C&DH Bin Dump Format

C&DH Bin Dump Format Description - includes all science data; housekeeping data, with the exception of the selectable telemetry byte, is replaced with bin dump data from the C&DH component. The bins that gets dumped are specified by the C&DH Bin Dump command. The bin dump information contained in the Bin Dump format is identical to the bin dump data contained in the 434 b/s Low Rate Bin Dump format.

Version 10/6/95

C&DH Bin Dump Format

------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------- --------
Minor Frame 0                                                                
Location      Length Parameter                                      Source   
------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------- --------
0             32     Sync Word                                      C&DH     
32            48     Virtual Channel Header                         C&DH     
80            48     Packet Header                                  C&DH     
128           32     Packet Secondary Header                        C&DH     
160           4      Format ID                                      C&DH     
------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------- --------
164           1      Sun Sensor ID-Side                             C&DH     
165           1      Sun Senor ID-Top                               C&DH     
166           2      C&DH ID                                        C&DH     
168           1      Collection Format                              C&DH     
169           3      Major Frame Count                              C&DH     
------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------- --------
172           4      Minor Frame Count                              C&DH     
176           8      Selectable Telemetry Byte                      C&DH     
184           16     Phase Angle latched in collected minor frame 0          
200           8      Mode (=2 for Bin Dumps)                        C&DH     
208           8      Bin Type                                       C&DH     
------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------- --------
216           16     Bin Number                                     C&DH     
232           16     Number of dump bytes in the major frame        C&DH     
248           112    zero                                           C&DH     
360           304    Magnetometer Data                              DCM2-SD3 
664           168    EPAM Data                                      DCM1-SD0 
------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------- --------
832           464    CRIS Data                                      DCM2-SD0 
1296          1992   SIS Data                                       DCM2-SD1 
3288          544    SWEPAM Ion Data                                DCM1-SD2 
3832          456    SWEPAM Electron Data                           DCM2-SD2 
4288          1000   ULEIS Data                                     DCM1-SD1 
------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------- --------
Minor Frame 0                                                                
Location      Length Parameter                                      Source   
------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------- --------
5288          1624   S^3 DPU Data                                   DCM1-SD3 
6912          32     Command Link Control Word                      C&DH     

C&DH Bin Dump Format Description
----------------- ------ ---------------------------------------- --------
Minor Frames 1-15                                                          
Location          Length Parameter                                Source   
----------------- ------ ---------------------------------------- --------
0                 32     Sync Word                                C&DH     
32                48     Virtual Channel Header                   C&DH     
80                48     Packet Header                            C&DH     
128               32     Packet Secondary Header                  C&DH     
160               4      Format ID                                C&DH     
----------------- ------ ---------------------------------------- --------
164               1      Sun Sensor ID-Side                       C&DH     
165               1      Sun Senor ID-Top                         C&DH     
166               2      C&DH ID                                  C&DH     
168               1      Collection Format                        C&DH     
169               3      Major Frame Count                        C&DH     
----------------- ------ ---------------------------------------- --------
172               4      Minor Frame Count                        C&DH     
176               8      Selectable Telemetry Byte                C&DH     
184               16     Phase Angle Latched at Minor Frame Pulse C&DH     
200               160    Bin Data                                 C&DH     
360               304    Magnetometer Data                        DCM2-SD3 
----------------- ------ ---------------------------------------- --------
664               168    EPAM Data                                DCM1-SD0 
832               464    CRIS Data                                DCM2-SD0 
1296              1992   SIS Data                                 DCM2-SD1 
3288              544    SWEPAM Ion Data                          DCM1-SD2 
3832              456    SWEPAM Electron Data                     DCM2-SD2 
----------------- ------ ---------------------------------------- --------
4288              1000   ULEIS Data                               DCM1-SD1 
5288              1624   S^3 DPU Data                             DCM1-SD3 
6912              32     Command Link Control Word                C&DH