### $Id: afs_subs.pm,v 1.1 2004/09/20 18:15:03 glennh Exp glennh $
### Author: Glenn Hamell 
### NAME: afs_subs.pm 
# This software is Copyright (C) 2005 ACE Science Center,
# California Institute of Technology. The software is provided to you
# without charge, and with no warranty. You may give away copies of
# this software, including sources, provided that this notice is included
# in all the files.
### CALLING SEQUENCE:  use afs_subs ;
###	co-locate common routines employed by the "afs" pgms.
### =====================
### 2005Apr04-AJD-can now handle upper-case instrument names on cmdline
### 2004Oct04-GRH-Addedf error of date parsing in 
###	gen_hidden_value_str.
### 2004Sep28-GRH-integrated plotting cmd line params: 
###	stacked, overplot, logarithmic, linear, samerange,  
###	multirange, x_day, x_year, x_epoch, x_records,  
###	-ytitle, -title, url
###	Depends upon "afs_init_info.txt"
### 2004Sep20-GRH-Move the subroutines into a ".pm" module.
###	Added hook for an "error handler". This needs to be developed.  
###	Most mods relate to the passing of arguments by reference.
###	Another area was the transfer of tables of constants from 
###	the program script into a reference file.
###	The idea: the reference file will live at ASC. 
###	As instruments are added, the distributed pgm will not have 
###	to be updated; just add & modify tables in the reference
###	file back at the ASC.
### 2004Sep13-Glenn Hamell Created. 

package         afs_subs;
require         Exporter;
use		Cwd;

our @ISA        = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT     = qw( afs_init_rv

#========= begin  Error_Handler  ===========

sub Error_Handler {

  # Generalized Error Handler - mostly still evolving
  # Expects named arg pairs as:  MSG => "Text of msg goes here"

  #  $msg="BAD instrument name or BAD inst/avg combination: '" . $instyp . "'";
  #  $msg=$msg . "   '" . $avgtyp . "'";
  #  Error_Handler( MSG => $msg );

  die "Parameters to Error_Handler should be even" if @_ % 2 ;
  my %args = @_;
  if( $args{MSG} ) {
    printf STDOUT "\n$args{MSG}\n\n";
#--------  end  Error_Handler ------------

#=========  GEN_HIDDEN_VALUE_STR  ==============

sub gen_hidden_value_str  {
  ($instyp, $avgtyp, $parms_r, $Hpn_r, $Hval_r, $avg_types, $avg_time_rv) = @_;

  # Construct strings for "POST" params:
  #	of "hidden" values...
  #	filename fragment values for:
  #		VDATA_NAME, f_name
  #	Also setup values for:
  #		avg_time, vh_start &/or vh_end values

  # Recover references to @parms, @Hpn & @Hval arrays
  my $vdn =  '' ;		# Working string for vdata_name
  my $i   =  -1 ;		# Index into Hpn tbl
  my $is  =  -1 ;		# Save index into Hval for start day
  my $ip  =  -1 ;		# Index into parms tbl (i.e. cmdline)
  my $atv =   0 ;		# Avg time value used in "action"request
  my $yr  =   0 ;		# Used in calc year_of_data
  my @fields = () ;		# Used in calc year_of_data
  my $low_DOY= '' ;		# Used in formatting DOY (day-of-year)
  #Look for (dash) parms in the cmdline (start & end dates), etc.

  #	(this section must precede the construction of $fn below)
  for( $ip=0; $ip<=$#$parms_r; $ip++ ) {
    if( $$parms_r[ $ip ] =~ m/^[-]/ ) {
      # if start time, find index into H tbl and set the value
      if( $$parms_r[ $ip ] eq '-s' ) {	# Start date flag?
	if( ($i = scanHtbl_for( 'vh_start', $Hpn_r )) > -1 ) {
	  $yr = $$parms_r[ $ip + 1 ] % 100 ;
	  $yr = "0" . $yr if( $yr < 10 ) ;
	  $$Hval_r[ $i ] = $yr . '/' ;

	  # Ensure no leading zeros in DOY value
	  $low_DOY = $$parms_r[ $ip + 2 ] ;
	  $low_DOY =~ s/^0*// ;

	  $$Hval_r[ $i ] = $$Hval_r[ $i ] . $low_DOY ;
	  $is = $i ;
      # if end time, find index into H tbl and set the value
      if( $$parms_r[ $ip ] eq '-e' ) {
	if( ($i = scanHtbl_for( 'vh_end', $Hpn_r )) > -1 ) {
	  $yr = $$parms_r[ $ip + 1 ] % 100 ;
	  $yr = "0" . $yr if( $yr < 10 ) ;
	  $$Hval_r[ $i ] = $yr . '/' ;

	  # Ensure no leading zeros in DOY value
	  $low_DOY = $$parms_r[ $ip + 2 ] ;
	  $low_DOY =~ s/^0*// ;

	  $$Hval_r[ $i ] = $$Hval_r[ $i ] . $low_DOY ;

  @fields = split "\/", $$Hval_r[ $is ] ;	# Strip off the two digit year
  if( $#fields < 0 ) {
    $msg="Error in parsing Start/End Dates";
    Error_Handler( MSG => $msg );
  $year_of_data = $fields[ 0 ] % 100 ;
  if( $year_of_data < 50 ) { 
    $year_of_data += 2000 ;
  } else {
    $year_of_data += 1900 ;

  # DEVELOP the HDF VGROUP Data Name
  $vdn = $instyp ;
  $vdn =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ ;

  # Chk for (special case of) swics
  if( lc $instyp eq "swics" ) {
    $vdn = "SS";	# SWICS/SWIMS ver2
  $vdn = $vdn . '_data_' . $avgtyp;
  if(( $i=scanHtbl_for( 'vdata_name', $Hpn_r ) ) > -1 ) {
    $$Hval_r[ $i ] = $vdn  ;
  my $fn = '' ;
  $fn = $vdn ;
  $fn =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ ;

  # For MAG & SWEPAM data intervals of:
  #	16sec & 4min, use year length data files;
  #	hourly and daily, use full mission length files 
  if( $instyp eq 'mag' )  {
    if( ($avgtyp eq '16sec') or ($avgtyp eq '4min') ) {
      $fn_dsgn = '_year' . $year_of_data ;  # Designate yearly data file
      $i = scanHtbl_for( 'hdfref', $Hpn_r ) ;
      $$Hval_r[ $i ] = ";tag=1962,ref=3,s=0" ;
    if( ($avgtyp eq '1hr') or ($avgtyp eq '1day') ) {
      $fn_dsgn = '' ;		  # Designate mission length file
      $i = scanHtbl_for( 'hdfref', $Hpn_r ) ;
      $$Hval_r[ $i ] = ";tag=1962,ref=6,s=0" ;
  if( $instyp eq 'swepam' ) {
    if( $avgtyp eq '64sec') {
      $fn_dsgn = '_year' . $year_of_data ;  # Designate yearly data file
      $i = scanHtbl_for( 'hdfref', $Hpn_r ) ;
      $$Hval_r[ $i ] = ";tag=1962,ref=3,s=0" ;
    if( ($avgtyp eq '1hr') or ($avgtyp eq '1day') ) {
      $fn_dsgn = '' ;		  # Designate mission length file
      $i = scanHtbl_for( 'hdfref', $Hpn_r ) ;
      $$Hval_r[ $i ] = ";tag=1962,ref=3,s=0" ;
  if( $instyp eq 'epam' ) {
    if( $avgtyp eq '5min') {
      $fn_dsgn = '_year' . $year_of_data ;  # Designate yearly data file
      $i = scanHtbl_for( 'hdfref', $Hpn_r ) ;
      $$Hval_r[ $i ] = ";tag=1962,ref=6,s=0" ;
    if( ($avgtyp eq '1hr') or ($avgtyp eq '1day') ) {
      $fn_dsgn = '' ;		  # Designate mission length file
      $i = scanHtbl_for( 'hdfref', $Hpn_r ) ;
      $$Hval_r[ $i ] = ";tag=1962,ref=3,s=0" ;
  if( $instyp eq 'swics' ) {
    $fn =~ s/^ss/ssv2/;		# SWICS/SWIMS ver2

    if( $avgtyp eq '1hr') {	# SWICS 1hr...
      $fn_dsgn = '_year' . $year_of_data ;  # Designate yearly data file
      $i = scanHtbl_for( 'hdfref', $Hpn_r ) ;
      $$Hval_r[ $i ] = ";tag=1962,ref=3,s=0" ;

      # Ensure user has not requested any of the 2hr parameters (34-43)
      # for each param in cmd line get index of match in Hpn tbl
      for( $ip=0; $ip<=$#$parms_r; $ip++ ) {
       	 if( ($i = scanHtbl_for( $$parms_r[ $ip ], $Hpn_r )) > -1 ) {
	    if( $$Hval_r[ $i ] > 33 ) {		# 1hr params max out at 33
	       $$parms_r[ $ip ] .= "NA_";      	# Pre-pend "NA_" to user param
    if( $avgtyp eq '2hr' ) {
      $fn_dsgn = '_year' . $year_of_data ;  # Designate yearly data file
      $i = scanHtbl_for( 'hdfref', $Hpn_r ) ;
      $$Hval_r[ $i ] = ";tag=1962,ref=3,s=0" ;
  $fn = $fn . $fn_dsgn . '.hdf' ;
  if(( $i=scanHtbl_for( 'f_name', $Hpn_r ) ) > -1 ) {
    $$Hval_r[ $i ] = $fn ;
  # Set the Average Time Interval value into the H table
  if( ($i = scanHtbl_for( 'avg_time', $Hpn_r )) > -1 ) {
    for( $ip=0; $ip<=$#$avg_types; $ip++ ) {
      if( $avgtyp eq $$avg_types[ $ip ] ) {
	$$Hval_r[ $i ] = $$avg_time_rv[ $ip ] ;
#------------- end gen_hidden_value_str -------------

#=========  SCAN_HTBL_FOR  ==============

sub scanHtbl_for {
  # Arguments:  a string to scan for and a ref to a tbl to be scanned.
  #	ex:  $i = scanHtbl_for( 'avg_time', $Hpn_r );
  # Returns index into (ex: Hpn) tbl or -1 (not found).
  my $s = $_[ 0 ] ;
  $Hpn_r= $_[ 1 ] ;
  my $i = $#$Hpn_r ;
  while( lc $s ne lc $$Hpn_r[ $i ] ) {
    $i-- ;
    last if( $i < 0 ) ;
  return( $i );
#------------- end scanHtbl_for -------------

#========= begin  AFS_INIT_RV  ===========

sub afs_init_rv  {	# Init given arrays
  # Caller supplies references to arrays to be filled
  my ( $rtyp, $refval, $flags_r ) = @_;	# (@avg_types, @avg_time_rv, %flags)
  $reflags=$flags_r;		# Make $reflags global (%flags)
  $dbug = $$reflags{ dbug };

  my $fname = "./afs_init_info.txt";
  use LWP::Simple;		# This is way cool
  my $doc = get 'http://www.srl.caltech.edu/ACE/ASC/DATA/afs/' . $fname;
  if(( $dbug ) || ( getcwd() eq "/users/asc/afs/gh_ex" )) {
    $doc = `cat $fname`;

  @lines_init_info = split "\\n", $doc ;
#  open FH, "<$fn" or die "Can't open $fn \n $! \n";

  #read entire file (array s/b global)
#  @lines_init_info = <FH>;
#  close FH;

  my @lines = get_section_info( "avgtyp_refvals" );

  foreach  ( @lines ) {		# go thru file for value pairs
    printf STDERR "avgtyp_refvals: '$_'\n" if( $dbug );
    if(( length( $_ ) > 0 ) && 		# ignore lines comment lines
       ( $_ !~ /^\#/ )) {		# ignore blank lines
      $_ =~ s/\s+//g ;
      @field = split /,/ ;
      push( @$rtyp, "$field[0]" );	#return vals thru call
      push( @$refval, $field[1] );
#--------- end afs_init_rv -----------

#========= begin  GET_SECTION_INFO  ===========

sub get_section_info {

  # Scans the @lines_init_info array for the named section
  # returning an array of lines from that section
  # ignores blank & comment lines.

  my $sect_name = $_[0];	# recover the name
  my @flds = ();
  my @lines=();
  my $hdr  = 'SECTION_HEADING';
  my $ln   = "";

  # Scan for a SECTION_HEADER
  my $idx=0;
  foreach ( @lines_init_info ) {	# Each line in "file"
    if( $_ =~ /$hdr/ ) {		# Header??
      $_ =~ s/\s+/ /g ;			# Rmv extra spaces
      @flds = split ;			# Get the fields
      if( $flds[1] eq $sect_name ) {	# Section name we want??
	$idx++;				# Move past header line
	# Read loop
        while(( $idx <= $#lines_init_info ) &&		# more lines??
	      ( $lines_init_info[$idx] !~ /$hdr/ )) {   # new Section_Header?
	  $ln = $lines_init_info[$idx];
	  chomp $ln;
	  if(( length( $ln ) <= 0 ) ||  # Blank line??
             ( $ln =~ /^\#/ )) {        # Comment ??
	  $ln =~ s/,\s+/,/g ;
	  push( @lines, $ln );	# save line
	  $idx++;		# move on to next line
	return( @lines );
  printf STDERR "\nERR get_section_info: \n";
  printf STDERR "      Did not find '$sect_name'\n\n";
  return( -1 );
#--------  end  get_section_info ------------

#========= begin  GET_KNOWN_INSTRUMENTS  ===========

sub get_known_instruments {	# Init given array
  my $ref = $_[0];
  my $i = 0;

#  @$ref   = ( 'mag', 'swepam' );
  my @lines = get_section_info( "known_instruments" );
  foreach ( @lines ) {
    $_=~s/\s+//g ;
    @flds = split /,/ ;
    $$ref[$i++] = $flds[0];
  $ref = \@lines;
#-------- end get_known_instruments -----------

#========= begin  GET_CMDLINE_PARMS  ===========

sub get_cmdline_parms  {

# Save cmdline args into a local table & return table
  my ( $fields ) = $_[0] ;	# Pass-by-reference

  # Recover debug flag
  $dbug = $$reflags{ dbug };

  @$fields = ();
  my $nfields = $#ARGV + 1;
printf STDERR "nfields=$nfields \n" if( $dbug ) ;
  my $i = 0;
  while( $i < $nfields ) {
    $fields->[ $i ] = $ARGV[ $i ] ;
printf STDERR "fields[%d]=%s\n",$i,$fields->[$i] if( $dbug )  ;
    # Rmv redundant names dealing with avg interval
    $fields->[ $i ] =~ s/hourly/1hr/ ;
    $fields->[ $i ] =~ s/daily/1day/ ;
    $fields->[ $i ] =~ s/Hourly/1hr/ ;
    $fields->[ $i ] =~ s/Daily/1day/ ;
    # Liberalization... "seconds" field may be requested as "sec"
    if( $fields->[ $i ] eq "sec" ) {
      $fields->[ $i ] = "seconds" ;

  # Check if plotting...set appropriate flags
  foreach ( @ARGV ) {
    if( lc $_ eq "plot" ) {
      $$reflags{ plot } = 1;
    if( lc $_ eq "url" ) {
      $$reflags{ url }  = 1;
      $$reflags{ plot } = 1;
  #if not plotting, ck for presence of plot option terms
  if( not $$reflags{ plot } ) {
    my $a = "";
    my @f = ();
    my @p_opt = ();
    @po_tbl = get_section_info( "plot_option_tbl" );
    foreach ( @po_tbl ) {	# prepare plot option words for compare
      @f = split /,/ ;
      foreach $a ( @ARGV ) {	# scan cmdline args
	if( lc $a eq $f[0] ) {
	  $$reflags{ plot } = 1;
	  last CK_PLT_OPT;

  if( $dbug ) {
    for( $i=0; $i < $nfields; $i++ ) {
      printf STDERR "'$fields->[$i]' \n" ;
###--------  end  get_cmdline_parms --------------------

#=========  GET_INSTYP_AVGTYPE  ==============

sub get_instyp_avgtyp (\@\@\@) {

  # The individual cmdline parameters are passed by reference into this routine.
  # Returns the instrument type & the instrument average

  my ($parms_r, $known_instruments_r, $avg_types_r) = @_;

  # Go thru cmdline parms for instrment type & time avgs string matches
  #	Something like: mag ... then 1hr or 64sec, etc.
  # The cmdline arg list is exhaustively scanned.  
  #	This means a subsequent appearance of an instrument 
  #	type (or time average) will supercede the previous  
  #	occurrance of instrument type (or time average).
  # Note that the cmdline value "ion" will be converted to "64sec".
  my $instyp = '' ;
  my $inst   = '' ;
  my $avgtyp = '' ;
  my $avg    = '' ;
  my $p      = '' ;
  my $lcp    = '' ; # handle upper- and lower-case
# Develop the H filename
  $inst = $instyp;
  foreach $inst ( @$known_instruments_r ) {
    foreach $p ( @$parms_r ) {		# go thru parms of cmdline
      $lcp = lc $p;
      if (( $p eq $inst ) || ( $lcp eq $inst )) {
	$instyp = $inst ;
  foreach $avg ( @$avg_types_r ) {	# go thru time avg types
    foreach $p ( @$parms_r ) {		# go thru parms of cmdline
      $lcp = lc $p;
      if (( $p eq $avg ) || ( $lcp eq $avg )) {
	$avgtyp = $avg ;
  $avg = "64sec" if( $avg eq "ion" ) ;

  return( $instyp, $avgtyp );
#--------- end get_instyp_avgtyp -----------------------

#========= begin  SET_ASCURL  ===========

sub set_ASCurl ( $ ) {

  my $inst = $_[0] ;
  # Develop the URL string
  my $N = "";
  my $V = "";
  my %url_h ;
  my @lines= get_section_info( "ASCurl" );
  foreach ( @lines ) {		# Build hash tbl
    my ($N,$V) = split /,/ ;
    $url_h{$N} = $V;
  return( $url_h{ path } . $url_h{ $inst } );
#--------  end  set_ASCurl --------------------

#========= begin  IS_VALID_AVG  ===========

sub is_valid_inst_avg ( $$\@ ) {

  # Determine if the given the instype and avgtyp and 
  #           combination is legitimate.
  # The @known_instruments is also given and the instyp is validated.
  # Returns 0 if OK;  1 if Bad Combo.

  my ($instyp,$avgtyp,$inst_r) = @_;	# Retrieve params passed
  my $ins="";
#  my $avg="";
  my @lines = ();
  my @flds  = ();

  # Get valid avgs from info file
  @lines = get_section_info( "valid_averages" );

  foreach ( @lines ) {
    $_=~s/\s+//g ;	# Remove all spaces
    @flds = split /,/ ;
    if( $flds[0] eq $instyp ) {
#      shift @flds;	# Remove 1st field (inst name) leaving avgs
      for( my $i=1; $i<=$#flds; $i+=2 ) {
#	if( $avg eq $avgtyp ) {
	if( $flds[$i] eq $avgtyp ) {
	  $flags{ avg_time } = $flds[$i] ;
	  $flags{ file_dur } = $flds[$i+1] ;	# used to help build data filename
	  return( 0 );
  # if we get to here - there's a bad instrument name or avg combo
  return( 1 );
#--------  end  is_valid_inst_avg ------------

#=========  GET_AFS_H_FILE  ==============

sub get_afs_h_file {
  # Recover params passed from caller
  my ($instyp,$Hpn_r,$Hqn_r,$Hval_r) = @_;

  # Recover debug flag
  $dbug = $$reflags{ dbug };

  # INIT H file string tables
  # cmdline parm for instrument type is $instyp & time avgs is $avgtyp
  #	something like: mag, swepam,... & 1hr, 64sec, etc.
  my $fname  = '' ;
  my $pn     = '' ;
  my $qn     = '' ;
  my $val    = '' ;
  my $Hcnt   = 0 ;
  my @Hlines = ();
  # Develop the H filename
  $fname = "afs_h_" . $instyp . "\.txt" ;
  printf STDERR "DBUG:get_afs_h_file: fname='$fname' \n" if( $dbug ) ;
  # GET the modified H file FROM ACE WEB SITE  
  use LWP::Simple;		# This is way cool
  my $doc = get 'http://www.srl.caltech.edu/ACE/ASC/DATA/afs/' . $fname;
  if((getcwd() eq "/users/asc/afs/gh_ex") && ($instyp eq "swics")) {
    $doc = `cat $fname`;

printf STDERR "\$doc from web: \n $doc \n" if($dbug);

  @Hlines = split "\\n", $doc ;
  my $lnknt   = 0 ;
  my $found_end=0 ;		#count occurrance of "_endlist_"; 0=init
  while( 1 ) {			# Copy All (parsed) strings into the H tables
    #Get cmdline parm name, "POST"request name, "POST"value
    ($pn, $qn, $val) = get_one_DATA_line( \$Hcnt, \@Hlines ) ;

    $pn =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ ;	# Ensure lower case chars (for comparisons)
    $$Hpn_r[$lnknt]  = $pn ;	# Parameter Name
    $$Hqn_r[$lnknt]  = $qn ;	# Query     Name
    $$Hval_r[$lnknt] = $val ;	# Value
    if( $pn eq '_endlist_' ) {	# Terminating line for this section?
      $found_end++;		# There are two sections
      last if( $found_end > 1 ) ;

    # Chk if SWICS 1hr, skip (fewer params than SWICS 2hr) as necessary 

  # APPEND PLOT OPTION WORDS, if in plot mode
  if( $$reflags{ plot } ) {
    @po_lines = get_section_info( "plot_option_tbl" );
    foreach ( @po_lines ) {
      ($pn, $qn, $val) = split /\,/  ;
      push( @$Hpn_r, $pn );
      push( @$Hqn_r, $qn );
      push( @$Hval_r,$val);
  #	1=Plot,  2=file download(used for afs),  3=text on screen(not for afs)
  $i = scanHtbl_for( "retrieve_type", $Hpn_r );
  if( $$reflags{ plot } == 1 ) {
    $$Hval_r[ $i ] = 1;
  } else {
    $$Hval_r[ $i ] = 2;
  printf STDERR "DBUG:get_afs_h_file: retrieve_type=$$Hval_r[ $i ] \n" if( $dbug ) ;

#------ end get_afs_h_file -------------------------

#========== begin  get_one_DATA_line  ================

sub get_one_DATA_line {

  #read one line from the "@Hlines" pseudo file
  #Returns the parsed values: param name, reqst name, value
  #        ($pn, $qn, $val) = get_one_DATA_line( \$Hcnt, \@Hlines ) ;

  my ($Hcnt_r, $Hlines_r) = @_ ;

  my $line_valid = 0 ;
  my $linein = '' ;
  my @field  = () ;

  while( $$Hcnt_r <= $#$Hlines_r ) {
    $linein = $$Hlines_r[ $$Hcnt_r++ ] ;
    if( length( $linein ) < 2 ) {	#empty line ?
      next LINE ;
    if( $linein =~ m/^[\#\s]/ ) { 	#comment/blank line
      next LINE ;
    if( $linein =~ m/^__DATA__/ ) { 	#header line
      next LINE ;
  chomp $linein ;
  $linein =~ s/,\s+/,/g ;		# remove leading spaces 
  @field = split /,/ , $linein, 3 ;	# get the 3 fields
  return( $field[0], $field[1], $field[2] ); 
#--------  end  get_one_DATA_line --------------------

#========  BUILD_RQST_PARMS()  =====================

sub build_rqst_parms {

  my ($parms_r,$Hpn_r,$Hqn_r,$Hval_r,$t_r)=@_;

# Go through supplied parms...use "H" tbl to help gen strings

# Build hidden (required/default) params.
  build_hidden_parms_rqst($Hpn_r,$Hqn_r,$Hval_r,$t_r) ;

  get_sel_parms( $parms_r,$Hpn_r,$Hqn_r,$Hval_r,$t_r ) ;

###-------  END  build_rqst_parms -------------------------

#========== begin GET_SEL_PARMS  ====================

sub get_sel_parms {

  my ($cmdlst_r,$Hpn_r,$Hqn_r,$Hval_r,$t_r) = @_ ;

  # Recover debug flag
  $dbug = $$reflags{ dbug };

  # Return string of selected params (ref cmdline parms)
  my $s  = '';
  my $i = 0;
  my @fld= ();
  my $p  = '';
  my $lnknt = 0 ;
  my $eq_sign_here = 0;	# 0=No
  my $nelem_t = 0;	#Used to determin if match was found in push loop
  my $cmdidx  = -1;
  # Go thru cmdline params and supply strings for "POST" request line
  # For each element in cmdlist, find match in param list & 
  #     generate add'l request string
  foreach my $c ( @$cmdlst_r ) {
    $cmdidx++;			# Used to ref subsequent elem in cmdlst
    printf STDERR "DBUG:get_sel_parms: c='$c' \n" if( $dbug ) ;
    $eq_sign_here = 0;	# 0=No
    if( $c =~ m/=/ ) {	# If "=" in supplied string, use supplied value
      $eq_sign_here = 1 ;	#1=Yes, it's present
      @fld = split( /=/, $c ) ;
      $c = $fld[0] ;
      printf STDERR "DBUG:get_sel_parms: fld0='$fld[0]'  fld1='$fld[1]' \n" if( $dbug ) ;
    $nelem_t = $#$t_r;	# Last index of the "t" array
    $i = 0;
    foreach my $p ( @$Hpn_r ) {
      if( $p eq lc $c ) {
	if( not $eq_sign_here ) {
	  push @$t_r, "$$Hqn_r[$i]" ;
	  if(( lc( $c ) =~ "-title" ) || ( lc( $c ) =~ "-ytitle" )) {
	    # Assign VALUE from the input string
	    push @$t_r, trim_quotes( $$cmdlst_r[ $cmdidx+1 ] );
	  } else {
	    push @$t_r, "$$Hval_r[$i]" ;
	} else {
	  push @$t_r, "$$Hqn_r[$i]" ;
	  push @$t_r, "$fld[1]" ;
printf STDERR "DBUG:get_sel_parms: '@$t_r'   \n" if( $dbug ) ;
###-------  END  get_sel_parms -------------------------

#=======  begin  TRIM_QUOTES()  ===================

sub trim_quotes {
  # Remove the surrounding blanks & quotes
  my $s = '';
  $s = $_[0] ;
  $s =~ s/^\s+// ;
  $s =~ s/\s+$// ;
  $s =~ s/^[\'\"]// ;
  $s =~ s/[\"\']$// ;

  return( $s );
###-------  END  trim_quotes -------------------------

#=======  begin  CK_T()  ===================

sub ck_t {
  # Get index into @t matching word passed in argument
  my $idx = -1;
  for( $idx=0; $idx<=$#t; $idx++ ) {
    last if( $t[ $idx ] =~ $_[0] ) ;
  return( $idx );
###-------  END  ck_t -------------------------

#=======  begin  BUILD_HIDDEN_PARMS_RQST()  ===================

sub build_hidden_parms_rqst {
  # Sets hidden params & default values

  my ($Hpn_r,$Hqn_r,$Hval_r,$t_r)=@_;

  # Recover debug flag
  $dbug = $$reflags{ dbug };

  my $s  = '';
  my $pn = '';
  my $qn = '';
  my $val= '';
#  my $caltech = 'http://www.srl.caltech.edu/' ;
  my $lnknt   = 0 ;
  while( 1 ) {
    #Get first(next) parm name, request name, value
    $pn = $$Hpn_r[$lnknt];
    printf STDERR "build_hidden_parms_rqst: pn='$pn'\n" if( $dbug ) ;	
    last if( $pn eq '_endlist_' ) ; # Terminating line for this section?
    if( $pn eq "action" ) {
      #skip action line, info from set_ASCurl
    } else {
      push @$t_r, "$$Hqn_r[$lnknt]" ;
      push @$t_r, "$$Hval_r[$lnknt]" ;
#--------  end  build_hidden_parms_rqst --------------------

#=========  REMOVE_HEADER  ==============

sub remove_header {

  $res_r = $_[0];		# Points to response from server

  # There is unwanted info at the beginning of the RESPONSE
  # Return the first line with <HTML> & all that follows
  my @lines = split "\n", $$res_r ;
  my $i = 0;
  my $is= 0;
  for( $i=0; $i <= $#lines; $i++) {
    if( $lines[$i] =~ m/<HTML>/ ) {
      $is = $i ;
  $$res_r = "";
  for( $i=$is; $i <= $#lines; $i++) {
    $$res_r = $$res_r . $lines[$i] . "\n" ;
#------------- end remove_header -------------