ACE Weekly 05/03/2017   05/09/2017

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.



Type               Attitude
Date              5/09/2017
DOY                129 2017
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration       3:37 minutes
Start             16:08:46z
Stop              16:12:23z
ra,decStart     47.60,26.92
ra,decStop      47.68,29.88
ra,decExpect    47.70,30.25
Deviation          0.37 deg (-11.1%)
HGAStart          -5.83 deg
HGAStop           -8.68 deg
SunStart           9.57 deg
SunStop           12.52 deg
SpinStart        4.9763 rpm
SpinStop         4.9773 rpm
Nutation           0.14 deg
Firing            18 pulses
FuelUsed         0.0598 lbm
FuelRemain       83.341 lbm
FinalSCMass    1317.601 lbm

The deviation percentage is high because the maneuver was abnormally small.

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:
- Attitude Maneuver:                    Tuesday, 05/16/2017
- Stationkeeping (SK-85):                          TBD


Update:  Virtual MMOC (vMMOC) Status
- The NEN team updated their configuration to deliver the short term WS1
schedule to the virtual MMOC systems.  Short term WS1 schedule delivered
daily, effective 5/09/2017.
- No further dependencies on physical MMOC systems for ACE Operations.


Data Capture: 100%  DOY 121-127 2017



05/04/2017  DOY 124 S-ACE-93-CTT-13 DSN Problem D15 - Goldstone Complex
DSN notified FOT RFI impacting D15=92s ability to maintain lock on downlink=
Station reported =93the affected assembly was RRT2 (Receiver, Ranging,
and Telemetry Processor 2) from 2017/124/18:50 to 2017/124/19:28 (38 mins).
Station was seeing RS/FS Lock Status Changed alarm and changes in the SNT
during this time frame.  Goldstone Frequency and Airspace Coordination
notified."  (DR# G118098).
IMPACT:  RFI impacted 38 minutes of playback.  Post-pass analysis showed 26=
 gaps, totaling 246 seconds.  All gaps were recovered during re-dumps on th=
e following pass.


Jacqueline Maldonado Snell

Wind, Geotail and ACE Flight Operations Team Manager
Goddard Space Flight Center, Bldg 14 Room N284, Mailstop 428.2  |  Greenbel=
t, MD 20771  |  USA
Office: +1 301.286.7072  |  Mobile: +1 443.896.8868  |  jacqueline.m.snell@=<>