ACE Weekly 06/01/2016 - 06/14/2016

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.



Type               Attitude			Attitude
Date             06/07/2016			06/14/2016
DOY                159 2016			166 2016
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-			2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration       6:38 minutes			5:50 minutes
Start             17:30:34z			13:46:54z
Stop              17:37:12z			13:52:44z
ra,decStart    69.90,+36.50			76.03,+39.45
ra,decStop     76.36,+39.47			82.77,+39.81
ra,decExpect   76.55,+39.41			82.90,+39.70
Deviation          0.10 deg (-1.7%)		0.10 deg (-1.8%)
HGAStart          -8.96 deg			-10.86 deg
HGAStop          +11.07 deg			+11.07 deg
SunStart          14.75 deg			17.32 deg
SunStop           16.73 deg			16.58 deg
SpinStart        5.0682 rpm			5.0699 rpm
SpinStop         5.0701 rpm			5.0713 rpm
Nutation           0.17 deg			0.18 deg
Firing            34 pulses			30 pulses
FuelUsed         0.0104 lbm			0.0928 lbm
FuelRemain       90.220 lbm			90.127 lbm
FinalSCMass    1324.480 lbm			1324.387 lbm

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:

- Attitude Maneuver:		Tuesday, 06/21/2016


6/07/2016 MOCR ACE-366 Relax HGA constraint from 9 to 11 degrees for the 2016 Summer Campaign
The 2016 Extended HGA Campaign was discussed & approved at the recent ACE Science Working Team (SWT) 
meeting held on 5/23-24/2016.  This will be the third consecutive year for this summer campaign. The 
HGA constraint change will effectively allow slightly higher sun angles, which in turn will improve 
the SWEPAM-I density measurement.  The FOT began using the 11 degree constraint with the attitude 
maneuver on 6/07/2016.  The campaign is tentatively scheduled to conclude September 2016.


Data Capture: 100% DOY 151 - 164 2016 



Jacqueline Maldonado Snell
WIND, Geotail and ACE Flight Operations Team Manager
Honeywell Technology Solutions Incorporated (HTSI)
Goddard Space Flight Center
Bldg. 14 Rm N284, Mailstop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Office: 	301-286-7072
Cell:      443-896-8868
Fax:      	301-286-8257