Near-Earth Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Since January 1996

Compiled by Ian Richardson (1, 2) and Hilary Cane (3),

(1) Heliospheric Physics Laboratory, Code 672, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA,

(2) Partnership for Heliophysics and Space Environment Research (PHaSER) and The Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park;

(3) University of Tasmania, Australia.

Revised February 1, 2024*

Note added February 1, 2024: This catalog is now also available at the DOI 10.7910/DVN/C2MHTH. Please include the DOI when referring to the catalog in a publication or other presentation.

Note added May 18, 2016: The dates in the table have been reformatted so that the year is now included for every time. Previously, the year was indicated only at the start of the list of events in that year, and only month and day were indicated in the event times. This change should make it easier to convert the list into another format, such as text or a spreadsheet. Currently, we don't maintain text or spreadsheet versions of the list, but these can be made by, for example, downloading and opening the file in a spreadsheet program such as Excel. Each box in the list should appear as a spreadsheet cell. Note that the contents of each box in the list are not necessarily uniform, so some editing (e.g., removing letters from some times in the first column) may be required. The list can then be saved in the desired format. A text version can also be made by converting the file to pdf and extracting the text from the pdf version.

Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
1996/05/27 1500 1996/05/27 1500 1996/05/29 0300 ... ... 0 +4 N ... 2 0 370 400 9 2 -33 ...  
1996/07/01 1320 1996/07/01 1800 1996/07/02 1100 ... ... 0 0 N ... 3 40 360 370 11 2 -20 ...  
1996/08/07 0600 1996/08/07 1200 1996/08/08 1000 ... ... 0 0 N ... 2 10 350 380 7 2 -23 ...  
1996/12/23 1600 1996/12/23 1700 1996/12/25 1100 ... ... +10 0 N ... 2 20 360 420 10 2 -18 435 1996/12/19 1630 H
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
1997/01/10 0104 1997/01/10 0400 1997/01/11 0200 ... ... 0 0 Y ... 1 100 S450 460 14 2 -78 507 1997/01/06 1510 H
1997/02/09 1321 1997/02/10 0200 1997/02/10 1900 ... ... 0 0 Y ... 2 90 S450 600 8 2 -68 683 1997/02/07 0030 H
1997/04/10 1745 1997/04/11 0600 1997/04/11 1900 ... ... 0 0 Y ... 1 150 460 470 20 2 -82 552 1997/04/07 1427 H
1997/04/21 0600 1997/04/21 1000 1997/04/23 0400 ... ... +4 +2 Y ... 2 40 360 420 12 2 -107 ...  
1997/05/15 0159 1997/05/15 0900 1997/05/16 0000 ... ... 0 0 N Y 1 150 S 450 480 21 2 -115 616 1997/05/12 0530 H
1997/05/26 0957 1997/05/26 1600 1997/05/27 1000 ... ... 0 +9 Y ... 2 70 S 340 350 10 2H -74 381 1997/05/21 2100
1997/06/08 1636 1997/06/08 1800 1997/06/10 0000 ... ... +8 0 Y ... 3 30 380 400 12 2 -84 ...  
1997/06/19 0032 1997/06/19 0700 1997/06/20 2300 ... ... -2 -31 Y Y 2 60 360 390 8 2 -36 ...  
1997/07/15 0311 1997/07/15 0800 1997/07/16 1100 ... ... 0 -11 Y Y 2 80 350 360 10 2 -45 ...  
1997/08/03 1042 1997/08/03 1300 1997/08/04 0300 ... ... 0 0 Y ... 1 80 400 480 16 2 -48 410 1997/07/30 0445 H
1997/08/17 0200 1997/08/17 0600 1997/08/17 2000 ... ... ... ... N ... 2W 60 390 410 7 0 -28 ...  
1997/09/03 0800 1997/09/03 1300 1997/09/03 2100 ... ... ... ... Y N 3W 40 S 410 430 14 1 -98 405 1997/08/30 0130 H
1997/09/21 1651 1997/09/21 2100 1997/09/22 1600 ... ... +3 0 N ... 1 110 440 470 16 2 -36 450 1997/09/17 2028 H
1997/10/01 0059 1997/10/01 1600 1997/10/02 2300 ... ... 0 0 Y N 1 60 S 450 470 10 2 -98 580 1997/09/28 0108 H
1997/10/10 0300 1997/10/10 1100 1997/10/10 2200 ... ... ... ... Y ... 2 30 430 460 8 1 -64 ...  
1997/10/10 1612 1997/10/10 2200 1997/10/12 0000 ... ... 0 0 Y Y 1 40 S 400 450 12 2 -130 430 1997/10/06 1528
1997/10/26 1200 1997/10/27 0000 1997/10/28 0700 ... ... ... ... Y ... 2 40 500 520 7 1 -60 572 1997/10/23 1126 H
1997/11/06 2248 1997/11/07 0400 1997/11/09 1200 ... ... +11 -21 (2 MCs) Y N 2 140 S 400 460 11 2 -110 640 1997/11/04 0610 H
1997/11/22 0949 1997/11/22 1900 1997/11/23 1400 ... ... 0 -2 Y ... 1 170 S 510 520 17 2 -108 640 dg (1997/11/19 1700)
1997/11/23 1900 1997/11/24 0000 1997/11/25 0000 ... ... ... ... Y ... 2 100 530 590 5 0 -47 ...  
1997/12/10 0526 1997/12/10 1800 1997/12/12 0000 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 50 S 350 380 12 0 -60 460 1997/12/06 1027
1997/12/30 0209 1997/12/30 1000 1997/12/31 1100 ... ... ... ... Y ... 3 50 S 370 410 12 1 -77 430 1997/12/26 0231
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
1998/01/06 1416 1998/01/07 0100 1998/01/08 2200......+20 (2 MCs) Y.. 2 80 S400 410 16 2 -77 480 1998/01/02 2328 H
1998/01/09 0700 1998/01/09 0700 1998/01/10 0800............N... 20 450 500 6 1 -28 ...  
1998/01/20 0000 1998/01/20 1700 1998/01/21 0400............Y... 3W50 430 450 5 1 -29 ...  
1998/01/21 0400 1998/01/21 0600 1998/01/22 1300............N... 3W0 380 400 13 0 -11 430 1998/01/17 0409 H
1998/01/28 1600(A) 1998/01/29 2000 1998/01/31 0100............YN 230 S 380 410 7 0 -55 557 1998/01/25 1526 H
1998/02/04 0000 1998/02/04 0400 1998/02/05 2300......00Y... 150 320 390 11 2 -34 ...  
1998/02/17 0400 1998/02/17 1000 1998/02/17 2100nsns0+7Y... 2W30 400 420 12 2H -100 602 1998/02/14 0655
1998/02/18 0750(A) 1998/02/19 0100 1998/02/20 0000-3.........N... 220 S440 460 9 1 -51 ...  
1998/03/04 1156 1998/03/04 1300 1998/03/06 09000-90-3N... 1 30 S 350 380 12 2 -36 440 1998/02/28 1248
1998/03/25 1000 1998/03/25 1300 1998/03/26 1000............YY 120 400 400 10 1 -56 ...  
1998/03/30 2200 1998/03/31 11001998/04/03 0200 -60......NY 130 360 430 7 0 -35 ...  
1998/04/11 2300 1998/04/11 2300 1998/04/13 1800nsns......N... 3W20 390 390 8 0 -46 ...  
1998/05/01 2156 1998/05/02 0500 1998/05/04 0200-2-24+7-9YY 1 150 S 520 650 11 2 -85 780 1998/04/29 1658 H
1998/05/04 0215(A) 1998/05/04 1000 1998/05/07 2300-70......Y... 2 250 Wv 550 830 10 0 -2051150 1998/05/02 1406 H(p)
1998/06/02 0800 1998/06/02 1000 1998/06/02 1800......00N... 210 390 400 9 2 -1 ...  
1998/06/13 1925 1998/06/14 0400 1998/06/15 0600............YN 3 80 S 340 380 10 1 -55 ...  
1998/06/24 1000 1998/06/24 1600 1998/06/25 23000000Y... 280 450 540 12 2 -25 ... 1998/06/21 0535?
1998/06/25 1636 1998/06/26 0400 1998/06/26 190000......Y... 2 30 S 470 490 11 0 -101 ...  
1998/07/05 0315(A) 1998/07/06 0600 1998/07/09 07000.........N... 150 S 450 630 5 0 -30 dg dg
1998/07/10 2300 1998/07/11 0000 1998/07/13 1500............YY 3W20 400 430 10 0 -35 dg dg
1998/08/01 0400 1998/08/01 0400 1998/08/03 10000.........NY 330 410 450 7 1 -6 dg dg
1998/08/05 1300 1998/08/05 1300 1998/08/06 1200............YY 2W0 360 390 8 1 -138 dg dg
1998/08/07 1100 1998/08/07 2300 1998/08/09 2300............NY 20 450 500 7 0 -62 dg dg
1998/08/10 0046 1998/08/10 1100 1998/08/10 2200nsns......YN 3W 100 S 450 500 7 0 -27 dg dg
1998/08/11 2300 1998/08/12 0100 1998/08/13 1400nsns......Y... 3W20 370 420 8 1 -19 dg dg
1998/08/19 1847 1998/08/20 0600 1998/08/21 200000+40YY 1 50 S 320 340 13 2 -67 dg dg
1998/08/26 0651 1998/08/26 2200 1998/08/28 00000+18......Y... 2200 S 650 860 14 0 -1551260 dg (1998/08/24 2200)
1998/09/23 02001998/09/23 04001998/09/23 1800nsns......YN2 80 420 490 7 1 -33 dg dg
1998/09/24 2345 1998/09/25 0600 1998/09/26 1600-2+4+4-3YY 1 300 S 640 820 13 2 -2071020 dg (1998/09/23 0700)
1998/10/18 1952 1998/10/19 0400 1998/10/20 0700000-17YY 1 50 S 390 430 18 2 -112 510 1998/10/15 1004 H
1998/10/23 1230(A) 1998/10/23 1500 1998/10/24 160000......NY 350 S 520 600 7 0 -52 ...  
1998/11/07 0815 1998/11/07 2200 1998/11/09 010000......Y... 2 130 S 450 530 15 1 -81 570 1998/11/04 0754 H
1998/11/08 0451 1998/11/09 0100 1998/11/11 0100+8+170-24Y... 2 200 S450 640 12 2 -149 740 1998/11/05 2044 H
1998/11/13 0143 1998/11/13 0200 1998/11/14 1200nsns0-6YN 3 50 390 400 17 2H -131 520 1998/11/09 1818
1998/11/30 0507 1998/11/30 2100 1998/12/01 040000......Y... 2 100 S 470 480 9 0 -15 ...  
1998/12/28 1826 1998/12/29 1800 1998/12/31 020000......N... 2 30 S 400 410 8 0 -58 dg dg
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
1999/01/04 0000 1999/01/04 0400 1999/01/04 2200nsns......Y... 3W20 350 360 8 0 -29 dg dg
1999/01/13 1054 1999/01/13 1500 1999/01/13 230000......N... 2 70 S 420 430 18 0 -112 dg dg
1999/01/22 1950(A) 1999/01/23 0900 1999/01/23 1800nc0......Y... 3120 S 570 660 12 0 -52 dg dg
1999/02/13 1900 1999/02/13 1900 1999/02/14 15000-3......N... 3W20 440 470 9 0 -17 ...  
1999/02/16 1500 1999/02/16 15001999/02/17 110000......N... 3 0460 470 6 1 -7 ...  
1999/02/17 07091999/02/17 16001999/02/18 1000 00......Y...330 S 410 490 8 0 -34 ...  
1999/02/18 0246 1999/02/18 1000 1999/02/20 170000+4-29Y... 2 250 S 540 680 9 2 -123 870 dg (1999/02/16 0312)
1999/03/10 0130 1999/03/10 1700 1999/03/12 020000......YY 2 30 S 410 460 7 0 -81 ...  
1999/03/19 10001999/03/19 1100 1999/03/20 1200 0 0......Y... 3W10 340 380 5 1 -30 ...  
1999/04/16 1125 1999/04/16 1800 1999/04/17 1900-6+8+2+2Y... 1 50 S 410 460 18 2 -91 520 1999/04/13 0330 H
1999/04/20 1600 1999/04/21 0400 1999/04/22 14000+10+80Y... 1120 490 620 8 2H -29 ... 1999/04/18 0830?
1999/05/15 1600 1999/05/15 1600 1999/05/18 0000ns0......N... 30 390 400 5 0 -13 ...  
1999/06/02 2000 1999/06/02 2300 1999/06/03 2200nc0......YY 340 430 470 9 1 -6 ...  
1999/06/26 2016 1999/06/27 2200 1999/06/29 04000.........YY 3 100 S 670 860 7 0 -41 760 1999/06/24 1331 H
1999/07/02 0059 1999/07/03 0500 1999/07/06 0600-26ns............ 2 100 S 440 680 4 0 -26 ...  
1999/07/06 1509 1999/07/06 2100 1999/07/07 0200ns.........N...2 50 S 460 500 10 1 -4 620 1999/07/03 1954
1999/07/07 0600 1999/07/07 0700 1999/07/08 0400 ncnc ......Y... 3 70 450 480 4 0 -1 ...  
1999/07/26 2333(A) 1999/07/27 1700 1999/07/29 1200+26+2......Y... 330 S 390 460 6 0 -38 560 1999/07/23 2130
1999/07/30 1600 1999/07/30 2000 1999/07/31 080000......Y... 390 620 660 9 0 -52 710 1999/07/28 0530? H
1999/07/31 1837 1999/07/31 1900 1999/08/02 06000ns......N... 3 100 480 650 5 1 -39 510 1999/07/28 0906 H
1999/08/02 1100 1999/08/02 1500 1999/08/03 1500+2+6......NY 320 370 440 4 0 -16 ...  
1999/08/08 1841 1999/08/08 2000 1999/08/10 170000+250YY 2 20 S 360 410 9 2 -47 ...  
1999/08/11 2300 1999/08/12 0300 1999/08/14 0000+160......Y... 340 380 420 6 0 -13 615 1999/08/09 0326
1999/08/20 2300 1999/08/20 2300 1999/08/23 1100+31+6......Y... 20 460 570 7 1 -66 510 1999/08/17 1331
1999/09/21 1200 1999/09/21 1200 1999/09/22 1200 -3-4+9-7YN3 0360 380 9 2 -41 ...  
1999/09/22 1222 1999/09/22 1900 1999/09/24 030000......YY 1 120 S 530 600 11 0 -173 770 1999/09/20 0606 H
1999/10/21 0225 1999/10/21 0800 1999/10/22 0700+140......YN 2 30 S 480 550 20 0 -237 561 1999/10/18 0006 H
1999/11/11 1900 1999/11/12 1000 1999/11/13 1800-10nc......N... 250 450 680 5 0 -69 dg dg
1999/11/13 1200 1999/11/13 2000 1999/11/15 0000 ncnc+4-15N...3W50 S 440 480 7 2H -106 dg dg
1999/11/22 0000 1999/11/22 0000 1999/11/24 0300-8+6......Y... 340450 490 9 0 -41 dg dg
1999/12/12 1551 1999/12/12 1900 1999/12/13 1600...0......YY 2 300 S 520 700 12 0 -85 dg dg
1999/12/13 2300 1999/12/14 0400 1999/12/14 2000............Y... 220 440 480 12 0 -33 dg dg
1999/12/26 2130(A) 1999/12/27 1100 1999/12/28 0400-9+23......Y... 350 S 430 450 8 1 -8 ...  
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2000/01/22 0023(A) 2000/01/22 1700 2000/01/23 020000......Y... 230 S 380 400 16 1 -97 530 2000/01/18 1754 H
2000/02/11 0258 2000/02/11 1600 2000/02/11 200000......YN 1 60 S 420 510 7 0 -25 630 2000/02/08 0930 H
2000/02/11 2352 2000/02/12 1200 2000/02/13 0000-30+50YN 2 180 S 540 590 13 2 -133 915 2000/02/10 0230 H
2000/02/14 0731 2000/02/14 1200 2000/02/16 080000......NN 3 100 S 520 680 5 0 -67 815 2000/02/12 0431 H
2000/02/20 2139 2000/02/21 0500 2000/02/22 120000+50Y... 2 120 S 380 460 15 2 -26 560 2000/02/17 2006 H
2000/03/01 0130 2000/03/01 0300 2000/03/02 030000......Y... 120 480 530 8 0 -43 ...  
2000/03/18 2200 2000/03/19 0200 2000/03/19 1200nsns......YY 220 380 390 9 0 -3 ...  
2000/03/29 1100 2000/03/29 1900 2000/04/01 00000+15......NY 2280 420 590 7 0 -60 ...  
2000/04/06 1639 2000/04/07 0600 2000/04/08 0600-7-15......Y... 2 220 S 560 620 6 1 -288 860 2000/04/04 1632 H
2000/04/18 20002000/04/18 2000 2000/04/19 1400+80......N...3 30 460 470 10 1 -14 510 2000/04/15 1035?
2000/04/24 0400 2000/04/24 0400 2000/04/24 130000......N... 3W60 500 520 13 0 -61 ...  
2000/05/02 1045(A) 2000/05/02 2000 2000/05/05 1000ncns......Y... 3150 S 500 860 6 0 -37 530 2000/04/29 0430?
2000/05/07 0000 2000/05/07 0000 2000/05/08 0000+80......YY 3W10 400 420 8 0 -10 ...  
2000/05/13 1700 2000/05/13 1700 2000/05/14 18000ns......N... 2100 500 600 8 0 -2 603 2000/05/10 2006
2000/05/15 1900 2000/05/15 1900 2000/05/16 1400-20......N... 320 430 450 8 0 -32 ...  
2000/05/16 2300 2000/05/16 2300 2000/05/17 070000......N... 2130 550 580 9 1 -92 500 2000/05/13 1226
2000/05/22 1700 2000/05/23 0900 2000/05/23 21000nc......YY 270 570 610 8 0 -10 830 2000/05/20 1450
2000/05/23 2342(W) 2000/05/24 1200 2000/05/27 1000nc0......YN 250 S 530 690 5 1 -147 650 2000/05/21 0726
2000/06/04 1502 2000/06/04 2200 2000/06/06 2200-8+6......YY 3 130 S 470 560 9 0 -35 403 2000/05/31 0806
2000/06/08 0910 2000/06/08 1200 2000/06/10 1700+24+7......YY 2 260 S 610 770 11 0 -901007 2000/06/06 1554 H
2000/06/11 0801 2000/06/11 0900 2000/06/11 18000+6......Y... 2 40 S 510 530 11 1 -36 ...  
2000/06/12 2208 2000/06/13 1200 2000/06/14 0600ncns......NN 2 60 440 550 4 0 -37 ...  
2000/06/18 0900 2000/06/18 0900 2000/06/18 1700-3+5......NY 3W10 380 400 5 1 -12 ...  
2000/06/23 1303 2000/06/24 0000 2000/06/26 08000nc+3-12YY 1 120 S 500 590 10 2 -34 ...  
2000/06/26 0000 2000/06/26 1000 2000/06/27 00000+6......YY 260 520 560 10 0 -76 ...  
2000/07/01 0100 2000/07/01 0900 2000/07/03 1700+9+40-38NN 220 390 440 7 2 -11 ...  
2000/07/10 0638 2000/07/11 0200 2000/07/11 14000+6......YY 290 S 440 490 13 0 0 609 2000/07/07 1026 H
2000/07/11 1123(A) 2000/07/11 2200 2000/07/13 03000000YY 130 S 520 540 10 2H -26 ...  
2000/07/13 0942 2000/07/13 1300 2000/07/14 1500......0-15YN 3 200 S 610 670 7 2H -43 940 2000/07/11 1327 H
2000/07/14 1532 2000/07/14 1700 2000/07/15 140000+140YN 2 150 S 780 800 9 2 -57 ...  
2000/07/15 1437 2000/07/15 1900 2000/07/17 08000+28+2-22YN 2350 S 740 1040 20 2 -3011500 2000/07/14 1054 H
2000/07/19 1527 2000/07/20 0100 2000/07/21 08000.........YN 2 100 S 530 630 8 0 -93 ... 2000/07/17 0854?
2000/07/23 1041 2000/07/23 1500 2000/07/26 050000......NN 3 20 360 430 9 0 -68 dg dg
2000/07/26 1857 2000/07/27 0200 2000/07/28 02000-4......YY 2 50 S 360 400 6 1 -42 490 2000/07/23 0530
2000/07/28 0634 2000/07/28 1200 2000/07/30 1300+2+30+9-27Y... 2 70 S 440 480 9 2 -71 550 2000/07/25 0330 H
2000/08/10 0501 2000/08/10 1900 2000/08/11 21000nc0-13Y... 150 S 430 480 12 2H -106 530 2000/08/06 2230
2000/08/11 1845 2000/08/12 0500 2000/08/13 2200-300-17YY 1 120 S 580 670 18 2 -235 830 2000/08/09 1630 H
2000/09/02 2200 2000/09/02 2200 2000/09/03 130000......N... 140 420 450 8 0 -20 418 2000/08/29 1830?
2000/09/08 1200 2000/09/08 1200 2000/09/10 10000-18......YN 350 450 500 5 0 -48 530 2000/09/05 0554
2000/09/17 1657(A) 2000/09/17 2100 2000/09/21 00000+12+5-54YN 2250 S 600 84010 2 -201 ... 2000/09/15/16 (p)
2000/10/03 0054 2000/10/03 1000 2000/10/05 03000+3+7-13YY 1 60 S 400 460 14 2 -143 ...  
2000/10/05 0326 2000/10/05 1300 2000/10/07 11000ns......Y... 2 110 S 450 530 6 1 -182 756 2000/10/02 2026 H
2000/10/12 2228 2000/10/13 1600 2000/10/14 1700-4+3+20Y... 1 120 S 400 460 12 2 -107 590 2000/10/09 2350 H
2000/10/28 0954 2000/10/28 2100 2000/10/29 2200-9+1200YY 1 50 S 380 420 14 2 -127 565 2000/10/25 0826 H
2000/11/06 0948 2000/11/06 1700 2000/11/08 030000+5-9Y... 2 110 S 510 610 20 2 -159 660 2000/11/3 1826 H
2000/11/08 12002000/11/08 13002000/11/09 1500 00......Y...250 440 500 7 1 -36 ...  
2000/11/11 0400(A) 2000/11/11 0800 2000/11/12 00000-14......NY 2110 S 790 910 7 0 -371200 (2000/11/09 1615)
2000/11/26 1158 2000/11/27 0800 2000/11/28 03000+8......Y... 2150 S 560 630 10 0 -80 ... 2000/11/24 (p)
2000/11/28 0530 2000/11/28 1100 2000/11/29 2200+110......YN 2 50 S 540 580 9 1 -119 720 2000/11/25/26 (p)
2000/12/21 1200 2000/12/22 0300 2000/12/22 2000 0+4......Y...3W 40 290 330 4 0 -1 ...  
2000/12/22 1925 2000/12/23 00002000/12/23 1200 ns ns ......Y... 3 50 320 330 12 0 -62 3802000/12/18 1150 H
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2001/01/23 1048 2001/01/24 0900 2001/01/26 07000ns......Y... 2 140 S 400 550 4 1 -61 680 2001/01/20 2130 H (p)
2001/03/03 1121 2001/03/04 0400 2001/03/05 0200+120+120N... 2 50 S 440 520 8 2H -73 610 2001/02/28 1450
2001/03/19 1114 2001/03/19 1700 2001/03/22 00000+12+6+15 (2 MCs) YY 1 100 S360 490 15 2 -149 520 2001/03/16 0350
2001/03/27 0110(A) 2001/03/27 2000 2001/03/28 1700000-12Y... 2 80 S 610 650 12 2H -87 ...  
2001/03/27 17472001/03/28 1700 2001/03/30 1800+110......YY 3200 S 480 560 30 -51 8502001/03/25 1706 H
2001/03/31 0052 2001/03/31 0500 2001/03/31 22000nc......YN 3200 S 640 710 33 1 -387 690 2001/03/28 1250 H
2001/03/31 2200 2001/04/01 0400 2001/04/03 1500nc0......YY 2200 600 820 5 1... 700 2001/03/29 1026 H
2001/04/04 1455 2001/04/04 1800 2001/04/05 12000+60-4YN 2 90 S 650 780 9 2 -501020 2001/04/02 2206
2001/04/08 1101 2001/04/08 1400 2001/04/09 040000......Y... 3 100 S 740 780 13 0 -591050 2001/04/06 1930 H
2001/04/11 1343 2001/04/11 2200 2001/04/13 070000+10-13YY 2 230 S 640 740 14 2 -2711290 2001/04/10 0530 H
2001/04/13 0734 2001/04/13 0900 2001/04/14 12000-6......YY 1 200 S 730 830 9 0 -77 990 2001/04/11 1331 H
2001/04/15 1700 2001/04/15 1700 2001/04/16 0100nsns......SEPN 2W 0 500 510 4 0 -36 ...  
2001/04/18 0046 2001/04/18 1200 2001/04/20 1100nsns......Y... 2 140 S 430 520 8 0 -114...  
2001/04/21 1601 2001/04/21 2300 2001/04/23 0300nsns0-2NN 1 50 S 350 390 11 2 -102 ... 
2001/04/28 0501 2001/04/28 1400 2001/05/01 02000+32+12-37NY 2 400 S 550 730 8 2 -471040 2001/04/26 1230 H
2001/05/03 11002001/05/03 1100 2001/05/04 1000 00......Y...2W 0 380 390 8 0 -2 ...  
2001/05/07 0800 2001/05/07 1900 2001/05/08 07000+12......YY 230 360 410 8 1 -25 ...  
2001/05/08 1101 2001/05/09 1200 2001/05/10 22000nc......NN 250 S 430 560 8 1 -76 ... 
2001/05/11 1300 2001/05/11 1300 2001/05/12 0000............NN 2W0 430 430 8 0 -48 ...  
2001/05/27 1459 2001/05/28 0300 2001/05/31 1400+80+9-52NN 2 100 S 420 590 7 2 -42 ...  
2001/06/07 0852(A) 2001/06/07 1800 2001/06/08 0700nsns......NN 150 S 390 430 9 1 -8 ... 
2001/06/27 0300 2001/06/27 0300 2001/06/28 17000ns......N... 120 420 490 3 1 -18 ... 
2001/07/08 1200 2001/07/09 0200 2001/07/11 04000-12+39+29Y... 230 400 460 5 2 -38 520 2001/07/05 0354
2001/07/13 1700 2001/07/13 1700 2001/07/14 010000......N... 220400 420 8 1 -4 ...  
2001/08/03 0716 2001/08/03 1100 2001/08/03 14000+20......Y... 3 60 S 420 440 10 0 -13 ... 
2001/08/15 0500 2001/08/15 0500 2001/08/16 1400nsns......N... 3W0 390 450 5 0 -16 ...  
2001/08/17 1103 2001/08/17 2000 2001/08/19 160000......Y... 2 150 S 500 600 11 0 -105 620 2001/08/14 1601 H
2001/08/30 1411 2001/08/30 1700 2001/08/31 100000......Y... 3W 50 S 420 500 6 1 -40 ...  
2001/09/01 1300 2001/09/01 1300 2001/09/02 220000......N... 2 0 360 410 5 1 -17 ...  
2001/09/13 0231(W) 2001/09/13 1800 2001/09/14 220004......Y... 230 S 410 440 10 1 -57 ...  
2001/09/23 2000 2001/09/24 0000 2001/09/24 2200+8-4......N... 3W30 440 530 7 1 -73 570 2001/09/20 1931
2001/09/25 00002001/09/25 06002001/09/25 2000 00......SEP...2 30 380 400 5 0 -24 ...  
2001/09/29 0940 2001/09/29 1100 2001/10/01 0000+100......Y... 2 180 S 560 700 12 1 -66 790 2001/09/27 0454?
2001/09/30 1924 2001/10/01 0800 2001/10/02 0000nsns......Y... 2 80 S 490 550 9 0 -148 710 2001/09/28 0854 H
2001/10/01 2115(S) 2001/10/02 0400 2001/10/02 120000......Y... 240 490 520 8 0 -104 715 2001/09/29 1154
2001/10/02 1200 2001/10/02 1400 2001/10/03 16000+8+110Y... 230 500 530 12 2H -166 ...  
2001/10/04 14002001/10/04 1400 2001/10/05 1900ncnc......N...3 0 420 470 3 0 ... ...  
2001/10/11 1701 2001/10/12 0400 2001/10/12 0900-70......Y... 2 180 S 560 570 22 1-71 780 2001/10/09 1130 H
2001/10/21 1648 2001/10/21 2000 2001/10/25 100000......Y... 1 250 S 460 680 9 0 -187 870 2001/10/19 1650 H
2001/10/26 2200 2001/10/27 0300 2001/10/28 12000nc......Y... 320 420 500 10 0 -27 417 2001/10/22 1826
2001/10/28 0319 2001/10/29 2200 2001/10/31 1300-6+7......N... 2 150 S 360 510 5 0 -157 694 2001/10/25 1526
2001/10/31 1348 2001/10/31 2000 2001/11/02 1200nsns0-2Y... 2 60 S 330 390 11 2 -106 ... 
2001/11/05 10002001/11/05 1900 2001/11/06 0600 00......SEP...230420 430 18 1 -73 ...  
2001/11/06 0152 2001/11/06 1200 2001/11/09 03000-39......Y... 2300 S 600 750 7 1 -2921250 2001/11/04 1635 H
2001/11/19 1815 2001/11/19 2200 2001/11/21 130000......Y... 3W 130 S 430 570 6 1 -47 680 2001/11/17 0530 H
2001/11/24 0656 2001/11/24 1400 2001/11/25 20000-60-6Y... 2 550 S 720 1040 14 2 -2211320 2001/11/22 2330 H
2001/12/28 0000 2001/12/28 0000 2001/12/29 1200+5-6......Y... 210 360 370 8 0 -10 ...
2001/12/29 0538 2001/12/30 0000 2001/12/30 1800-14-6......N... 3 90 S 400 460 16 1 -58 580 2001/12/26 0530?
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2002/02/28 0451 2002/02/28 1700 2002/03/02 00000+160-14YN 280 S 390 410 11 2H -71 ...  
2002/03/18 1322 2002/03/19 0500 2002/03/20 160000+180YN 2160 S 380 470 15 2 -37 667 2002/03/15 2306
2002/03/20 1328 2002/03/21 1400 2002/03/22 06000-8......Y... 3210 S 440 580 8 0 -13 ... 
2002/03/23 1137 2002/03/24 1200 2002/03/25 20000+40+2Y... 270 S 450 500 15 2 -100 625 2002/03/20 1706?
2002/04/12 0100 2002/04/12 0100 2002/04/13 130000......NN 3W0420 450 8 1 -32 ...  
2002/04/17 1107 2002/04/17 1600 2002/04/19 150000+11-13Y... 1150 S 480 610 14 2 -127 750 2002/04/15 0350 H
2002/04/19 0835 2002/04/20 0000 2002/04/21 18000-6+120Y... 1200 S 500 640 8 2 -149 863 2002/04/17 0826 H
2002/05/11 1014 2002/05/11 1500 2002/05/12 0000 00......N...290 S 430 440 15 1 -110 610 2002/05/08 1350 H
2002/05/20 0340 2002/05/20 1000 2002/05/21 2200-7-8......YY 370 S 420 510 7 1 -36 420 2002/05/16 0050 H
2002/05/23 1050 2002/05/23 2000 2002/05/25 1800......+3-25Y... 2400 S 590 920 11 2 -1091323 2002/05/22 0326 H
2002/07/17 1603 2002/07/18 1200 2002/07/19 09000nc......YN 3100 S 460 520 6 1 -17 955 2002/07/15 2030 H
2002/07/19 1450(A) 2002/07/20 0200 2002/07/22 060000......Y... 2650 S 650 930 7 0 -36 ...  
2002/07/31 1100 2002/07/31 2200 2002/08/01 09000nc......Y...3 40410 460 10 0 -21 ...  
2002/08/01 0510 2002/08/01 0900 2002/08/01 2300+2+5+30N... 270 S 450 460 12 2 -51 ...  
2002/08/01 2309 2002/08/02 0600 2002/08/04 020000+3-29Y... 260 S 460 520 10 2 -102 500 2002/07/29 1207
2002/08/18 1846 2002/08/19 1200 2002/08/21 1400-7+38......Y... 2160 S460 580 8 1 -106 766 2002/08/16 1230 H
2002/08/29 2100 2002/08/29 2100 2002/08/30 0600+6nc......N... 2W0400 420 8 1 -42 ...  
2002/09/07 1200 2002/09/07 1200 2002/09/08 040000......YN2 0 380 400 8 1 -41 ...  
2002/09/07 1636 2002/09/08 0400 2002/09/08 2000nc0......Y... 2170 S 470 550 11 0 -181 880 2002/09/05 1654 H
2002/09/08 2000 2002/09/08 2200 2002/09/10 2100+18+15......N... 250440 520 9 1 -82 ...  
2002/09/19 0600 2002/09/19 2000 2002/09/20 21000ns......YY 280520 750 5 0 -40 910 2002/09/17 0806
2002/09/30 0815 2002/09/30 2000 2002/10/01 1500 0+12+2-2Y... 270 S 390 41023 2 -176 ...  
2002/10/02 2210(A) 2002/10/03 0100 2002/10/04 18000+6......N... 280 S 430 520 11 1 -146 ...  
2002/11/16 2305(A) 2002/11/17 1000 2002/11/19 12000nc......Y... 220 S380 500 10 1 -52 ...  
2002/12/17 1800 2002/12/17 1800 2002/12/19 1200 00......YN 20380 43014 0 -30...  
2002/12/20 1700 2002/12/21 0300 2002/12/22 1900 00......NY 230440 54011 0 -75...  
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2003/01/26 0000 2003/01/27 0100 2003/01/28 1400 -4+70-23Y... 2 60500 720 9 2H -20 ... 
2003/02/01 1305(A) 2003/02/01 1900 2003/02/03 0700 ...0......Y... 2 340 S510 760 11 0 -72 820 2003/01/30 1006
2003/02/17 2150(A) 2003/02/18 0400 2003/02/19 1600 00......Y... 1 70 S600 700 8 0 -17 ... 
2003/03/20 0440 2003/03/20 1200 2003/03/20 2200 0000Y... 1 100 S 650 810 11 2 -64 ...  
2003/05/09 0455(A) 2003/05/09 0700 2003/05/11 0000 0+12......N... 2 100 S 680 900 8 1 -84 ... 
2003/05/29 1224 2003/05/29 1300 2003/05/29 1800 0nc......Y... 3 70 S 650 680 10 1 -49 ... 
2003/05/29 1825(A) 2003/05/30 0200 2003/05/30 1600 nc0......Y... 3 120 S 600 760 20 1 -144 999 2003/05/28 0050 H
2003/05/30 1600(A) 2003/05/30 2200 2003/06/01 0100 -3-19......Y... 3 220 S 680 780 7 0 -63 1078 2003/05/29 0127 H
2003/06/15 1500 2003/06/15 2000 2003/06/16 2100 +60......Y... 3 80 510 590 10 1 -68 dg dg
2003/06/16 1800 2003/06/17 1000 2003/06/18 0800 00+80N... 3 80 480 540 10 2 -141 650 2003/06/14 0154
2003/07/23 1400 2003/07/23 1400 2003/07/24 1600 00......N... 2 90 430 500 6 1 -26 ... 
2003/08/04 1700 2003/08/04 2200 2003/08/06 0200 +50......Y... 2 0 440 500 9 1 -60 ...  
2003/08/15 1200 2003/08/16 0200 2003/08/17 1600 -90......N... 2 70 490 620 7 1 -11 ... 
2003/08/17 1421 2003/08/18 0100 2003/08/19 1500 0+18+10-10Y... 1 80 S 450 530 18 2 -148 630 2003/08/14 2006 H?
2003/10/21 2200 2003/10/22 0200 2003/10/24 1500 0nc......Y... 2 100 520 740 9 1 -61...  
2003/10/24 1524 2003/10/24 2100 2003/10/25 1200 ncnc......YY 2 140 S 560 600 21 1 -367602003/10/22 0830
2003/10/25 1100 2003/10/25 1400 2003/10/26 0400 nc.........Y... 3 40 490 610 13 0 -49 ... (p)
2003/10/26 1908 2003/10/26 2200 2003/10/28 0000 00......Y... 2 90 S 470 540 10 1 -52...  
2003/10/28 0206 2003/10/28 0230 2003/10/28 0900 nsns......YN 1 130 S 610 620 19 0 -3213312003/10/26 1754
2003/10/29 0611 2003/10/29 1100 2003/10/30 0300 0nc00YY 2 900 S 1300 190032 2H -35321852003/10/28 1130 H
2003/10/30 1619(A) 2003/10/31 0200 2003/11/02 0000 0+24......Y... 2 750 S 800 1700 9 1 -38321382003/10/29 2054 H
2003/11/20 0803 2003/11/20 1000 2003/11/21 0800 0+80-6YN 2 240 S 580 700 28 2 -422 8862003/11/18 0850 H
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2004/01/09 1500 2004/01/10 0600 2004/01/11 0500 -120......NN 2 60 560 620 10 1 -45 ...  
2004/01/22 0137 2004/01/22 0800 2004/01/23 1700 0-5......YY 2 200 S 560 680 12 0 -130 850 2004/01/20 0006 H
2004/01/23 1425(A) 2004/01/23 2300 2004/01/25 0400 0+2......YY 2 60 S 490 550 10 1 -81 720 2004/01/21 0454 H
2004/02/17 1800 2004/02/17 1800 2004/02/18 1600 ...0......NN 2 0 440 460 8 0 -24 ...  
2004/04/03 0900(A) 2004/04/03 1400 2004/04/05 1800 00+12-3YN 1 40 S 440 520 15 2 -117560 dg (2004/03/31 1036)
2004/04/26 1604 2004/04/26 1700 2004/04/27 2000 ............N... 2 50 460 500 6 1 0 dg dg
2004/04/30 1300 2004/05/01 0000 2004/05/01 1200 nsns......N...240 430 450 9 0 -34dg dg
2004/05/01 1200 2004/05/01 1500 2004/05/02 2100 00 ......Y... 2 30 400 430 9 1 -13 dg dg
2004/07/22 1036 2004/07/22 1800 2004/07/24 0800 0...-3-35Y... 2 90 S 560 670 11 2 -99 920 2004/07/20 1331 H
2004/07/24 0613 2004/07/24 1400 2004/07/25 1500 ... nc00YN 2 90 S 560 610 20 2 -136890 2004/07/22 0731
2004/07/25 1500 2004/07/25 2000 2004/07/26 2200 nc ... ......YY 2 110 640 6806 1 ... 890 2004/07/23 1606 H
2004/07/26 2249 2004/07/27 0200 2004/07/27 2200 0+100-10Y... 1 300 S 870 1000 16 2 -1701302 2004/07/25 1454 H
2004/08/01 0100 2004/08/01 0900 2004/08/02 0400 00......N... 3 40440 5206 1 -33 ...  
2004/08/29 0909(W) 2004/08/29 1900 2004/08/30 2200 ns+1000N... 1 40 S 390 440 12 2 -129 ...  
2004/09/13 2003 2004/09/14 1500 2004/09/16 1200 -60......Y... 3W 110 S 550 600 6 1 -38 960 2004/09/12 0036 H
2004/09/17 2100 2004/09/18 1200 2004/09/20 0000 00......NY 3 20 400 500 6 1 -33 500 2004/09/14 1010 H
2004/11/07 1827 2004/11/07 2200 2004/11/09 1000 0nc+4-17YY 1 140 S 630 720 18 2 -374 720 2004/11/04 2330
2004/11/09 1825(W) 2004/11/09 2000 2004/11/11 2300 000-36 (2 MCs) SEP... 1 170 S 640 810 14 2 -263 830 2004/11/07 1654 H
2004/11/11 1710 2004/11/12 0800 2004/11/13 2300 00......Y... 2 60 520 670 7 1 -921080 2004/11/10 0226 H
2004/12/11 1340 2004/12/12 2200 2004/12/13 1900 00......Y... 2 60400 580 13 1 -56 640 2004/12/8 2026 H
2004/12/27 0500 2004/12/27 1600 2004/12/29 0200 +240......YN3 80440 560 7 1 -47 dg dg
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2005/01/07 0922 2005/01/07 1500 2005/01/08 1200 00......NN 2 60 520 570 17 1 -93550 (2005/01/04 0616 )
2005/01/08 1700 2005/01/08 2100 2005/01/09 1800 0-10......NY 2 40460 520 9 1 ... 570 2005/01/05 1530 H
2005/01/16 1100 2005/01/16 1400 2005/01/17 0700 00......YN 3 80 520 580 8 1 -65 640 2005/01/13 1754 H
2005/01/18 2100 2005/01/18 2300 2005/01/20 0300 -2+10......YY 1 ... 800 960 12 0 -80 1170 2005/01/17 0930 H
2005/01/21 1711 2005/01/21 1900 2005/01/22 1700 0-5......YN 2 340 S 810 960 19 0 -97 1210 2005/01/20 0654 H
2005/01/31 0900 2005/01/31 1400 2005/02/02 0900 nsns......NN 2 120 560 660 8 0 -28 ...  
2005/02/17 2200(S) 2005/02/18 1400 2005/02/19 0600 00......Y... 1 50 530 580 6 0 -80 ...  
2005/02/20 1200 2005/02/20 1200 2005/02/22 0700 nsns......N... 3 0 410 440 5 1 -43 500 2005/02/17 0006 H
2005/02/22 1000 2005/02/22 1400 2005/02/23 1900 ns0......NN 3 30 380 400 9 0 -2 ...  
2005/05/15 0238 2005/05/15 0600 2005/05/19 0000 000-74YN 2 400 S 630 950 15 2 -24712702005/05/13 1712 H
2005/05/20 0300 2005/05/20 0300 2005/05/22 0200 0+20+4-21N... 2 30 430 480 10 2 -83 4882005/05/16 1350
2005/05/28 0436 2005/05/29 0300 2005/05/29 1500 +3nc......N... 2 60 S 400 490 11 1 -33 ...  
2005/05/29 0952 2005/05/30 0100 2005/05/30 2300 ncnc......N... 2 130 S 460 540 15 1 -113630 2005/05/26 1506 H
2005/05/30 2300 2005/05/31 0400 2005/06/01 0300 nc0......N... 3 30 460 490 4 0 ... 430 2005/05/26 2126
2005/06/12 0745 2005/06/12 1500 2005/06/13 1300 000-6N... 2 80 480 510 14 2 -106 650 2005/06/09 1436
2005/06/14 1835 2005/06/15 0500 2005/06/16 0900 nc000YN 2 100 S 480 560 9 2 -34 ...  
2005/06/16 0847 2005/06/16 17002005/06/17 190000......YY3 230 S 600 680 7 1 -40...  
2005/07/10 0337 2005/07/10 1000 2005/07/12 0400 0+28......Y... 2 80 S 430 480 12 1 -92 720 2005/07/07 1706
2005/07/17 0134 2005/07/17 1400 2005/07/18 2300 nsns0-19N... 2 50 S 420 500 8 2 -67 ...  
2005/08/09 0000 2005/08/09 0000 2005/08/09 1900 00......Y... 2 40 480 520 6 1 -23 477 2005/08/05 0854
2005/08/10 0600 2005/08/10 0600 2005/08/10 1100 00......N... 2 20 440 460 8 1 -47 ...  
2005/08/23 20002005/08/24 0000 2005/08/24 110000...... NN330440460201-2... 
2005/08/24 06132005/08/24 1400 2005/08/24 230000...... YN3100 S660710201-2167902005/08/22 0131H
2005/09/02 1419 2005/09/02 1800 2005/09/03 0400 0nc......YY 2 110 S 650 680 10 1 -60 840 2005/08/31 1130
2005/09/11 0114 2005/09/11 0500 2005/09/12 0700 0nc......Y...2 300 S 900 1100 10 0 -139 1423 2005/09/09 1948
2005/09/12 0605(A) 2005/09/12 2000 2005/09/13 1300 -60......Y...2 230 S 750 980 7 0 -88 ...  
2005/09/13 0900 2005/09/13 1600 2005/09/14 0800 0 ns......Y... 360 630 740 5 0 -86 ...  
2005/09/15 0600 2005/09/15 0600 2005/09/16 1800 0 0 ......Y... 30 680 860 7 1 -80 ...  
2005/09/20 1800 2005/09/20 1800 2005/09/21 1800 ...ns......NN2W 0 350 390 6 0 -33 ...  
2005/10/31 0200 2005/10/31 0200 2005/10/31 1900 nsns00 N...2 20 360 400 11 2 -74 ...  
2005/12/31 0000 2005/12/31 0400 2006/01/01 1700 0+4+9-6Y...2 30 480 580 8 2 -30...  
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2006/02/05 2000 2006/02/05 2000 2006/02/06 1200 ns+300N... 2 30 340 360 10 2 -22 ...  
2006/04/13 1141(S) 2006/04/13 1500 2006/04/14 0700 000+2 (2 MCs) Y...2 120520 55018 2-98 540 2006/04/10 0606?
2006/04/14 1300 2006/04/14 1300 2006/04/14 2100 00......N... 220 5005409 0 ...    
2006/07/09 2136 2006/07/10 2100 2006/07/11 1900 00......N...1 100 S 380 430 8 0 -27 488 2006/07/06 0854 H
2006/08/19 1131 2006/08/20 1300 2006/08/21 1600 -7+14......N...2 90 S 400 470 8 0 -79620 2006/08/16 1630 H
2006/08/30 20002006/08/30 2000 2006/09/01 0700 ...ns0-16Y...3 0 400 440 8 2 -35 440 2006/08/26 2057
2006/09/30 0300 2006/09/30 0800 2006/09/30 2000 nsns00N...3 90 400 440 15 2 -21 ...  
2006/11/01 1700 2006/11/01 1700 2006/11/02 1400 nsns......Y...3W 0 380 410 5 0 -28 ...  
2006/11/18 1000 2006/11/18 1000 2006/11/20 0200 ............N...3W 30 400 430 9 0 -20 ...  
2006/11/28 1300 2006/11/29 0500 2006/11/30 1000 00......N...3 20 420 500 12 2 -66 ...  
2006/12/14 1414 2006/12/14 2200 2006/12/15 1300 0+70+7Y...1 320 S 740 900 13 2 -162 1180 2006/12/13 0254 H
2006/12/15 2000 2006/12/15 2000 2006/12/16 1900 0.........N...2 90 620 650 3 0 ... ...  
2006/12/16 1755 2006/12/17 0000 2006/12/17 1700 ...+24......N...3 70 S 580 680 4 0 -56 980 2006/12/14 2230 H
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2007/01/14 1248 2007/01/14 1200 2007/01/15 0700 nsns......N...1 60 360 380 12 2 -18 ...  
2007/11/19 1811 2007/11/19 2300 2007/11/20 1200 -4 0 00Y ...1 30 460 480 18 2 -59 437 2007/11/15 1806 H?
2008/09/17 0000 2008/09/17 0400 2008/09/18 0800 00......Y...2 10 400 490 6 1 -20 ...  
2008/12/04 0400 2008/12/04 1200 2008/12/05 1100 ............N...3 40 390 510 7 1 -26 ...  
2008/12/16 1159 2008/12/17 0300 2008/12/17 1400 nsns......N...3 30 350 380 9 2 -15 350 2008/12/12 0854
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2009/01/18 2100 2009/01/19 0200 2009/01/19 0500 0 0......N...2 40 430 450 12 1 -6 ...  
2009/01/25 2224 2009/01/26 1000 2009/01/26 1500 ............Y?...3W 50 340 380 10 1 -29 ...  
2009/02/03 2000 2009/02/04 0000 2009/02/04 1600 0 +5............2 40 360 380 10 2 -42 ...  
2009/06/03 1600 2009/06/04 0200 2009/06/05 1600 nsns......Y...3W 20 310 330 51 -21 ...  
2009/06/27 1400 2009/06/27 1600 2009/06/28 1600 nsns......Y... 2 30 390 420 7 1 -5 320 2009/06/22 0415 W
2009/07/20 1400 2009/07/21 0100 2009/07/22 0400 ns ns......Y... 2 20 330 350 8 1 -83 300 2009/07/15 0430 W
2009/09/30 0100 2009/09/30 0600 2009/10/01 0000 nsns......Y...350 340360 7 1 -7 380 2009/09/25 1200 W
2009/10/29 0500 2009/10/29 0500 2009/10/29 2300 nsns......Y...320 370 390 11 2 0 ...  
2009/11/13 2000 2009/11/14 1000 2009/11/15 0000 nsns......Y...220 310 330 7 1 -17 ...  
2009/12/12 0651 2009/12/12 2000 2009/12/13 2200 nsns......Y...230 270 300 6 1 -2 280 2009 12/06 0230 W
2009/12/19 1000 2009/12/19 1300 2009/12/20 1700 nsns......Y...3W20 380 430 4 0 -2 536 2009/12/16 0430 H
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2010/01/01 2200 2010/01/01 2200 2010/01/03 1000 ...ns......Y... 1 10 290 310 7 1 -4 ...  
2010/02/07 1700 2010/02/07 1800 2010/02/08 2200 ...ns......Y... 1 20 370 410 9 2 -22 ...  
2010/02/11 0000 2010/02/11 0800 2010/02/12 0300 nsns......N... 3 70 360 380 7 0 -7 450 2010/02/07 0354 H
2010/02/19 1500 2010/02/19 1500 2010/02/20 1800...ns......N... 2 0 440 500 6 0 -11 ...  
2010/02/21 0000 2010/02/21 0000 2010/02/22 0000 nsns......N... 2 0 370 380 7 0 -6 ...  
2010/02/22 1300 2010/02/22 1300 2010/02/22 2200 nsns......N... 2 10 360 370 7 1 -16 ...  
2010/04/05 0826 2010/04/05 1200 2010/04/06 1400 00......Y... 1 200 640 790 9 2 -81 910 2010/04/03 1033 HDW
2010/04/09 1800 2010/04/09 1800 2010/04/10 1600 nsns......N... 3W 30 430 470 4 1 -31 ...  
2010/04/11 1304 2010/04/12 0100 2010/04/12 1500 0+3......N... 1 60 410 460 11 2 -67 520 2010/04/08 0454
2010/04/30 0600 2010/04/30 0600 2010/05/01 1200 ............N... 3 20 380 400 4 0 -13 ...  
2010/05/28 0258 2010/05/28 1900 2010/05/29 1700 00......Y... 2 60 360 390 14 2 -80 500 2010/05/24 1406
2010/06/20 2000 2010/06/21 0600 2010/06/22 1400 nsns......Y... 2 20 360 410 6 1 -11 380 2010 06/16 0635 W
2010/08/03 1741 2010/08/04 1000 2010/08/05 0000 00......Y... 2 140 530 590 9 2 -74 740 2010 08/01 0845 DW
2010/10/30 1015 2010/10/31 0500 2010/11/01 2100 nsns......Y... 3 30 340 380 9 1 -11 400 2010 10/26 0200 W
2010/12/28 0300 2010/12/28 0300 2010/12/28 1500 nsns......N... 2 0 350 360 10 2 -43 ... ...
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2011/01/24 0700 2011/01/24 1000 2011/01/25 1200 ............N... 2 30 350 400 7 1 -14 ... ...
2011/02/04 1300 2011/02/04 1300 2011/02/04 2000 00......Y... 2 20 430 470 15 2 -63 ... ...
2011/02/18 0130 2011/02/18 1900 2011/02/20 0800 -15+36......Y... 2 130 470 600 10 1 -32 590 2011/02/15 0236 HDW
2011/03/06 0331 2011/03/06 0900 2011/03/08 0600 nsns......Y... 3 50 430 530 6 0 -27 600 2011/03/03 0548
2011/03/29 1602 2011/03/29 2300 2011/03/31 0400 nsns......Y... 2 50 360 390 12 2 -4 360 2011 03/24, 1900 W
2011/05/28 0100 2011/05/28 0500 2011/05/28 2100 ............N... 1 60 510 540 11 2 -80 450 2011 05/25, 0420 W
2011/06/04 2045 2011/06/05 0200 2011/06/05 1900 0 0......Y... 1 120 510 560 12 2 -45 680 2011 06/02 0745 DW
2011/06/17 0241 2011/06/17 0500 2011/06/17 1300 00......Y... 2 80 500 550 9 1 -5 610 2011 06/14, 0610 DW
2011/07/06 0258 2011/07/06 1700 2011/07/07 1200 ............Y... 2 30 360 410 5 1 -28 ... ...
2011/07/14 1200 2011/07/15 0400 2011/07/16 1500 ............Y... 2 40 410 530 4 0 -17 ... ...
2011/08/04 2153 2011/08/05 0500 2011/08/05 1400 ............N... 3 70 430 440 5 1 -15 670 2011/08/02 0636 HD
2011/08/05 1751 2011/08/06 2200 2011/08/07 2200 ............Y... 1 180 540 610 4 1 -115 1100 2011/08/04 0412 HD
2011/09/08 1000 2011/09/08 1000 2011/09/09 1200 ............N... 2 0 320 340 2 1 -7 ...  
2011/09/09 1242 2011/09/10 0300 2011/09/10 1500 ............Y... 2 150 470 530 14 2 -75 680 2011/09/06 2305 D
2011/09/16 1900 2011/09/16 1900 2011/09/17 0500 ............N... 2 10 390420 4 0 -16 ...  
2011/09/17 0343 2011/09/17 1400 2011/09/18 0600 ............N... 2 70 430 590 11 2 -72 540 2011/09/13 2210 DW
2011/09/18 1000 2011/09/18 1200 2011/09/18 2100 ............N... 1 40 440 480 5 1 -30 ...  
2011/09/22 0300 2011/09/22 1500 2011/09/23 0300 ............N... 3 20 390 420 5 1 -29 600 2011/09/19 0600 D
2011/09/26 1234 2011/09/26 2000 2011/09/28 1500 ............Y... 2 130 580 700 7 0 -118 870 2011/09/24 1248 D
2011/10/05 0736 2011/10/05 1000 2011/10/05 2200 ............Y... 2 90 450 460 12 1 -43 530 2011/10/02 0100 DW
2011/10/06 1200 2011/10/06 1200 2011/10/06 2300 ............N... 1 10 370 380 11 2 -22 ...  
2011/10/07 0247 2011/10/07 0200 2011/10/07 1700 ............Y... 3 0 380 390 4 0 -33 ...  
2011/10/22 2100 2011/10/22 2100 2011/10/23 1600 ............N... 3 0 290 310 6 1 -7 ...  
2011/10/24 1831 2011/10/24 2200 2011/10/25 1600 ......00Y... 2 150 460 510 21 2 -147 630 2011/10/22 0005 W
2011/10/30 1001 2011/10/31 0100 2011/10/31 1500 ............N... 3 30 410 420 6 0 -29 430 2011/10/26 1000 D
2011/11/01 0907 2011/11/02 0100 2011/11/03 0400 ............Y... 3 70 380 430 6 1 -66 350 2011/10/27 1200 H
2011/11/07 1500 2011/11/07 1700 2011/11/07 2300 ......00N... 2 20 330 350 10 2 -5 ...  
2011/11/12 0559 2011/11/13 1000 2011/11/15 0200 ............Y... 3 80 370 460 5 1 -13 650 2011/11/09 1330 D
2011/11/28 2150 2011/11/29 0000 2011/11/29 0800 ......00Y... 3 100 450 510 15 2 -25 670 2011/11/26 0700 HD
2011/12/02 1717 2011/12/02 1800 2011/12/03 0700 ............N... 3 0 400 420 7 1 -14 ...  
2011/12/25 0200 2011/12/25 0200 2011/12/25 1700 ............Y... 2 0 360 370 4 1 -7 ...  
2011/12/29 2200 2011/12/29 2200 2011/12/30 0900 ............Y... 3 0 400 420 7 1 -16 ... 2011/12/26?
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2012/01/21 0501 2012/01/21 0600 2012/01/22 0800 ............N... 2 30 320 330 10 2 -10 650 2012/01/18 1224
2012/01/22 0611 2012/01/22 2300 2012/01/23 0700 ............Y... 3 50 450 460 9 2 -71 670 2012/01/19 1436 HD
2012/02/14 0700 2012/02/14 2100 2012/02/16 0600 ............N... 3 40 370 400 9 1 -67 ...  
2012/02/16 0700 2012/02/16 1400 2012/02/18 0000 ............Y... 3 20 320 380 5 1 -22 ...  
2012/02/26 2139 2012/02/27 1900 2012/02/28 1600 ............Y... 3 80 440 490 13 2 -57 620 2012 02/24 0225 WD
2012/02/29 0500 2012/02/29 0500 2012/03/01 0000 ............Y... 3 20 440 450 7 1 -22 ...  
2012/03/02 2100 2012/03/02 2100 2012/03/04 0200 ............N... 3 0 390 420 6 1 -50 ...  
2012/03/06 0800 2012/03/06 0800 2012/03/06 1500 ............Y... 3W 0 370 380 11 1 -23 680-920 2012/03/03 1836, 2012/03/04 0500, 1100H D
2012/03/08 1103 2012/03/09 0300 2012/03/11 0700 ............Y... 2 270 550 8907 1 -145 1220 2012/03/07 0024 HD
2012/03/15 1306 2012/03/15 1700 2012/03/16 1000 ............ N... 3 170 680 760 9 1 -88 960 2012/03/13 1736 HD
2012/04/23 0320 2012/04/23 1700 2012/04/24 0500 .................. 1 60 370 390 13 2 -120 ...  
2012/04/25 1700 2012/04/26 0000 2012/04/27 1800 ............Y... 3 70 540 710 5 0 -57...  
2012/05/16 1600 2012/05/16 1600 2012/05/17 2200 ............Y... 2 0 370 390 10 2 -39370 2012/05/12 0000 H
2012/06/08 0700 2012/06/08 1000 2012/06/10 1400 .................. 2 30 480600 5 0 -12 ...  
2012/06/16 2019 2012/06/16 2300 2012/06/17 1200 ............Y... 1 80 440 510 28 2 -86770 2012/06/14 1412 HWD
2012/07/04 1900 2012/07/05 0000 2012/07/06 0800 ............Y... 3 50 470 540 8 1 -19730 2012/07/02 0836 H
2012/07/08 0800 2012/07/09 0000 2012/07/09 1400 ............Y... 2 20 410 450 12 2 -78480 2012/07/04 1724 HD
2012/07/14 1809 2012/07/15 0600 2012/07/17 0500 .................. 1 220 490 670 16 2 -139 8502012/07/12 1648 HD
2012/07/21 1612 2012/07/22 1100 2012/07/23 1600 ............N... 3 50 460520 5 0 -28 ...  
2012/09/01 0600 2012/09/01 0700 2012/09/03 1500 .................. 2 20 310330 8 1 -69 ...  
2012/09/03 1213 2012/09/04 1100 2012/09/05 0200 .................. 2 120 430440 9 0 -61 650 2012/08/31 2000 HD
2012/09/04 2245 2012/09/05 0600 2012/09/05 1800 ............N... 2 40 500540 10 2 -64 610 2012/09/02 0309 HD
2012/09/06 0200 2012/09/06 0200 2012/09/06 1500 ............Y... 1 0 420420 10 2 -32 ...  
2012/09/30 1131 2012/09/30 1400 2012/09/30 2000 .................. 3 30 310310 8 0 -39 700? 2012/09/28 0012 HD?
2012/09/30 2305 2012/10/01 0000 2012/10/02 0000 ............Y... 3 70 370410 14 2 -122 590 2012/09/28 0000 H
2012/10/02 2200 2012/10/02 2200 2012/10/03 0600 ............N... 3 0 320320 6 1 -32 490 2012/09/29 0912 D
2012/10/08 0516 2012/10/08 1800 2012/10/09 1200 .................. 1 70 390420 16 2 -107 560 2012/10/05 0248 D
2012/10/12 1900 2012/10/12 2200 2012/10/13 1000 .................. 2 40 490530 11 2 -90 ...  
2012/10/31 1538 2012/11/01 0000 2012/11/02 0300 ............Y... 1 70 340370 11 2 -65 440 2012/10/27 1624 HD
2012/11/09 0300 2012/11/09 0300 2012/11/09 1500 ............N... 2 0 370380 2 1 +1 ...  
2012/11/12 2311 2012/11/13 0800 2012/11/14 0300 ............Y... 1 50 380460 21 2 -108 530 2012/11/09 1512 D
2012/11/23 2152 2012/11/24 1200 2012/11/25 1000 ............Y... 2 70 380410 12 1 -40 770 2012/11/21 1600 HD
2012/11/26 0512 2012/11/26 1200 2012/11/28 0500 ............N... 3 90 450530 6 0 -8 660 2012/11/23 1336 HD
2012/11/28 1800 2012/11/28 1800 2012/11/29 1400 ............N... 3 20 360380 4 0 -1 ...  
2012/12/14 0200 2012/12/14 0700 2012/12/14 1700 ............Y... 3 30 330330 7 2 +9 ...  
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2013/01/17 1600 2013/01/17 1600 2013/01/18 1200 ............Y... 2 0 390400 12 2 -52 420 2013/01/13 0724 D
2013/01/18 1237 2013/01/19 0000 2013/01/19 1700 ............N... 2 40 430460 5 1 -25 ...  
2013/02/13 1700 2013/02/14 0800 2013/02/16 1400 ............N... 3 20 360 400 4 0 -37 ...  
2013/02/16 1209 2013/02/17 1000 2013/02/17 1900 ............N... 2 60 360410 7 1 -40 ...  
2013/03/17 0559 2013/03/17 1500 2013/03/19 1600 ............N... 1 230 520 720 9 2 -132 890 2013/03/15 0712 HD
2013/03/20 1700 2013/03/20 1800 2013/03/20 2200 ............N... 3 110 520640 9 1 -39 ...  
2013/04/13 2254 2013/04/14 1700 2013/04/15 2300 ............Y... 2 100 410520 9 2 -6 660 2013/04/11 0724 HD
2013/04/30 0949 2013/04/30 1200 2013/05/01 0700 ............Y... 1 50 400430 10 2 -47 ...  
2013/05/01 0900 2013/05/01 1100 2013/05/01 1800 ............N... 2 30 430460 10 1 -72...  
2013/05/25 2000 2013/05/25 2300 2013/05/26 2200 ............Y... 1 140 660750 7 0 -47 ...  
2013/06/06 0255 2013/06/06 1400 2013/06/08 0000 ............Y... 1 30 430510 11 2 -78 ...  
2013/06/08 0600 2013/06/08 1000 2013/06/08 2000 ............Y... 2 20 430450 3 1 -20 ...  
2013/06/27 1438 2013/06/28 0200 2013/06/29 1200 ............Y... 1 70 390450 10 2 -102 470 2013/06/23 2236
2013/07/05 0100 2013/07/05 0100 2013/07/07 1600 ............Y... 2 10 350370 10 2 -87 540 2013/07/01 2024 D
2013/07/12 1714 2013/07/13 0500 2013/07/15 0000 ............Y... 1 60 430500 13 2 -81 563 2013/07/09 1512 HD
2013/08/20 2227 2013/08/21 0800 2013/08/21 1400 ............N... 3 30 460470 7 1 -26 ...  
2013/08/22 1926 2013/08/23 2000 2013/08/25 0300 ............Y... 3 40 470570 6 1 -40 700 2013/08/20 0812 HD
2013/08/24 0003(S) 2013/08/25 0300 2013/08/26 0300 ............Y... 3 30 400520 4 1 -29 620 2013/08/21 0512 D
2013/10/02 0154 2013/10/02 2300 2013/10/03 2200 ............Y... 1 220 470630 7 2 -72 800 2013/09/29 2145 D
2013/10/08 2020 2013/10/09 0900 2013/10/11 0000 ............Y... 1 100 480650 6 0 -69 780 2013/10/06 1443 HD
2013/11/08 2200 2013/11/08 2200 2013/11/09 0700 ............N... 3 0 420460 12 2 -80 ...  
2013/11/11 1700 2013/11/11 1700 2013/11/12 0300 ............Y... 2 0 460480 7 1 -30 420-520 2013/11/07 1512H, 2013/11/08 0609, 0824 D
2013/11/30 2000 2013/12/01 1100 2013/12/02 2300 ............Y... 2 50 450540 9 2 -22 ...  
2013/12/15 1300 2013/12/15 1600 2013/12/16 0500 ............Y... 2 30 460500 7 2 -23 510 2013/12/12 0336 D
2013/12/24 2100 2013/12/25 0500 2013/12/25 1700 ............Y... 2 30 300330 11 2 -35 ...  
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2014/02/05 1400 2014/02/06 0300 2014/02/07 1700 ............Y... 2 50 370400 7 0 -31 ...  
2014/02/07 1705 2014/02/08 0100 2014/02/09 1200 ............Y... 2 110 420460 9 2 -39 470 2014/02/04 0036 D
2014/02/10 1800 2014/02/11 1200 2014/02/13 1000 ............Y... 2 60 430560 6 1 -24 ...  
2014/02/15 1316 2014/02/16 0500 2014/02/16 1600 ............Y... 2 100 380450 15 2 -24 530 2014/02/12 0612 HD
2014/02/17 0300 2014/02/17 0300 2014/02/17 1600 ............Y... 3W 0 400410 6 1 -27 ...  
2014/02/18 0640 2014/02/18 1500 2014/02/19 0700 ............Y... 260 400410 8 1 -67 ...  
2014/02/19 0348 2014/02/19 1200 2014/02/20 0300 ............Y... 1 60 520530 11 2 -119 ...  
2014/02/20 0318 2014/02/21 0200 2014/02/22 1200 ............Y... 2 180 490690 6 0 -95 840 2014/02/18 0136 HD
2014/04/05 1000 2014/04/05 2200 2014/04/07 0500 ............Y... 2 40 380500 13 2 -15 610 2014/04/02 1348 HD
2014/04/11 0600 2014/04/11 0600 2014/04/12 2000 ............Y... 3 10 350380 5 2 -86 ...  
2014/04/18 1900 2014/04/18 1900 2014/04/20 0000 ............Y... 2 0 490500 8 0 -19 ...  
2014/04/19 1836 2014/04/20 0100 2014/04/20 1200 ............Y... 2 30 510530 5 1 -14 ...  
2014/04/20 1056 2014/04/21 0700 2014/04/22 0900 ............Y... 2 200 540700 6 1 -32 920 2014/04/18 1325 HD
2014/04/29 2000 2014/04/29 2000 2014/04/30 2100 ............Y... 3 0 310320 9 2 -67 ...  
2014/06/07 1652 2014/06/08 2000 2014/06/10 1700 ............Y... 2 60 480610 9 0 -37 570 2014/06/04 1524 D
2014/08/19 0657 2014/08/19 1600 2014/08/21 0500 ............Y... 1 40 360440 17 2 -28 500 2014/08/15 1812 HD
2014/09/12 1553 2014/09/12 2200 2014/09/14 0200 ............Y... 1 230 600720 20 2 -88 920 2014/09/10 1800 H
2014/09/17 0200 2014/09/17 0200 2014/09/18 2000 ............Y... 2 0 310320 9 1 -18 410 2014/09/12 1924 HD
2014/11/10 0220 2014/11/11 0700 2014/11/11 2000 ............N... 3 50 480520 9 0 -65740 2014/11/07 1808 D
2014/12/21 1911 2014/12/22 0400 2014/12/22 1700 ............Y... 2 70 380430 16 2 -71 380 2014/12/17 0500 H
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2015/01/02 0717 2015/01/02 1500 2015/01/02 2200 ............Y... 3 20 390450 8 1 -49 ...  
2015/01/03 1400 2015/01/03 1400 2015/01/04 1600 ............Y... 2 10 430460 9 1 -68 ...  
2015/01/07 0616 2015/01/07 0700 2015/01/07 2000 ............Y... 1 30 450470 16 2 -107 420 2015/01/03 0312
2015/03/16 1400 2015/03/16 1400 2015/03/16 2300 ............Y... 3 30 420440 11 0 +7 ...  
2015/03/17 0445 2015/03/17 1300 2015/03/18 0500 ............Y... 1 90 560620 20 2 -234 840 2015/03/15 0236 HD
2015/03/21 2054 2015/03/22 0200 2015/03/22 2000 ............Y... 370 640700 8 0 -56 ...  
2015/03/28 0000 2015/03/28 1100 2015/03/29 1100 ............Y... 2 10 390420 13 2 -42 ...  
2015/03/29 1500 2015/03/29 1900 2015/03/30 1200 ............Y... 3 20 360390 6 0 -40 ...  
2015/03/31 0832 2015/03/31 1800 2015/04/01 1000 ............Y... 2 40 400420 13 2-13 ...  
2015/04/09 1011 2015/04/09 1100 2015/04/09 2200 ............N... 3 30 380390 12 0 -9 500-660 2015/04/05 2348 D, 2015/04/06 0600 D, 1936 D
2015/04/10 0000 2015/04/10 1300 2015/04/11 0900 ............Y... 1 40 380450 13 2 -85 ...  
2015/05/06 0141 2015/05/06 1200 2015/05/07 2100 ............Y... 1 80 420470 13 2 -35 ...  
2015/05/07 2100 2015/05/07 2100 2015/05/09 0400 ............Y... 1 0 390400 6 0 -15 320-340 2015/05/02 0948 D, 2024 HD
2015/05/10 1200 2015/05/10 1200 2015/05/11 0200 ............N... 2 0 370400 11 2 -57 ...  
2015/05/18 1900 2015/05/18 2000 2015/05/19 0200 ............Y... 3 40 460480 16 2 -47 ...  
2015/06/22 1833 2015/06/23 0200 2015/06/24 1400 ............Y... 2 190 610740 14 1-198 1040 2015/06/21 0236 HD
2015/06/24 1329 2015/06/25 1000 2015/06/26 0600 ............Y... 2 170 550720 5 0 -81 960 2015/06/22 1836 HD
2015/06/26 0600 2015/06/26 1200 2015/06/27 0200 ............Y... 3 50 490560 5 1-51 ...  
2015/07/13 0138 2015/07/13 0600 2015/07/14 1500 ............Y... 2 40 490650 8 0 -68 580 2015/07/10 0224
2015/08/07 0600 2015/08/07 1600 2015/08/08 1400 ............N... 2 10 510560 9 0 -37 ...  
2015/08/15 0829 2015/08/15 2100 2015/08/16 0800 ............Y... 2 10 500510 12 1 -98 640 2015/08/12 1512 D
2015/08/26 0800 2015/08/26 0800 2015/08/28 1000 ............Y... 2 20 370420 11 1 -103 ...  
2015/09/07 1400 2015/09/08 0000 2015/09/09 1500 ............Y... 1 190 460600 15 2-105 620 2015/09/04 1924
2015/09/13 0700 2015/09/13 0700 2015/09/13 1800 ............Y... 3 10 460480 5 0-44 ...  
2015/09/20 0604 2015/09/21 0800 2015/09/22 0100 ............Y... 2 120 510600 5 0-79 850 2015/09/18 0500 D
2015/10/24 1854 2015/10/25 1400 2015/10/27 0400 ............Y... 2 60 430490 7 1-16 650 2015/10/22 0312 HD
2015/11/04 0355 2015/11/04 1500 2015/11/04 1900 ............Y... 2 70 640740 8 1-56 ...  
2015/11/06 1818 2015/11/07 0600 2015/11/08 1600 ............N... 1 90 500680 13 2-87 810 2015/11/04 1448
2015/12/19 1616 2015/12/20 0300 2015/12/21 2000 ............Y... 1 110 400490 15 2-166 540 2015/12/16 0924 D
2015/12/31 0050 2015/12/31 1700 2016/01/02 1100 ............Y... 2 90 440480 10 2-116 690 2015/12/28 1212 D
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2016/01/18 2157 2016/01/19 1000 2016/01/21 0000 ............Y... 2 70 370400 14 2-101 440 2016/01/14 2324 H
2016/01/24 1400 2016/01/24 1800 2016/01/26 1800 ............Y... 2 30 410490 5 1-15 ...  
2016/03/05 1000 2016/03/05 1900 2016/03/06 1500 ............N... 2 10 360370 12 2-6 ...  
2016/03/20 0700 2016/03/20 1400 2016/03/21 0400 ............N... 3 20 400430 7 1-42 ...  
2016/04/14 0735 2016/04/14 0900 2016/04/15 0400 ............Y... 3 30 420480 8 1-61 460 2016/04/10 1112 D
2016/04/17 0300 2016/04/17 0300 2016/04/18 0800 ............N... 30 400440 5 1-30 ...  
2016/07/19 2305 2016/07/20 0700 2016/07/22 1500 ............Y... 1110 440570 10 2-26 710 2016/07/17 1248
2016/07/24 1500 2016/07/24 2100 2016/07/25 1600 ............Y... 150 430450 7 2-37 ...  
2016/07/25 2200 2016/07/25 2200 2016/07/26 1000 ............Y... 20 370390 4 0-13 ...  
2016/08/02 1400 2016/08/02 1400 2016/08/03 0300 ............Y... 210 420460 20 2-16 370 2016/07/28 2224 D
2016/10/12 2212 2016/10/13 0600 2016/10/14 1600 ............Y... 180 390460 19 2-110 430 2016/10/08 2109 HD
2016/11/04 1800 2016/11/04 1800 2016/11/05 2100 ............Y... 3W0 350360 4 0-16 ...  
2016/11/09 0604 2016/11/10 0000 2016/11/10 1600 ............N... 250 360370 11 2-57 430 2016/11/05 0424
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2017/04/04 0100 2017/04/04 0400 2017/04/04 1400 ............Y... 320 410420 13 2-44 P ...  
2017/04/09 0000 2017/04/09 0000 2017/04/10 0800 ............Y... 30 470520 7 1-26 P ...  
2017/04/13 1500 2017/04/14 0000 2017/04/15 0000 ............Y... 250 380450 6 1-25 P ...  
2017/05/27 1534 2017/05/27 2200 2017/05/29 1400 ............Y... 180 360390 16 2-118 P 400 2017/05/23 0536
2017/07/16 0559 2017/07/16 1500 2017/07/17 2000 ............Y... 190 520620 13 2-72 P 810 2017/07/14 0125
2017/08/21 2200 2017/08/22 0400 2017/08/23 1800 ............Y... 350 500620 5 1-48 P ...  
2017/09/06 2347 2017/09/07 2000 2017/09/08 0400 ............Y... 2170 490580 10 1-2 P 820 2017/09/04 2036 HD
2017/09/07 2302 2017/09/08 1100 2017/09/10 2100 ............Y... 1220 590800 7 1-122 P 1210 2017/09/06 1224 H
2017/12/25 0000 2017/12/25 0000 2017/12/26 0400 ............N... 3W0 480550 7 1-27 P ...  
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2018/03/09 1809 2018/03/09 2200 2018/03/11 0000 ............Y... 180 410450 14 2-39 P 470 2018/03/06 0130 HD
2018/05/13 0600 2018/05/13 0600 2018/05/13 1400 ............Y... 30 430440 10 1-21 P ...  
2018/06/06 1100 2018/06/06 1100 2018/06/07 1000 ............Y... 20 400440 9 2-25 P ...  
2018/06/25 0910 2018/06/25 1000 2018/06/26 0500 ............Y... 20 420430 7 1-48 P ...  
2018/06/30 1300 2018/06/30 2000 2018/07/02 1000 ............Y... 340 390460 3 1-10 P ...  
2018/07/10 1200 2018/07/10 1200 2018/07/11 1100 ............Y... 20 330360 9 2 0 P ...  
2018/08/25 0200 2018/08/25 1200 2018/08/26 1200 ............Y... 230 410440 16 2-175 P 410 2018/08/20 2124 D
2018/09/23 0400 2018/09/23 0400 2018/09/24 0000 ............Y... 30 440460 8 0-28 P ...  
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2019/05/07 2200 2019/05/07 2200 2019/05/09 0400 ............N... 30 320330 3 0-2 P ...  
2019/05/10 1754 2019/05/11 0600 2019/05/13 0700 ............Y... 240 350380 8 1-51 P 490 2019/05/07 0442 D
2019/05/13 2326 2019/05/14 0600 2019/05/15 1600 ............Y... 260 470560 8 2-65 P ...  
2019/05/16 2100 2019/05/16 2300 2019/05/18 0800 ............Y... 330 450480 6 1-10 P 420 2019/05/12 1948 D?
2019/05/26 2214 2019/05/27 0400 2019/05/28 0000 ............Y... 160 350370 10 2-16 P ...  
2019/10/29 2000 2019/10/29 2000 2019/10/30 2100 ............Y... 220 380410 10 2-19 P 380 2019/10/25 0554 D
2019/11/11 0600 2019/11/11 1000 2019/11/12 1200 ............Y... 360 360380 12 2-23 P ...  
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2020/01/04 1000 2020/01/04 1000 2020/01/05 0600 ............Y... 20 370400 8 2-25 P ...  
2020/04/20 0231 2020/04/20 0900 2020/04/21 0400 ............Y... 150 330360 15 2-59 P 330 2020/04/14 2154 D
2020/10/05 0806 2020/10/05 1700 2020/10/06 1400 ............Y... 220 350370 10 2-40 P 300 2020/09/29 1209 D?
2020/12/10 0210 2020/12/10 2300 2020/12/13 0400 ............Y... 2110 440570 5 0-10 P 720 2020/12/07 1624 HD
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2021/02/23 0200 2021/02/23 0800 2021/02/24 1500 ............Y... 3W40 510590 5 0-25 P 670 2021/02/20 1124 D
2021/05/12 0637 2021/05/12 1500 2021/05/14 2000 ............Y... 2120 410500 8 2-61 P 620 2021/05/09 1200 D
2021/05/26 1244 2021/05/26 2200 2021/05/29 0500 ............Y... 340 410430 9 0-28 P 550-700 2021/05/23 1012 D, 1148 D, 1724 D, 2021/05/24 0125 D
2021/07/05 0141 2021/07/05 0400 2021/07/06 0200 ............Y... 220 340350 7 2-18 P ...  
2021/08/27 0114 2021/08/27 1200 2021/08/28 1500 ............Y... 140 380420 12 2-82 P 460 2021/08/23 0636 HD
2021/09/27 0000 2021/09/27 0000 2021/09/27 2100 ............Y... 210 390400 10 2+7 P 370-530 2021/09/22 0753 D, 2021/09/23 0548 D, 2021/09/23 1612 D
2021/10/01 1000 2021/10/01 1100 2021/10/02 1300 ............Y... 220 480560 11 2-30 P 550 2021/09/28 0624 D
2021/10/12 0226 2021/10/12 1600 2021/10/14 0000 ............Y... 260 440490 6 1-65 P 620 2021/10/09 0712 HD
2021/11/03 1942 2021/11/04 0700 2021/11/05 0500 ............Y... 1250 650770 17 2-105 P 630-1100 2021/11/01 0200 D, 1824 D, 2124 D, 2021/11/02 0248 HD
2021/11/27 2251 2021/11/28 1000 2021/11/29 0200 ............Y... 270 370400 10 2-12 P 510 2021/11/24 1426 D
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2022/01/18 2340 2022/01/19 0500 2022/01/20 0100 ............Y... 280 610680 5 1-44 P 820 2022/01/16 2048 D
2022/02/01 2220 2022/02/02 1600 2022/02/03 1100 ............Y... 2110 460500 14 2-66 P 590 2022/01/29 2336 HD
2022/02/03 2341 2022/02/04 0300 2022/02/04 2000 ............Y... 240 510570 10 2-56 P ... ...
2022/02/09 2100 2022/02/10 1300 2022/02/11 1800 ............N... 130 400430 13 2-60 P 530-540 2022/02/06 1400 D, 1600 D
2022/03/13 1047 2022/03/13 2100 2022/03/15 1900 ............Y... 2190 410540 15 2-85 P 500-660 2022/03/09 2348 D, 0200 D, 1848 HD
2022/03/31 0224 2022/03/31 1200 2022/04/01 1200 ............Y... 160 490600 20 2-19 P 670-770 2022/03/28 1200 HD, 2024 HD
2022/04/06 2318 2022/04/07 1300 2022/04/08 2200 ............Y... 340 380430 8 0-26 P 530 2022/04/03 1648 D
2022/04/12 1122 2022/04/13 0200 2022/04/13 2200 ............Y... 260 460510 11 2-24 P 560 2022/04/09 0912 D
2022/04/14 0900 2022/04/14 1300 2022/04/15 0200 ............Y... 220 520550 18 2-81 P 550 2022/04/11 0548 HD
2022/07/07 0900 2022/07/07 1200 2022/07/08 0800 ............Y... 130 380400 19 2-81 P 410 2022/07/03 0309 D
2022/07/08 0200 2022/07/08 1100 2022/07/08 1900 ............Y... 220 400 410 10 1-37 P 600 2022/07/05 0436 D
2022/07/09 1200 2022/07/09 1400 2022/07/10 1200 ............Y... 30 370 380 5 0-18 P ... ...
2022/07/18 2119 2022/07/19 0500 2022/07/20 1100 ............Y... 1100 440490 10 2-61 P 530 2022/07/15 1548 D
2022/08/19 1731 2022/08/20 0800 2022/08/20 1800 ............Y... 350 490700 5 1-38 P 560 2022/08/16 1524 D
2022/08/30 1925 2022/08/30 2200 2022/08/31 2000 ............Y... 3W20 520580 7 0-8 P ... ...
2022/09/12 0700 2022/09/12 0700 2022/09/12 2100 ............Y... 3W0 380400 6 1-17 P 400 2022/09/07 2236 D
2022/10/21 1000 2022/10/21 1000 2022/10/22 1800 ............N... 310 360370 9 2-76 P ... ...
2022/11/06 2000 2022/11/07 0300 2022/11/07 1900 ............Y... 220 390410 12 2-92 P ... ...
2022/11/12 1200 2022/11/12 1200 2022/11/13 1200 ............N... 320 460470 7 1-9 P ... ...
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2023/01/03 2100 2023/01/04 0200 2023/01/05 2200 ............Y... 130 380430 18 2-61 Q 420 2022/12/30 1653 D
2023/02/27 1000 2023/02/27 2000 2023/02/28 1700 ............N... 3110 650820 10 0-132 Q 1080 2023/02/25 1924 HD
2023/03/01 0000 2023/03/01 0900 2023/03/01 2100 ............Y... 230 590700 6 1-29 Q ... ...
2023/03/02 0900 2023/03/02 0900 2023/03/02 2200 ............N... 320 480510 8 1-37 Q ... ...
2023/03/12 0600 2023/03/12 0900 2023/03/14 0200 ............Y... 320 350390 7 1-2 Q ... ...
2023/03/15 0427 2023/03/15 2100 2023/03/17 0700 ............Y... 2110 490570 7 0-38 Q 730 2023/03/12 1912 HD
2023/03/23 0500 2023/03/23 1400 2023/03/24 0700 ............Y... 130 450490 20 2-163 Q 560-670 2023/03/20 0241 D, 1442 HD
2023/04/18 1402 2023/04/19 0800 2023/04/21 0200 ............Y... 1140 420620 9 2-36 Q ... ...
2023/04/23 1738 2023/04/24 0100 2023/04/25 1900 ............Y... 2140 520680 17 2-212 Q 880 2023/04/21 1812 HD
2023/05/09 2250 2023/05/10 1200 2023/05/12 0600 ............Y... 2120 550660 6 0-18 Q 870 2023/05/07 2312 HD
2023/05/12 0633 2023/05/12 1200 2023/05/13 2100 ............Y... 2110 480580 7 0-16 Q 700 2023/05/09 1900 HD
2023/05/20 1000 2023/05/20 1000 2023/05/21 1600 ............Y... 3W40 520590 7 1-57 Q ... ...
2023/07/07 1200 2023/07/07 1200 2023/07/08 1500 ............Y... 3W0 450500 6 0-33 Q 520 2023/07/04 0412 D
2023/07/14 1611 2023/07/14 2000 2023/07/15 1000 ............Y... 240 380430 12 1-34 Q 380-610 2023/07/10 0400 HD, 2023/07/11 1924 HD
2023/07/16 1922 2023/07/17 2000 2023/07/19 0400 .................. 1100 500570 6 1-53 Q 860 2023/07/14 1903, 2023/07/14 1910 D
2023/07/25 2233 2023/07/26 1700 2023/07/28 1100 ............Y... 2110 460570 7 0-52 Q 750 2023/07/23 1506 HD
2023/08/05 0255 2023/08/05 1800 2023/08/06 1400 ............Y... 360 350440 8 1-93 Q 630 2023/08/02 0912 HD
2023/09/02 0434 2023/09/02 2000 2023/09/04 0000 ............Y... 240 490720 7 0-61 Q 760 2023/08/30 2200 D
2023/09/17 0234 2023/09/18 0200 2023/09/19 0000 ............Y... 270 430480 10 1-23 Q 620 2023/09/14 0724 HD
2023/09/18 1331 2023/09/19 0800 2023/09/21 1000 ............Y... 3110 510640 6 0-85 Q 790 2023/09/16 0912 HD
2023/09/24 2043 2023/09/25 0900 2023/09/26 1100 ............Y... 1110 440480 19 2-69 Q 630-680 2023/09/22 0224 D, 2023/09/22 0712 D, 2023/09/22 0736 D
2023/09/28 2131 2023/09/29 1000 2023/09/30 2300 ............Y... 270 430460 6 1-47 Q ... ...
2023/10/05 2225 2023/10/06 1600 2023/10/07 1800 ............Y... 250 370490 6 0-17 Q 550 2023/10/02 1824 D
2023/11/12 0613 2023/11/12 1200 2023/11/13 1700 ............Y... 370 460570 8 1-42 Q 630 2023/11/09 1223 D
2023/12/01 0926 2023/12/01 2000 2023/12/03 0000 ............Y... 1100 460530 14 2-107 Q 680 2023/11/28 2024 D, 2023/11/28 2048 D
2023/12/15 1148 2023/12/15 2200 2023/12/16 1200 ............Y... 3120 500510 8 0-33 Q 500-690 2023/12/12 0000 D, 2023/12/13 0000 D
2023/12/17 0739 2023/12/17 2200 2023/12/18 1500 ............Y... 380 470530 11 0-83 Q 580-670 2023/12/14 0836 D, 2023/12/14 1738 D
Disturbance Y/M/D (UT) (a) ICME Plasma/Field Start, End Y/M/D (UT) (b) Comp. Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (c) MC Start, End (Hrs wrt. Plasma/ Field) (d) BDE? (e) BIF? (f) Qual. (g) dV (km/s) (h) V_ICME (km/s) (i) V_max (km/s) (j) B (nT) (k) MC? (l) Dst (nT) (m) V_transit (km/s) (n) LASCO CME Y/M/D (UT) (o)
2024/01/03 1400 2024/01/03 2100 2024/01/04 1000 .................. 360 440470 7 1-14 Q ... ...

* This table is updated frequently and a more recent version may be available. Contact Ian Richardson.


(a) The time of the associated geomagnetic storm sudden commencement (typically related to the arrival of a shock at Earth) if reported in the NGDC file storm2.ssc (currently only to 2011) or the Service International des Indices Geomagnetique. Some other SSCs have been identified using abrupt increases in the 1-minute SYM-H geomagnetic index. Otherwise, 'A' indicates the time of shock passage at ACE (e.g., in the ACE List of Disturbances and Transients or the Kasper/Stevens Shock list), 'W' indicates the time of a shock at the WIND spacecraft (from the Kasper/Stevens list or inspection of Wind plasma/field data), and 'S' indicates the time of a possible shock identified by the SOHO CELIAS/MTOF/PM "Shockspotter" program. If no shock or SC is reported or evident from these sources, the estimated arrival time of the disturbance (which in some cases is the ICME leading edge) is given to the nearest hour. Typical features we look for are increases in the solar wind speed, magnetic field strength and density that are more gradual than those associated with shocks.

(b) Estimated start and end times of the ICME based primarily on plasma and magnetic field observations. See Cane and Richardson, JGR, (2003) for additional information on the methods used to identify ICMEs. The times are estimated to ~ the nearest hour.

(c) Start and end times of the associated interval of abnormal solar wind composition/charge states (e.g., enhanced O7/O6, Mg/O, Fe charge states) estimated from ACE/SWICS data in hours relative to the start and end times of the ICME based on plasma/field observations as in (b). See Richardson and Cane, Solar Physics, (2010) for further details. A positive (negative) value means that the compositional signature starts after (before) the ICME leading edge or ends after (before) the ICME trailing edge. 'ns' indicates that there is no clear compositional/charge state signature, while 'nc' means that there is no change or the boundary is not clear in the compositional data (for example, between two adjacent ICMEs with similarly elevated ion charge states). No SWICS data are available until February, 1998.

(d) Start and end times of the magnetic clouds reported by Lepping or Huttunen et al. Ann Geophys. (2005) 23:1-17 (see also (l)) in hours relative to the ICME leading or trailing edges. In a few cases, there are 2 magnetic clouds reported during the interval of interest. Magnetic clouds are structures associated with a subset of ICMEs defined by Burlaga and co-workers as having enhanced (> 10 nT) magnetic fields that rotate smoothly through a large angle, low proton temperatures, and low plasma beta (e.g., Klein and Burlaga [1982]; Lepping et al. [1990]).

(e) Evidence of BiDirectional suprathermal Electron strahls (BDE) in ACE/SWEPAM Observations. If data are unavailable from SWEPAM (data commence on 10/22/97), observations from the 3-D P instrument on WIND are referred to. "SEP" indicates that an intense solar energetic particle event was in progress at the time of ICME passage and electron flows therefore cannot be determined.

(f) Evidence of Bidirectional energetic Ion Flows (BIF) in 0.5 -4.0 MeV ion observations from the IMP 8 Goddard Medium Energy instrument. '...' indicates no data, low particle intensities, or when IMP 8 was inside the Earth's bow shock.

(g) The "quality" of the boundary times (`1' indicating the most reliable) based on assessment of the various data sets, including plasma, magnetic field and solar wind composition/charge states. 'W' indicates that the overall ICME signatures are particularly weak.

(h) Increase in solar wind speed at the upstream disturbance (shock/wave) estimated from 1 hour averaged solar wind data. 'S' indicates that a forward fast shock has been reported in the ACE List of Disturbances and Transients or CfA Interplanetary Shock Database (including ACE and WIND observations).

(i) Mean ICME speed, based on solar wind speed observations during the period from (b) to (c) above.

(j) Maximum solar wind speed during the period from the disturbance (a) to the trailing edge of the ICME (c).

(k) Mean magnetic field strength in the ICME, based on the interval from (b) to (c), to the nearest 1 nT.

(l) '2' indicates that a magnetic cloud has been reported in association with the ICME (see (d) above) or (occasionally, or for recent events) that by our assessment, the ICME has the clear features of a magnetic cloud but a magnetic cloud may not have been reported. 'H' indicates an event reported by Huttunen et al. Ann Geophys. (2005) 23:1-17 that is not listed by Lepping. '1' indicates that the ICME shows evidence of a rotation in field direction, but lacks some other characteristics of a magnetic cloud, for example an enhanced magnetic field. '0' indicates that the ICME is not a reported magnetic cloud, and lacks most of the typical features of a magnetic cloud, such as a smoothly rotating, enhanced magnetic field.

(m) The minimum value of the geomagnetic Dst index during the period between the disturbance and ICME trailing edge (or slightly thereafter if storm peak is generated by the trailing regions of the ICME). 'P' indicates a "provisional" value, and 'Q' that real time ("quicklook") data from the WDC for Geomagnetism, Kyoto, are used. (Note that quicklook Dst values at the WDC are revised after they are initially posted, so the quoted values for recent ICMEs may be subject to revision.) Otherwise values are "final". See Zhang et al. [2007] for a discussion of the solar and interplanetary drivers of the intense (Dst ≤-100 nT) geomagnetic storms during 1996-2005.

(n) Mean 1 AU transit speed of the disturbance based on the CME association in (o).

(o) Probable coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with the ICME, observed by the LASCO coronagraphs on the SOHO spacecraft or (S) by STEREO. 'H' indicates that the CME had a 360 deg. angular extent (i.e. a halo CME). 'W' denotes a CME association from Woods et al. [2017]. 'D' is an association from, or consistent with, the CCMC DONKI Database that typically takes STEREO and near-Earth coronagraph observations (if available) and ENLIL+cone ICME modeling into consideration. Note that more than one DONKI CME may have an estimated Earth arrival time that is consistent with the in situ observations. Generally, the CME time in DONKI has been adjusted to the time of the corresponding CME in the CDAW catalog, if this can be identified, for consistency with the pre-DONKI events. '?' indicates that the CME association may be doubtful. Times in brackets indicate solar events associated with the ICME during an interval with no coronagraph coverage. 'dg' indicates that there was a LASCO data gap around the expected time of the associated CME. Note that the absence of an associated CME, especially for more recent events, may indicate that this information has still to be compiled, and may be added later. A few associations were identified in collaboration with other members of the ISSI Working Team "Understanding the Origins of Problem Geomagnetic Storms".

(p) There are multiple candidate CMEs; the time of the most likely association may be listed.

Selective Revision History Since December, 2007

Feb. 12, 2008: Added ICMEs on August 23 and 24, 2005.

May 16, 2008: Updated to May 15. SWICS data now available for all 2007. Updated quick look Dst in 2006 to provisional.

June 20, 2008: Updated to June 19. Corrected footnote l to explain the meaning of 0 and 1 in the magnetic cloud column. Updated Lepping cloud associations in 2006-7

November 26, 2008: Updated to November 24; one ICME now identified in 2008!

January 16, 2009: 4/15 2002 CME noted as halo

January 29, 2009: Updated to January 21 2009. Headers added within file.

March 9, 2009: Updated to March 5, 2009. Two potential ICMEs added in Jan 09. Note that these (and the Dec. 17, 2008 event) are very brief (few hours) compared to more typical events.

April 21, 2009: Corrected broken Riley et al. 2006 link (change of ApJ publisher site!).

April 27, 2009: Changed 2004 12/11 MC? to 1.

May 13, 2009: Added STEREO CMEs for 2008-9 events.

November 2, 2009: Removed Aug 27, 2001 event - probably sheath.

December 15, 2009: Updated; corrected typos, reassessed early Halloween 2003 period and split one ICME into two (10/25,10/26).

January 8, 2010: Updated to end of 2009; link to Kasper shock database restored. 2007 Dst values changed to provisional. Quick look values in 2008-9 revised.

November 22, 2010: A handful of Vmax values corrected based on ACE SWEPAM+SWICS proton database .

January 6, 2011: Extended to end of 2010; link to Lepping magnetic cloud list updated; BDE and composition signature information added for recent events; Quick-look Dst values revised for 2010 events.

December 22, 2011: Dst values for 2004-2008 events revised to final.

February 22, 2012: Corrected Dst for Aug. 24, 2005 event. Also reassessed boundary quality as 3.

August 20, 2012: Corrected (interchanged) V(ICME) and V(max) entries for ICMEs since mid 2011

February 15, 2013: Updated Dst values for 2009-2011 from quicklook to provisional.

April 23, 2013: Added SOHO CELIAS/MTOF/PM shockspotter shock times. Note that these are based on plasma data only.

May 22, 2013: Added assessment of BDEs for 2011, 2012 events. Updated BIRS link.

August 23, 2013: Added event on 9/26, 2011. This was missed because ACE Tp data showed Tp~Texp, whereas OMNI data show Tp less than Texp, suggestive of an ICME. Also added recent sudden commencement times from the tables at SERVEI INTERNACIONAL DE VARIACIONS MAGN�TIQUES R�PIDES.

January 2, 2014: Updated Dst values for 2012 from quicklook to provisional.

May 7, 2014: Updated Dst values for 2009 from provisional to final. Removed transit speeds in 2009 where CME is unclear. Broken links to papers in AGU journals fixed.

October 29, 2014: Used SYM-H to obtain SSC times for some events in 2011-2014. Added several solar associations. Updated BDEs to end of current plots at the ACE Science Center.

January 9, 2015: Updated Dst values for 2010 and 2011 to final, and for 2013 to provisional.

February 5, 2015: Updated events on March 6, 8, 2012.

September 22, 2015: Updated list and replaced quicklook Dst values for 2014 with provisional values.

May 18, 2016: Added years to all times and removed year from header for each year.

August 14, 2017: Updated Dst; 2012 to final, 2015 to provisional.

February 23, 2018: Added solar event associations from Woods et al. [2017]

June 8, 2018: Updated Dst (2013-14 to final, 2016 to provosional) and ACE BDEs to July 2017. Added a few solar associations from ISSI team.

May 18, 2022: Completed adding potential solar associations from the DONKI CME catalog based on ICME modeling back to the beginning of this catalog (2010), and indicated previous associations consistent with DONKI. Updated quicklook to provisional and provisional to final Dst values.

April 21, 2023: Updated 2016 Dst values to final.

February 1, 2024: Many broken URLs updated.

General Comments

This list of near-Earth interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), believed to be the interplanetary manifestations of the coronal mass ejections seen near the Sun by coronagraphs, is based on, and updated from, Cane and Richardson, Interplanetary coronal mass ejections in the near-Earth solar wind during 1996�2002, JGR [2003], and Richardson and Cane, Near-Earth Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections During Solar Cycle 23 (1996--2009): Catalog and Summary of Properties, Solar Physics, [2010]. It was originally motivated by our interest in the effects of ICMEs on energetic particles, including those accelerated by solar flares and interplanetary shocks, and galactic cosmic rays, during cycle 23 and earlier solar cycles. These effects (e.g., Richardson, I. G., Using energetic particles to probe the magnetic topology of ejecta, in Coronal Mass Ejections, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 99 edited by N. Crooker, J. A. Joselyn, and J. Feynman, pp. 189-198, AGU, Washington, D. C., 1997; Cane and Lario [2006], and references therein) include short-term "Forbush" depressions in the galactic cosmic ray intensity (e.g., Cane [2000]), bidirectional energetic particle flows, long scattering mean free paths, and unusual particle flow directions. To examine these effects, we need to know when ICMEs are passing the observing spacecraft. Conversely, energetic particle observations can help to indicate when ICMEs are present. Some two dozen in-situ signatures of ICMEs (earlier terms include "shock drivers", "pistons", "ejecta") have been reported in magnetic field, plasma, solar wind composition and charge states, and energetic particles from suprathermal solar wind to galactic cosmic ray energies (e.g., Zurbuchen and Richardson [2006]). Thus, ideally ICME identification should combine as many data sets as possible, such as those available from ACE and other near-Earth spacecraft. Criteria may be set that are likely to identify ICMEs in particular data sets (cf. Table 1 of Zurbuchen and Richardson [2006]).

Our philosophy in making the list has been to combine a number of available data sets and try to assess when ICMEs were probably present in the near-Earth solar wind, using both criteria characteristic of ICMEs and visual inspection of the data, in order to produce as comprehensive a list as possible. In particular, it is important to recognize that we do not limit our list to events that have the characteristics of magnetic clouds, as defined by Burlaga and co-workers, i.e., enhanced (> 10 nT) magnetic fields that rotate smoothly through a large angle, low proton temperature, and low plasma beta (e.g., Klein and Burlaga [1982]; Lepping et al. [1990]). Although these are very important events, since they are generators of many large geomagnetic storms, are easily modeled as flux ropes or more complicated structures, and are an inevitable consequence of current models of CME initiation, they are only a subset of all ICMEs, as the list indicates. It is still unclear whether there is a magnetic cloud structure in all ICMEs, but this is only intercepted in a subset of events, or whether there are ICMEs that do not include magnetic clouds.

Before the launch of ACE (August, 1997), and during occasional ACE data gaps, we have referred to observations from other spacecraft including IMP 8 and WIND, and the OMNI near-Earth solar wind database.

Our original list, for 1996-2002, appeared in Cane and Richardson [2003]. In the current updated and revised list, we have incorporated the ACE/SWICS composition and charge state data (discussed in relation to ICMEs by Richardson and Cane [2004], though note the caveats in Richardson and Cane, [2010]). We have reviewed all the original event identifications, removing a few events with particularly weak signatures. A few events have also been added. For example, the SWICS charge state data may confirm an event for which the other signatures previously considered were marginal. There are still some events that we have retained in the list, indicated by 'W' in the "Quality" column, that have relatively weak signatures. Overall, we estimate that potential events with marginal signatures that might or might not be included in the list constitute ~10% of the total number of events. We have also added several parameters to those in the original list, and have removed the sudden commencement size (which is available on request if required). Provisional Dst values in the original list have been updated to final. A few errors in the original list have also been corrected. This revised list is discussed in detail in Richardson and Cane, Near-Earth Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections During Solar Cycle 23 (1996--2009): Catalog and Summary of Properties, Solar Physics, [2010].

At times of high solar activity, several ICMEs may pass by in rapid succession. Although we have tried to identify individual ICMEs, it is possible that a given ICME interval may include more than one ICME. There are also a few extended ICMEs for which it is unclear whether they consist of one ICME or multiple ICMEs. We have been cautious about following the line of argument that "there are x preceding halo CMEs observed by LASCO so there should be evidence of x ICMEs near the Earth" since we are aware that some reported halo CMEs do not reach the Earth and there are many ICMEs (cf. the list) that do not have clear CME counterparts. Thus we do not necessarily expect a one-to-one association between halo CMEs and subsequent ICMEs.

A well-known problem when identifying ICMEs using different data sets is that the boundaries may not agree exactly, or some signatures may be completely absent. Reasons presumably include event to event variations in the conditions at the Sun during CME ejection, the different physical processes that give rise to the various signatures and which may occur at the Sun (e.g., composition/charge states, formation of magnetic clouds), during ICME expansion in the solar wind (e.g., abnormally low proton temperatures), or depend on the magnetic field line topology and connection to the Sun (e.g., energetic particle decreases and bidirectional flows) that may be influenced by reconnection between field lines in the ICME and ambient solar wind. In the above list, we give first the estimated ICME start and end times based predominantly on solar wind plasma and magnetic field observations, with consideration of other data sets, essentially as given in the Cane and Richardson [2003] list. We also give the estimated offsets from these times for the boundaries suggested by signatures in the SWICS plasma composition and charge state data (e.g., enhanced oxygen and iron charge states, Mg/O) and for reported magnetic clouds. Although in many events, these boundaries are essentially co-located (to within an accuracy of an hour or so), there are other events where the boundaries appear to be substantially different. We also indicate the offset times of the boundaries of the reported magnetic clouds, which are often determined primarily by the need to choose an interval of "well-behaved" magnetic field to input to a model.

This catalog is a work in progress and subject to revision!

We acknowledge all the various experimenters who have made their data available through the ACE Science Center and other sources. Portions of this work were supported by a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator Grant and by the ACE mission.

Please send comments, questions or corrections to Ian Richardson (

Papers citing the ICME catalog as published in: Cane and Richardson, Interplanetary coronal mass ejections in the near-Earth solar wind during 1996�2002, JGR [2003]and Richardson and Cane, Near-Earth Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections During Solar Cycle 23 (1996--2009): Catalog and Summary of Properties, Solar Physics, [2010]

Our Related References:

I.G. Richardson, H.V. Cane and T.T von Rosenvinge, Prompt arrival of solar energetic particles from far eastern events - The role of large-scale interplanetary magnetic field structure, JGR [1991].

I.G. Richardson, C.J. Farrugia, and L.F. Burlaga, Energetic ion observations in the magnetic cloud of 14-15 January 1988 and their implications for the magnetic field topology, 22nd Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. [1991].

I.G. Richardson and D.V. Reames, Bidirectional ~ 1 MeV/amu ion intervals in 1973-1991 observed by the Goddard Space Flight Center instruments on IMP 8 and ISEE 3/ICE, Astrophys. J. Supp. [1993].

C.J. Farrugia, I.G Richardson et al. Simultaneous observations of solar MeV particles in a magnetic cloud and in the Earth's northern tail lobe: Implications for the global field line topology of magnetic clouds and for the entry of solar particles into the magnetosphere during cloud passage, JGR [1993].

C.J. Farrugia et al. A study of an expanding interplanetary magnetic cloud and its interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere: The interplanetary aspect, JGR [1993].

H.V. Cane, I.G. Richardson, and T.T. von Rosenvinge, Cosmic ray decreases and particle acceleration in 1978-1982 and the associated solar wind structures, JGR [1993].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, Signatures of shock drivers in the solar wind and their dependence on the solar source location, JGR [1993].

H.V. Cane, I.G. Richardson, T.T. von Rosenvinge, and G. Wibberenz, Cosmic ray decreases and shock structure: A multispacecraft study, JGR [1994].

I.G. Richardson, A Survey of Bidirectional >= 1 MeV Ion Flows during the HELIOS 1 and HELIOS 2 Missions: Observations from the Goddard Space Flight Center Instruments, Astrophys. J. [1994].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, Regions of abnormally low proton temperature in the solar wind (1965�1991) and their association with ejecta, JGR [1995].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, Particle flows observed in ejecta during solar event onsets and their implication for the magnetic field topology, JGR [1996].

I.G. Richardson, C.J. Farrugia and H.V. Cane, A statistical study of the behavior of the electron temperature in ejecta, JGR [1997].

H.V. Cane, I.G. Richardson, and G. Wibberenz, Helios 1 and 2 observations of particle decreases, ejecta, and magnetic clouds, JGR [1997].

H.V. Cane, I.G. Richardson and O.C. St. Cyr, The interplanetary events of January-May, 1997 as inferred from energetic particle data, and their relationship with solar events, GRL [1998].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, Bidirectional �1 MeV Ion Flows Observed by IMP 8 Over Two Solar Cycles, 26th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. [1999].

H.V. Cane, I.G. Richardson and O.C. St. Cyr, Coronal mass ejections, interplanetary ejecta and geomagnetic storms, GRL [2000].

I.G. Richardson, V.M. Dvornikov, V.E. Sdobnov, and H.V. Cane, Bidirectional particle flows at cosmic ray and lower (~1 MeV) energies and their association with interplanetary coronal mass ejections/ejecta, JGR [2000].

H.V. Cane, Coronal Mass Ejections and Forbush Decreases, Space Sci. Rev. [2000].

S.T. Lepri et al., Iron charge distribution as an identifier of interplanetary coronal mass ejections, JGR [2001].

H.V. Cane and I.G. Richardson, Interplanetary coronal mass ejections in the near-Earth solar wind during 1996�2002, JGR [2003].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, Identification of interplanetary coronal mass ejections at 1 AU using multiple solar wind plasma composition anomalies, JGR [2004].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, The fraction of interplanetary coronal mass ejections that are magnetic clouds: Evidence for a solar cycle variation, GRL [2004].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, A Survey of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in the Near-Earth Solar Wind during 1996-2005, Solar Wind 11 [2005].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, The ~150 day quasi-periodicity in interplanetary and solar phenomena during cycle 23, GRL [2005].

T.H. Zurbuchen and I.G. Richardson, In-Situ Solar Wind and Magnetic Field Signatures of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections, Space Sci. Rev. [2006].

D. Alexander, I.G. Richardson and T.H. Zurbuchen, A brief history of CME science, Space Sci. Rev. [2006].

H.V. Cane and D. Lario, An Introduction to CMEs and Energetic Particles, Space Sci. Rev. [2006].

R. Forsyth et al., ICMEs in the Inner Heliosphere: Origin, Evolution and Propagation Effects, Space Sci. Rev. [2006].

R. Wimmer-Schweingruber et al., Understanding Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Signatures, Space Sci. Rev. [2006].

P. Riley et al., On the Rates of Coronal Mass Ejections: Remote Solar and In Situ Observations, Astrophys. J. [2006].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections During 1996-2007, Proc. 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Merida, Mexico, 2007.

Z. Zhang, I.G. Richardson, et al., Solar and interplanetary sources of major geomagnetic storms (Dst less than -100 nT) during 1996�2005, JGR [2007]. Correction to paper table.

I.G. Richardson and Z. Zhang, Multiple-step geomagnetic storms and their interplanetary drivers, GRL [2008].

Z. Zhang, W. Poomvises and I.G. Richardson, Sizes and relative geoeffectiveness of interplanetary coronal mass ejections and the preceding shock sheaths during intense storms in 1996�2005, GRL [2008].

Z. Zhang, I.G. Richardson and D. Webb, Interplanetary origin of multiple-dip geomagnetic storms, JGR [2008].

T.T. von Rosenvinge, I.G. Richardson, D.V. Reames, C.M.S. Cohen, A. Cummings, R. Leske, R. Mewaldt, E. Stone, M. Wiedenbeck, The Solar energetic particle event of 14 December 2006, Solar Phys. [2009].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, Interplanetary coronal mass ejections during solar cycle 23, Solar Wind 12 [2010].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, The Interplanetary Circumstances of Quasi-Perpendicular Interplanetary Shocks in 1996-2005, JGR [2010].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, Near-Earth Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections During Solar Cycle 23 (1996--2009): Catalog and Summary of Properties, Solar Physics, [2010].

I.G. Richardson and H.V. Cane, Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensity Response to Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections/Magnetic Clouds in 1995 � 2009, Solar Physics, [2011].

S. Kahler, D. Haggerty and I.G. Richardson, Magnetic Field-line Lengths in Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Inferred from Energetic Electron Events, Astrophys. J., [2011].

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