Data Collection Machine #1

Data Collection Machine #1 Description - Data Collection Machine #1 is on Common Housekeeping board #1. It controls the sequence in which science and housekeeping data is collected. It can be placed in one of two formats. The first format collects all the telemetry sources that are connected to the board. The second format replaces serial digital channels with other channels, except for the Power Switching and Ordnance Fire components serial digital channel, which can support simultaneous readouts from both C&DH components, and the opposite C&DH status. In both cases, the DCM collects a total of 6144 bits. The data is collected in an order that simplifies the construction of telemetry frames.

Version 3/1/95

Data Collection Machine #1

Format 0 - includes all telemetry items

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWEPAM(E) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA0      8      0     
SWEPAM(E) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA0      8      8     
SWEPAM(E) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA0      8      16    
Unused Channels                                                                                                           
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #19 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA19     8      24    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #20 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA20     8      32    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      40    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      48    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      56    
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      64    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #25 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA25     8      72    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #26 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA26     8      80    
DCM1 -  0-5V Channel #27 (not in any format)                                                  DCM1-SEA27     8      88    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #28 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA28     8      96    
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #29 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA29     8      104   
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #30 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA30     8      112   
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #30 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA30     8      120   
DCM1 - PT103 Channel # 29 (not in any format)                                                 DCM1-PT29      8      128   
DCM1 - PT103 Channel # 30 (not in any format)                                                 DCM1-PT30      8      136   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
"Grouping for ADC, Low Rate Formats"                                                                                      
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT0       8      144   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT1       8      152   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT2       8      160   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT3       8      168   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-AD2       8      176   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-AD3       8      184   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-AD4       8      192   
"+X/+Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                           DCM1-PT14      8      200   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
"+Y/-X  Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                          DCM1-PT15      8      208   
"-X Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                              DCM1-PT16      8      216   
"-X/-Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                           DCM1-PT17      8      224   
"-Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                              DCM1-PT18      8      232   
"-Y/+X  Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                          DCM1-PT19      8      240   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT20      8      248   
Antenna Dish Feed:  Use Long Leads                                                            DCM1-PT21      8      256   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT22      8      264   
Back of +X Forward Radiator                                                                   DCM1-AD0       8      272   
Back of -X/-Y Forward Radiator                                                                DCM1-AD1       8      280   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWIMS Interface Temp:  +Z End Near Mounting Foot                                              DCM1-AD6       8      288   
SWICS I/F Temp:  By Mtg Foot Towards SWEPAM-E                                                 DCM1-AD8       8      296   
ULEIS Interface Temp:  Under Back End of Instrument                                           DCM1-AD12      8      304   
EPAM Interface Temp:  On E-Box Mtg Surf Near Foot                                             DCM1-AD13      8      312   
"CRIS I\F Temp:  Side Close to -X Panel, Near -Z End"                                         DCM1-AD16      8      320   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SIS I/F Temp:  Back of Box Near Underside of SIS                                              DCM1-AD19      8      328   
"SEPICA I/F Temp:  Under Basepl, Near Cntr of Deck"                                           DCM1-AD21      8      336   
SWEPAM(E) Interface Temp:   On Deck by Instrument                                             DCM1-AD25      8      344   
"SWEPAM(I) Interface Temp:  On Deck, -X/-Y Edge"                                              DCM1-AD27      8      352   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT22      8      360   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
-Y Mag Boom Stowed Switch - C&DH A only                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW7  1      368   
+Y Mag Boom Stowed Switch - C&DH A only                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW6  1      369   
-Y Mag Boom Deployed Switch - C&DH A only                                                     DCM1-DIGTTSW5  1      370   
+Y Mag Boom Deployed Switch - C&DH A only                                                     DCM1-DIGTTSW4  1      371   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-DIGTTSW3  1      372   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-DIGTTSW2  1      373   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-DIGTTSW1  1      374   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-DIGTTSW0  1      375   
Heater-Prop. System Axial Cat Bed Current                                                     DCM1-DIFA10    8      376   
Heater-Prop. System Radial Cat Bed Current                                                    DCM1-DIFA11    8      384   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Thruster Valve IA Temperature                                                                 DCM1-PT4       8      392   
Thruster Valve IR Temperature                                                                 DCM1-PT5       8      400   
Thruster Valve IVA Temperature                                                                DCM1-PT6       8      408   
Thruster Valve IVR+ Temperature                                                               DCM1-PT7       8      416   
Thruster Valve IVR- Temperature                                                               DCM1-PT8       8      424   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Thruster Valve IIIR- Temperature                                                              DCM1-PT9       8      432   
Thruster Valve IIIR+ Temperature                                                              DCM1-PT10      8      440   
Thruster Valve IIIA Temperature                                                               DCM1-PT11      8      448   
Thruster Valve IIR Temperature                                                                DCM1-PT12      8      456   
Thruster Valve IIA Temperature                                                                DCM1-PT13      8      464   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Thruster IA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                          DCM1-DIFA0     8      472   
Thruster IR Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                          DCM1-DIFA1     8      480   
Thruster IVA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                         DCM1-DIFA2     8      488   
Thruster IVR+ Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                        DCM1-DIFA3     8      496   
Thruster IVR- Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                        DCM1-DIFA4     8      504   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Thruster IIIR- Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                       DCM1-DIFA5     8      512   
Thruster IIIR+ Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                       DCM1-DIFA6     8      520   
Thruster IIIA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                        DCM1-DIFA7     8      528   
Thruster IIR Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                         DCM1-DIFA8     8      536   
Thruster IIA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                         DCM1-DIFA9     8      544   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Grouping for Minor Frame 9 of Science Format                                                                              
SWEPAM(E) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA0      8      552   
SWEPAM(E) HVMON1 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                                 DCM1-SEA1      8      560   
SWEPAM(E) HVMON2 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                                 DCM1-SEA2      8      568   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWEPAM(I) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA3      8      576   
SWEPAM(I) HVMON1 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                                 DCM1-SEA4      8      584   
SWEPAM(I) HVMON2 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                                 DCM1-SEA5      8      592   
EPAM Analog A1 Int/Ext Cal Readout                                                            DCM1-SEA6      8      600   
"EPAM Analog A2, Subcom over 8 major frames"                                                  DCM1-SEA7      8      608   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
"EPAM Analog A3, Subcom over 8 major frames"                                                  DCM1-SEA8      8      616   
EPAM Analog A4 Input Current Monitor                                                          DCM1-SEA9      8      624   
EPAM LAN 1 Electronics Temperature - Thermistor                                               DCM1-SEA10     8      632   
EPAM LAN 2A Electronics Temperature - Thermistor                                              DCM1-SEA11     8      640   
EPAM LAN 2B Sensor Temperature - Thermistor                                                   DCM1-SEA12     8      648   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
ULEIS   LVPS Voltage                                                                          DCM1-SEA13     8      656   
CRIS Internal Temperature #1                                                                  DCM1-AD14      8      664   
CRIS Internal Temperature #2                                                                  DCM1-AD15      8      672   
SIS Internal Temperature #1                                                                   DCM1-AD17      8      680   
SIS Internal Temperature #2                                                                   DCM1-AD18      8      688   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
(insert for phase angle latched @ sun pulse)                                                  16                          
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #14 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA14     8      696   
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #15 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA15     8      704   
Group Subtotal                                                                                160                         
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Grouping for Minor Frame 10 of Science Format                                                                             
Solid State Recorder A DCDCOUT                                                                DCM1-SEA16     8      712   
Solid State Recorder B DCDCOUT                                                                DCM1-SEA17     8      720   
DCM1 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #15                                                    DCM1-DIGTTSW15 1      728   
SIS Cover Telltale                                                                            DCM1-DIGTTSW14 1      729   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
S3DPU Power Converter Select TT                                                               DCM1-DIGTTSW13 1      730   
SWIMS Cover Telltale                                                                          DCM1-DIGTTSW12 1      731   
Redundant Charger Selected TT                                                                 DCM1-DIGTTSW11 1      732   
Prime Charger Selected TT                                                                     DCM1-DIGTTSW10 1      733   
Redundant Shunt Electronics Selected TT                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW9  1      734   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Prime Shunt Electronics Selected TT                                                           DCM1-DIGTTSW8  1      735   
"CRIS, I/F, & Survival Heater Current "                                                       DCM1-DIFA15    8      736   
"SIS, I/F, & Survival Heater Current "                                                        DCM1-DIFA16    8      744   
EPAM Electronics & I/F Heater Current                                                         DCM1-DIFA17    8      752   
EPAM Survival/Operational Heater Current                                                      DCM1-DIFA18    8      760   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
ULEIS & Survival Heater Current                                                               DCM1-DIFA19    8      768   
ULEIS Analog Elect. LVPS Current                                                              DCM1-DIFA20    8      776   
DCM1 - 0-50mV Channel #21                                                                     DCM1-DIFA21    8      784   
ULEIS Internal & I/F Heater Current                                                           DCM1-DIFA22    8      792   
SWEPAM Electron Current                                                                       DCM1-DIFA23    8      800   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWEPAM Ion Current                                                                            DCM1-DIFA24    8      808   
"SWIMS, I/F, & Survival Htr Current"                                                          DCM1-DIFA25    8      816   
"SWICS, I/F, and Survival Htr Current"                                                        DCM1-DIFA26    8      824   
"SEPICA, I/F, & Survival Htr Current"                                                         DCM1-DIFA27    8      832   
Magnetometer Electronics and Survival Heater Current                                          DCM1-DIFA28    8      840   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
S^3 DPU Current                                                                               DCM1-DIFA29    8      848   
Heater-Prop. System Deck  Primary Current                                                     DCM1-DIFA12    8      856   
Heater-Prop. System Deck Backup Current                                                       DCM1-DIFA13    8      864   
Group Subtotal                                                                                160                         
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Grouping for Minor Frame 11 of Science Format                                                                             
"Power Switching, Ordnance Fire Relay Telltales"                                              DCM1-SD5       112    872   
S3 DPU Interface A/B Select                                                                   DCM1-DIGTTLOG7 1      984   
Transponder B Transmitter On/Off                                                              DCM1-DIGTTLOG6 1      985   
Transponder B Receiver In-lock/Out-lock                                                       DCM1-DIGTTLOG5 1      986   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Transponder A Transmitter On/Off                                                              DCM1-DIGTTLOG4 1      987   
Transponder A Receiver In-lock/Out-Lock                                                       DCM1-DIGTTLOG3 1      988   
Transponder Aux Osc On/Off (not x-strapped)                                                   DCM1-DIGTTLOG2 1      989   
Transponder Transmitter Mod Index Hi/Lo (not x-strapped)                                      DCM1-DIGTTLOG1 1      990   
Transponder Ranging Channel On/Off (not x-strapped)                                           DCM1-DIGTTLOG0 1      991   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #18                                                                       DCM1-SEA18     8      992   
"OAF Temperature:  +X Octant,  Near PAF Interface"                                            DCM1-PT27      8      1000  
Aft Deck Temperature:  Between Ant Foot and SLAM                                              DCM1-PT28      8      1008  
S^3 DPU Converter Secondary Current                                                           DCM1-DIFA30    8      1016  
Pressure Transducer #1 & #2 Current                                                           DCM1-DIFA14    8      1024  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Grouping for Minor Frame 12 of Science Format                                                                             
SWIMS Internal Temperature                                                                    DCM1-AD5       8      1032  
SWICS Internal Temperature                                                                    DCM1-AD7       8      1040  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
ULEIS Telescope Temperature                                                                   DCM1-AD9       8      1048  
ULEIS Analog Electronics Temperature (Internal)                                               DCM1-AD10      8      1056  
ULEIS DPU Temperature (Internal)                                                              DCM1-AD11      8      1064  
SEPICA Iso-Butane Tank Temperature                                                            DCM1-AD20      8      1072  
S^3 DPU Power Supply A Temperature                                                            DCM1-AD22      8      1080  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWEPAM(E) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD24      8      1088  
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1096  
Last Star Scanner Data                                                                        DCM1-SD6       64     1104  
Terminal Board #1/Fuse Temperature                                                            DCM1-AD28      8      1168  
Instrument Deck Temperature (TBD) #1                                                          DCM1-AD29      8      1176  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
S^3 DPU Power Supply B Temperature                                                            DCM1-AD30      8      1184  
Group Subtotal                                                                                160                         
Minor Frame 13 of Science Format will include the first 160 bits of C&DH Hskp                                             
Bits 0 to 159 of active C&DH housekeeping data                                                160                         
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Minor Frame 14 of Science Format will include the second 160 bits of C&DH Hskp                                            
Bits 160 to 319 of active C&DH housekeeping data                                              160                         
(note - Minor Frame 15 data starts at bit 4312)                                                                           
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1192  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1200  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1208  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1216  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1224  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1232  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1240  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1248  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1256  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1264  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1272  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1280  
Science Data Group                                                                                                        
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
EPAM Data                                                                                     DCM1-SD0       168    1288  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1456  
ULEIS Data                                                                                    DCM1-SD1       1000   1464  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2464  
SWEPAM Ion Data                                                                               DCM1-SD2       712    2472  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3184  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3192  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3200  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3208  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3216  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3224  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3232  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3240  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3248  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3256  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3264  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3272  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3280  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3288  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3296  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3304  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3312  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3320  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3328  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3336  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3344  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3352  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3360  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3368  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3376  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3384  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3392  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3400  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3408  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3416  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3424  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3432  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3440  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3448  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3456  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3464  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3472  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3480  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3488  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3496  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3504  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3512  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3520  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3528  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3536  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3544  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3552  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3560  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3568  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3576  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3584  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3592  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3600  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3608  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3616  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3624  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3632  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3640  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3648  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3656  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3664  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3672  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3680  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3688  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3696  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3704  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3712  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3720  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3728  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3736  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3744  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3752  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3760  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3768  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3776  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3784  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3792  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3800  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3808  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3816  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3824  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3832  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3840  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3848  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3856  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3864  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3872  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3880  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3888  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3896  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3904  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3912  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3920  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3928  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3936  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3944  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3952  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3960  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3968  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3976  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3984  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3992  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4000  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4008  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4016  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4024  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4032  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4040  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4048  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4056  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4064  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4072  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4080  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4088  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4096  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4104  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4112  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4120  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4128  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4136  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4144  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4152  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4160  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4168  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4176  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4184  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4192  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4200  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4208  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4216  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4224  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4232  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4240  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4248  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4256  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4264  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4272  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4280  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4288  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4296  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4304  
Grouping for Minor Frame 15 of Science Format                                                                             
Bits 320-383 of bits of active C&DH housekeeping data                                         64                          
Analog Shunt Panel Temperature                                                                DCM1-PT23      8      4312  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Aft Deck Temperature (TBD) #1                                                                 DCM1-PT24      8      4320  
Opposite C&DH Component Hskp Data                                                             DCM1-SD4       64     4328  
(insert for phase angle latched @ sun pulse)                                                  16                          
DCM1 - PT103 Channel #25 (not in any format)                                                  DCM1-PT25      8      4392  
DCM1 - PT103 Channel # 26 (not in any format)                                                 DCM1-PT26      8      4400  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Group Subtotal                                                                                96                          
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4408  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4416  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4424  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4432  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4440  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4448  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4456  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4464  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
S^3 DPU Data                                                                                  DCM1-SD3       1624   4472  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      6096  
Spare Serial Digital Data                                                                     DCM1-SD7       32     6104  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      6136  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Total Collected                                                                                              6144         
Data Collection Machine #1                                                                                                
Format 1 - Serial Digital channels (except for Power Switching/Ordnance Fire & C&DH) replaced                             
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWEPAM(E) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA0      8      0     
SWEPAM(E) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA0      8      8     
SWEPAM(E) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA0      8      16    
Unused Channels                                                                                                           
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #19 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA19     8      24    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #20 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA20     8      32    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      40    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      48    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      56    
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      64    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #25 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA25     8      72    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #26 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA26     8      80    
DCM1 -  0-5V Channel #27 (not in any format)                                                  DCM1-SEA27     8      88    
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #28 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA28     8      96    
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #29 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA29     8      104   
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #30 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA30     8      112   
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #30 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA30     8      120   
DCM1 - PT103 Channel # 29 (not in any format)                                                 DCM1-PT29      8      128   
DCM1 - PT103 Channel # 30 (not in any format)                                                 DCM1-PT30      8      136   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
"Grouping for ADC, Low Rate Formats"                                                                                      
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT0       8      144   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT1       8      152   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT2       8      160   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT3       8      168   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-AD2       8      176   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-AD3       8      184   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-AD4       8      192   
"+X/+Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                           DCM1-PT14      8      200   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
"+Y/-X  Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                          DCM1-PT15      8      208   
"-X Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                              DCM1-PT16      8      216   
"-X/-Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                           DCM1-PT17      8      224   
"-Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                              DCM1-PT18      8      232   
"-Y/+X  Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                          DCM1-PT19      8      240   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT20      8      248   
Antenna Dish Feed:  Use Long Leads                                                            DCM1-PT21      8      256   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT22      8      264   
Back of +X Forward Radiator                                                                   DCM1-AD0       8      272   
Back of -X/-Y Forward Radiator                                                                DCM1-AD1       8      280   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWIMS Interface Temp:  +Z End Near Mounting Foot                                              DCM1-AD6       8      288   
SWICS I/F Temp:  By Mtg Foot Towards SWEPAM-E                                                 DCM1-AD8       8      296   
ULEIS Interface Temp:  Under Back End of Instrument                                           DCM1-AD12      8      304   
EPAM Interface Temp:  On E-Box Mtg Surf Near Foot                                             DCM1-AD13      8      312   
"CRIS I\F Temp:  Side Close to -X Panel, Near -Z End"                                         DCM1-AD16      8      320   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SIS I/F Temp:  Back of Box Near Underside of SIS                                              DCM1-AD19      8      328   
"SEPICA I/F Temp:  Under Basepl, Near Cntr of Deck"                                           DCM1-AD21      8      336   
SWEPAM(E) Interface Temp:   On Deck by Instrument                                             DCM1-AD25      8      344   
"SWEPAM(I) Interface Temp:  On Deck, -X/-Y Edge"                                              DCM1-AD27      8      352   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-PT22      8      360   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
-Y Mag Boom Stowed Switch - C&DH A only                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW7  1      368   
+Y Mag Boom Stowed Switch - C&DH A only                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW6  1      369   
-Y Mag Boom Deployed Switch - C&DH A only                                                     DCM1-DIGTTSW5  1      370   
+Y Mag Boom Deployed Switch - C&DH A only                                                     DCM1-DIGTTSW4  1      371   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-DIGTTSW3  1      372   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-DIGTTSW2  1      373   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-DIGTTSW1  1      374   
#NAME?                                                                                        DCM1-DIGTTSW0  1      375   
Heater-Prop. System Axial Cat Bed Current                                                     DCM1-DIFA10    8      376   
Heater-Prop. System Radial Cat Bed Current                                                    DCM1-DIFA11    8      384   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Thruster Valve IA Temperature                                                                 DCM1-PT4       8      392   
Thruster Valve IR Temperature                                                                 DCM1-PT5       8      400   
Thruster Valve IVA Temperature                                                                DCM1-PT6       8      408   
Thruster Valve IVR+ Temperature                                                               DCM1-PT7       8      416   
Thruster Valve IVR- Temperature                                                               DCM1-PT8       8      424   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Thruster Valve IIIR- Temperature                                                              DCM1-PT9       8      432   
Thruster Valve IIIR+ Temperature                                                              DCM1-PT10      8      440   
Thruster Valve IIIA Temperature                                                               DCM1-PT11      8      448   
Thruster Valve IIR Temperature                                                                DCM1-PT12      8      456   
Thruster Valve IIA Temperature                                                                DCM1-PT13      8      464   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Thruster IA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                          DCM1-DIFA0     8      472   
Thruster IR Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                          DCM1-DIFA1     8      480   
Thruster IVA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                         DCM1-DIFA2     8      488   
Thruster IVR+ Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                        DCM1-DIFA3     8      496   
Thruster IVR- Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                        DCM1-DIFA4     8      504   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Thruster IIIR- Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                       DCM1-DIFA5     8      512   
Thruster IIIR+ Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                       DCM1-DIFA6     8      520   
Thruster IIIA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                        DCM1-DIFA7     8      528   
Thruster IIR Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                         DCM1-DIFA8     8      536   
Thruster IIA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                                         DCM1-DIFA9     8      544   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Grouping for Minor Frame 9 of Science Format                                                                              
SWEPAM(E) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA0      8      552   
SWEPAM(E) HVMON1 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                                 DCM1-SEA1      8      560   
SWEPAM(E) HVMON2 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                                 DCM1-SEA2      8      568   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWEPAM(I) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                              DCM1-SEA3      8      576   
SWEPAM(I) HVMON1 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                                 DCM1-SEA4      8      584   
SWEPAM(I) HVMON2 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                                 DCM1-SEA5      8      592   
EPAM Analog A1 Int/Ext Cal Readout                                                            DCM1-SEA6      8      600   
"EPAM Analog A2, Subcom over 8 major frames"                                                  DCM1-SEA7      8      608   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
"EPAM Analog A3, Subcom over 8 major frames"                                                  DCM1-SEA8      8      616   
EPAM Analog A4 Input Current Monitor                                                          DCM1-SEA9      8      624   
EPAM LAN 1 Electronics Temperature - Thermistor                                               DCM1-SEA10     8      632   
EPAM LAN 2A Electronics Temperature - Thermistor                                              DCM1-SEA11     8      640   
EPAM LAN 2B Sensor Temperature - Thermistor                                                   DCM1-SEA12     8      648   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
ULEIS   LVPS Voltage                                                                          DCM1-SEA13     8      656   
CRIS Internal Temperature #1                                                                  DCM1-AD14      8      664   
CRIS Internal Temperature #2                                                                  DCM1-AD15      8      672   
SIS Internal Temperature #1                                                                   DCM1-AD17      8      680   
SIS Internal Temperature #2                                                                   DCM1-AD18      8      688   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
(insert for phase angle latched at sun pulse)                                                                             
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #14 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA14     8      696   
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #15 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA15     8      704   
Group Subtotal                                                                                160                         
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Grouping for Minor Frame 10 of Science Format                                                                             
Solid State Recorder A DCDCOUT                                                                DCM1-SEA16     8      712   
Solid State Recorder B DCDCOUT                                                                DCM1-SEA17     8      720   
DCM1 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #15                                                    DCM1-DIGTTSW15 1      728   
SIS Cover Telltale                                                                            DCM1-DIGTTSW14 1      729   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
S3DPU Power Converter Select TT                                                               DCM1-DIGTTSW13 1      730   
SWIMS Cover Telltale                                                                          DCM1-DIGTTSW12 1      731   
Redundant Charger Selected TT                                                                 DCM1-DIGTTSW11 1      732   
Prime Charger Selected TT                                                                     DCM1-DIGTTSW10 1      733   
Redundant Shunt Electronics Selected TT                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW9  1      734   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Prime Shunt Electronics Selected TT                                                           DCM1-DIGTTSW8  1      735   
"CRIS, I/F, & Survival Heater Current "                                                       DCM1-DIFA15    8      736   
"SIS, I/F, & Survival Heater Current "                                                        DCM1-DIFA16    8      744   
EPAM Electronics & I/F Heater Current                                                         DCM1-DIFA17    8      752   
EPAM Survival/Operational Heater Current                                                      DCM1-DIFA18    8      760   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
ULEIS & Survival Heater Current                                                               DCM1-DIFA19    8      768   
ULEIS Analog Elect. LVPS Current                                                              DCM1-DIFA20    8      776   
DCM1 - 0-50mV Channel #21                                                                     DCM1-DIFA21    8      784   
ULEIS Internal & I/F Heater Current                                                           DCM1-DIFA22    8      792   
SWEPAM Electron Current                                                                       DCM1-DIFA23    8      800   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWEPAM Ion Current                                                                            DCM1-DIFA24    8      808   
"SWIMS, I/F, & Survival Htr Current"                                                          DCM1-DIFA25    8      816   
"SWICS, I/F, and Survival Htr Current"                                                        DCM1-DIFA26    8      824   
"SEPICA, I/F, & Survival Htr Current"                                                         DCM1-DIFA27    8      832   
Magnetometer Electronics and Survival Heater Current                                          DCM1-DIFA28    8      840   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
S^3 DPU Current                                                                               DCM1-DIFA29    8      848   
Heater-Prop. System Deck  Primary Current                                                     DCM1-DIFA12    8      856   
Heater-Prop. System Deck Backup Current                                                       DCM1-DIFA13    8      864   
Group Subtotal                                                                                160                         
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Grouping for Minor Frame 11 of Science Format                                                                             
"Power Switching, Ordnance Fire Relay Telltales"                                              DCM1-SD5       112    872   
S3 DPU Interface A/B Select                                                                   DCM1-DIGTTLOG7 1      984   
Transponder B Transmitter On/Off                                                              DCM1-DIGTTLOG6 1      985   
Transponder B Receiver In-lock/Out-lock                                                       DCM1-DIGTTLOG5 1      986   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Transponder A Transmitter On/Off                                                              DCM1-DIGTTLOG4 1      987   
Transponder A Receiver In-lock/Out-Lock                                                       DCM1-DIGTTLOG3 1      988   
Transponder Aux Osc On/Off (not x-strapped)                                                   DCM1-DIGTTLOG2 1      989   
Transponder Transmitter Mod Index Hi/Lo (not x-strapped)                                      DCM1-DIGTTLOG1 1      990   
Transponder Ranging Channel On/Off (not x-strapped)                                           DCM1-DIGTTLOG0 1      991   
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #18                                                                       DCM1-SEA18     8      992   
"OAF Temperature:  +X Octant,  Near PAF Interface"                                            DCM1-PT27      8      1000  
Aft Deck Temperature:  Between Ant Foot and SLAM                                              DCM1-PT28      8      1008  
S^3 DPU Converter Secondary Current                                                           DCM1-DIFA30    8      1016  
Pressure Transducer #1 & #2 Current                                                           DCM1-DIFA14    8      1024  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Grouping for Minor Frame 12 of Science Format                                                                             
SWIMS Internal Temperature                                                                    DCM1-AD5       8      1032  
SWICS Internal Temperature                                                                    DCM1-AD7       8      1040  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
ULEIS Telescope Temperature                                                                   DCM1-AD9       8      1048  
ULEIS Analog Electronics Temperature (Internal)                                               DCM1-AD10      8      1056  
ULEIS DPU Temperature (Internal)                                                              DCM1-AD11      8      1064  
SEPICA Iso-Butane Tank Temperature                                                            DCM1-AD20      8      1072  
S^3 DPU Power Supply A Temperature                                                            DCM1-AD22      8      1080  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWEPAM(E) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD24      8      1088  
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1096  
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1104  
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1112  
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1120  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1128  
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1136  
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1144  
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1152  
SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                                DCM1-AD26      8      1160  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Terminal Board #1/Fuse Temperature                                                            DCM1-AD28      8      1168  
Instrument Deck Temperature (TBD) #1                                                          DCM1-AD29      8      1176  
S^3 DPU Power Supply B Temperature                                                            DCM1-AD30      8      1184  
Group Subtotal                                                                                160                         
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Minor Frame 13 of Science Format will include the first 160 bits of C&DH Hskp                                             
Bits 0 to 159 of active C&DH housekeeping data                                                160                         
Minor Frame 14 of Science Format will include the second 160 bits of C&DH Hskp                                            
Bits 160 to 319 of active C&DH housekeeping data                                              160                         
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
(note - Minor Frame 15 data starts at bit 4312)                                                                           
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1192  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1200  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1208  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1216  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1224  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1232  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1240  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1248  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1256  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1264  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1272  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      1280  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Science Data Group - science data replaced with analog channels                                                           
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1288  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1296  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1304  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1312  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1320  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1328  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1336  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1344  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1352  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1360  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1368  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1376  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1384  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1392  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1400  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1408  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1416  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1424  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1432  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1440  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1448  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #21 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA21     8      1456  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1464  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1472  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1480  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1488  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1496  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1504  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1512  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1520  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1528  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1536  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1544  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1552  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1560  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1568  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1576  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1584  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1592  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1600  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1608  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1616  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1624  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1632  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1640  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1648  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1656  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1664  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1672  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1680  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1688  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1696  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1704  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1712  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1720  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1728  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1736  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1744  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1752  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1760  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1768  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1776  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1784  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1792  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1800  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1808  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1816  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1824  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1832  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1840  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1848  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1856  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1864  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1872  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1880  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1888  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1896  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1904  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1912  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1920  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1928  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1936  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1944  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1952  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1960  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1968  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1976  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1984  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      1992  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2000  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2008  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2016  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2024  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2032  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2040  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2048  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2056  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2064  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2072  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2080  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2088  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2096  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2104  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2112  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2120  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2128  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2136  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2144  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2152  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2160  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2168  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2176  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2184  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2192  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2200  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2208  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2216  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2224  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2232  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2240  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2248  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2256  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2264  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2272  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2280  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2288  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2296  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2304  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2312  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2320  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2328  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2336  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2344  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2352  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2360  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2368  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2376  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2384  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2392  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2400  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2408  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2416  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2424  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2432  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2440  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2448  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2456  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #22 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA22     8      2464  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2472  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2480  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2488  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2496  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2504  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2512  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2520  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2528  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2536  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2544  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2552  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2560  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2568  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2576  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2584  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2592  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2600  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2608  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2616  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2624  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2632  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2640  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2648  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2656  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2664  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2672  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2680  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2688  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2696  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2704  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2712  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2720  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2728  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2736  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2744  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2752  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2760  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2768  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2776  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2784  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2792  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2800  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2808  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2816  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2824  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2832  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2840  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2848  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2856  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2864  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2872  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2880  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2888  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2896  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2904  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2912  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2920  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2928  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2936  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2944  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2952  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2960  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2968  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2976  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2984  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      2992  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3000  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3008  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3016  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3024  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3032  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3040  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3048  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3056  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3064  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3072  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3080  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3088  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3096  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3104  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3112  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3120  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3128  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3136  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3144  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3152  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3160  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3168  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3176  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3184  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3192  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3200  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3208  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3216  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3224  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3232  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3240  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3248  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3256  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3264  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3272  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3280  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3288  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3296  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3304  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3312  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3320  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3328  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3336  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3344  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3352  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3360  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3368  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3376  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3384  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3392  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3400  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3408  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3416  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3424  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3432  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3440  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3448  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3456  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3464  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3472  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3480  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3488  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3496  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3504  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3512  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3520  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3528  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3536  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3544  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3552  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3560  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3568  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3576  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3584  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3592  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3600  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3608  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3616  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3624  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3632  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3640  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3648  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3656  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3664  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3672  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3680  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3688  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3696  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3704  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3712  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3720  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3728  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3736  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3744  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3752  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3760  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3768  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3776  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3784  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3792  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3800  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3808  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3816  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3824  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3832  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3840  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3848  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3856  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3864  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3872  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3880  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3888  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3896  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3904  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3912  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3920  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3928  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3936  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3944  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3952  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3960  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3968  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3976  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3984  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      3992  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4000  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4008  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4016  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4024  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4032  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4040  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4048  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4056  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4064  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4072  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4080  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4088  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4096  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4104  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4112  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4120  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4128  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4136  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4144  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4152  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4160  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4168  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4176  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4184  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4192  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4200  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4208  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4216  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4224  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4232  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4240  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4248  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4256  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4264  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4272  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4280  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4288  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4296  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4304  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Grouping for Minor Frame 15 of Science Format                                                                             
Bits 320-383 of bits of active C&DH housekeeping data                                         64                          
Analog Shunt Panel Temperature                                                                DCM1-PT23      8      4312  
Aft Deck Temperature (TBD) #1                                                                 DCM1-PT24      8      4320  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Opposite C&DH Component Hskp Data                                                             DCM1-SD4       64     4328  
(insert for phase angle latched at sun pulse)                                                 16                          
DCM1 - PT103 Channel #25 (not in any format)                                                  DCM1-PT25      8      4392  
DCM1 - PT103 Channel # 26 (not in any format)                                                 DCM1-PT26      8      4400  
Group Subtotal                                                                                96                          
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4408  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4416  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4424  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4432  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4440  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4448  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4456  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4464  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4472  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4480  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4488  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4496  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4504  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4512  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4520  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4528  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4536  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4544  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4552  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4560  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4568  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4576  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4584  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4592  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4600  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4608  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4616  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4624  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4632  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4640  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4648  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4656  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4664  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4672  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4680  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4688  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4696  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4704  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4712  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4720  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4728  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4736  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4744  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4752  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4760  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4768  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4776  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4784  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4792  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4800  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4808  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4816  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4824  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4832  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4840  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4848  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4856  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4864  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4872  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4880  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4888  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4896  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4904  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4912  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4920  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4928  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4936  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4944  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4952  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4960  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4968  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4976  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4984  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      4992  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5000  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5008  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5016  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5024  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5032  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5040  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5048  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5056  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5064  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5072  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5080  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5088  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5096  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5104  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5112  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5120  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5128  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5136  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5144  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5152  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5160  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5168  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5176  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5184  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5192  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5200  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5208  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5216  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5224  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5232  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5240  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5248  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5256  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5264  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5272  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5280  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5288  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5296  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5304  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5312  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5320  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5328  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5336  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5344  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5352  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5360  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5368  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5376  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5384  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5392  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5400  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5408  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5416  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5424  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5432  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5440  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5448  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5456  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5464  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5472  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5480  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5488  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5496  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5504  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5512  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5520  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5528  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5536  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5544  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5552  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5560  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5568  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5576  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5584  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5592  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5600  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5608  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5616  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5624  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5632  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5640  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5648  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5656  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5664  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5672  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5680  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5688  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5696  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5704  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5712  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5720  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5728  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5736  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5744  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5752  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5760  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5768  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5776  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5784  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5792  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5800  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5808  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5816  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5824  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5832  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5840  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5848  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5856  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5864  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5872  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5880  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5888  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5896  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5904  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5912  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5920  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5928  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5936  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5944  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5952  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5960  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5968  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5976  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5984  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      5992  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
Parameter                                                                                     Channel        Length Start 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6000  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6008  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6016  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6024  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6032  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6040  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6048  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6056  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6064  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6072  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6080  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #23 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA23     8      6088  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      6096  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      6104  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      6112  
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------ -----
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      6120  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      6128  
DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #24 (not in any format)                                                   DCM1-SEA24     8      6136  
Total Collected                                                                                              6144