ACE Weekly 04/26/2017   05/02/2017

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.



Type               Attitude
Date              5/01/2017
DOY                121 2017
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration       6:47 minutes
Start             15:35:14z
Stop              15:42:01z
ra,decStart     41.57,24.83
ra,decStop      47.81,26.84
ra,decExpect    48.13,26.85
Deviation          0.29 deg (-4.4%)
HGAStart          -6.80 deg
HGAStop           +8.85 deg
SunStart          10.04 deg
SunStop           14.42 deg
SpinStart        4.9746 rpm
SpinStop         4.9764 rpm
Nutation           0.17 deg
Firing            34 pulses
FuelUsed         0.1055 lbm
FuelRemain       83.401 lbm
FinalSCMass    1317.661 lbm

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:
- Attitude Maneuver:                    Tuesday, 05/09/2017


Update:  ACE-378 Authorization to command to ACE Spacecraft from virtual MM=
- The NEN team has been able to successfully sftp to the correct nenso dire=
ctory on
the virtual operational systems, 1P/B.  Their team is working on obtaining =
correct schedule product and updating their delivery process to MMOC.
- Completion targeted for 5/10/2017.


Data Capture: 100%  DOY 114-120 2017


