ACE Weekly 03/30/2016 - 04/05/2016

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


Type               Attitude
Date             04/05/2016
DOY                096 2016
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration      13:41 minutes
Start             20:02:20z
Stop              20:16:01z
ra,decStart    25.19, +0.41
ra,decStop     31.21,+11.39
ra,decExpect   31.54,+11.46
Deviation          0.22 deg (-1.7%)
HGAStart          +5.63 deg
HGAStop           +8.70 deg
SunStart          11.92 deg
SunStop           16.84 deg
SpinStart        5.0602 rpm
SpinStop         5.0644 rpm
Nutation           0.06 deg
Firing            70 pulses
FuelUsed         0.2014 lbm
FuelRemain       91.420 lbm
FinalSCMass    1325.680 lbm

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:

- Attitude Maneuver:     		Tuesday, 04/12/2016




Data Capture: 99.999%  2016 DOY 087 - 2016 DOY 094

* Data gap totaling 1 second occurred during SSR management/playback
activities on DOY 090 (2016-089:06:22:05 - 2016-089:06:22:05z).


- 04/04/2016 - SOAR S-ACE-35-CTT-2 - DSN Problem - Madrid Complex

- On the morning of Sunday, 4/3/16 (DOY 094), the Ops Chief notified the
ACE FOT that DSS-65 was RED and will not be able to support the ACE contact
(at BOT=14:45 UT). 

DSN DR# M109280 was created and documented as a hardware problem with the
Antenna Control Assembly.


Minimal -

1) The FOT worked closely with the SSMO Scheduling Team and determined that
there was no DSN availability from other ground stations on DOY 094-095.
WS1 coverage was also assessed for the aforementioned dates, and deemed
as not significantly long in duration to alleviate the problem.

2) An SSR failover occurred on 2016-095:17:20:32 (UT), which resulted in
30 seconds of mission data loss (i.e., there is no recording of science
data during the SSR failover transition). Fortunately, since there was no
carryover data going into the lost DSS-65 contact on DOY 094, the net
science data loss amounts to only 30 seconds.

3) Coordinating with the SSMO Scheduling Team, the FOT converted the DSS-34
Canberra ranging-only contact for DOY 098 to a tracking pass (extending
also the EOT by 5 minutes). With these changes implemented (barring any
further contact anomalies), the expectation is to be fully caught-up with
SSR data management on DOY 098.