ACE Weekly 05/10/2017   05/16/2017

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.



Type               Attitude
Date              5/16/2017
DOY                136 2017
Thrusters        2R 4R+ 4R-
Duration       5:45 minutes
Start             18:18:11z
Stop              18:23:56z
ra,decStart     47.48,29.84
ra,decStop      52.51,32.37
ra,decExpect    52.87,32.39
Deviation          0.28 deg (-5.3%)
HGAStart          -8.61 deg
HGAStop           -9.01 deg
SunStart          12.01 deg
SunStop           13.24 deg
SpinStart        4.9771 rpm
SpinStop         4.9787 rpm
Nutation           0.06 deg
Firing            29 pulses
FuelUsed         0.0915 lbm
FuelRemain       83.250 lbm
FinalSCMass    1317.510 lbm

Upcoming Maneuver Schedule:
- Attitude Maneuver:                    Tuesday, 05/23/2017
- Stationkeeping (SK-85):                          TBD


05/16/2017  MOCR ACE-382 Authorization to transition Realtime Operations to=
 the virtual MMOC systems
Realtime operations have been performed on the virtual systems since 2/14/2=
Now that all the dependencies on physical MMOC systems for ACE Operations h=
been resolved, NASA Management has approved this MOCR.  The virtual MMOC sy=
are now officially designated operational.


Data Capture: 99.99%  DOY 128-134 2017



05/14/2017  DOY 134 S-ACE-102  ITOS Failed to enable the cmd graph for ACE
Pass activities failed to initiate due to command graph error.  Automation
performed clean up activities following scheduled EOT + 10 minutes.
FOT came in to verify cleanup successfully performed and assess SSR Status.
FOT worked to obtain additional DSN time.  DOY 136 support extended one hou=
IMPACT:  Lost pass; 31 seconds of data loss due to SSR Failover.  Delay in =
Playback data recovery.

05/15/2017  DOY 135 S-ACE-103  VM Thin Client 01 locked up
Following the conclusion of the ACE support, FOT unable to log in to the th=
client (01) logged in to the Prime virtual operations machine (1P).  The th=
client screen appeared to be locked up in blank screen saver mode.  FOT not=
SAs to troubleshoot.  Switching monitors and video cable did not resolve th=
problem.  FOT forced to kill 1P processes from TC4.  Thin Client rebooted;
however screen timing setting not retained.  SAs replaced the thin client 0=
with a different one.  The FOT successfully logged back in to 1P and config=
system to support ACE (& Wind) automated operations.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention needed to configure system for automated opera=
once thin client issue replaced.

05/16/2017  DOY 136 S-ACE-93-CTT-14     DSN Problem D15 - Goldstone Complex=
Fourteen minute telemetry dropout due to power glitch at complex (18:00-18:=
DSN reports =93The PDG - Power Distribution Group were the affected assembl=
y. Loss
of data due to a glitch in the commercial supplied power. This may be attri=
to an issue with one of the cross arms on the power poles that supply comme=
power to the complex. Notified the appropriate personnel who dispatched per=
to the sites to check on the areas of responsibility. Approval was given to=
up the power plants, they were on line at 18:13:30 (DR# G118141)".
IMPACT:  Fourteen minute gap occurred during redump of carryover SSR data.
Automation does not perform redumps of carryover SSR dumps.  However, pass =
by FOT for a scheduled attitude maneuver.  FOT manually updated s_dumplist =
redumped missing data, thereby preventing ~2.5 hours of data loss.


Jacqueline Maldonado Snell

Wind, Geotail and ACE Flight Operations Team Manager
Goddard Space Flight Center, Bldg 14 Room N284, Mailstop 428.2  |  Greenbel=
t, MD 20771  |  USA
Office: +1 301.286.7072  |  Mobile: +1 443.896.8868  |  jacqueline.m.snell@=<>