ACE Weekly 04/19/2017   04/25/2017

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.



Type               Attitude
Date              4/25/2017
DOY                115 2017
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration      11:06 minutes
Start             16:31:22z
Stop              16:42:28z
ra,decStart     42.97,14.92
ra,decStop      41.72,24.76
ra,decExpect    41.80,25.09
Deviation          0.34 deg (-3.1%)
HGAStart          +2.99 deg
HGAStop           +8.69 deg
SunStart           9.77 deg
SunStop           14.05 deg
SpinStart        4.9715 rpm
SpinStop         4.9746 rpm
Nutation           0.11 deg
Firing            56 pulses
FuelUsed         0.1650 lbm
FuelRemain       83.506 lbm
FinalSCMass    1317.767 lbm

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:
- Attitude Maneuver:                    Monday, 05/01/2017


Update:  ACE-378 Authorization to command to ACE Spacecraft from virtual MM=
- MMOC SA continues to work with NEN Engineer to resolve issues with nenso
user configuration.  Once completed, FOT will coordinate test delivery of
NEN WS1 schedule to virtual MMOC systems.


Data Capture: 100%  DOY 107-113 2017


