 DOY 073



- 03/15/2016 - SOAR S-ACE-93-CTT-1 - DSN Problem - Goldstone Complex

- The Ops Chief notified over the voice loop at the beginning of the pass
that the D-15 station was declared red (DSN DR# G117003). Telemetry was
successfully acquired at 17:54:48z (1.65 hours into the pass).

Per DSN DR# G117003, the problem was attributed to two loose ethernet
cables between the core switch and A/B switch which supports the primary
NRT and backup NRT circuits. These cables were later reseated and service
was restored.


Moderate - 

1) Due to uncertainty regarding the station performance for the remainder
of the contact, the FOT conservatively re-scheduled the planned attitude
and SK-79 maneuvers for the next day (Wednesday, 03/16/2016), using the
D-24 station. To this effect, the FOT reloaded the TT-Bins for the radial
and axial catbed heaters during the D-15 contact, to support the maneuvers
on 03/16/2016.

2) Working closely with the SSMO Scheduling Team, the FOT also extended the
D-24 03/16/2016 pass by 30 minutes, and extended/converted a range-only
D-34 contact on 03/17/2016 to a tracking pass, to improve data recovery.

3) Delay of 1.65 hours for starting the SSR playback activities on
03/15/2016, resulted in 37.5 minutes of carried-over data at the end of the
contact. The SSR data was successfully captured during the D-24 contact on