SWICS Level 1 Data Structures

s3_chk.h , v 1.2

#include  "hdfi.h"

        struct csmhk {
             uint32  sctime_readout;     /* 32 bit spacecraft time  */
             uint32  sctime_collection;  /* 32 bit spacecraft time  */
             uint32  QAC;        /* number of missing frame in this SR*/

             uint8 GRP282V;       /*  GND  +28V Sec.     */
             uint8 GR20V;         /*  GND  20V  AC       */
             uint8 GRP10V;        /*  GND  +10V          */
             uint8 GRP5V;         /*  GND  +5V           */
             uint8 GRM5V;         /*  GND  -5V           */
             uint8 SPARE1;        /*  Spare              */
             uint8 GR1T;          /*  GND  Thermistor 1  */
             uint8 GR2T;          /*  GND  Thermister 2  */
             uint8 GRP281I;       /*  GND  +28V I Prim.  */
             uint8 GRP282I;       /*  GND  +28V I Sec.   */
             uint8 GRP5I;         /*  GND  +5V  I        */
             uint8 GR20I;         /*  GND  20V  AC I     */
             uint8 GRPAPS;        /*  GND  PAPS          */ 
             uint8 SPARE2;        /*  Spare              */
             uint8 GRDPPSL;       /*  GND  DPPS Low      */
             uint8 GRDPPSH;       /*  GND  DPPS High     */ 
             uint8 SPARE3;        /*  Spare              */
             uint8 PAC7;          /*  PAPS Synch C7      */
             uint8 PA1T;          /*  PAPS Thermistor 1  */
             uint8 PA2T;          /*  PAPS Thermistor 2  */
             uint8 PAP5V;         /*  PAPS +5V           */
             uint8 PAP5I;         /*  PAPS +5V I         */
             uint8 PAM5V;         /*  PAPS -5V           */
             uint8 PAM5I;         /*  PAPS -5V I         */
             uint8 PAMCP;         /*  PAPS MCP Bias      */
             uint8 FLAGS;         /*  Flags (DPPS Gain,..*/

s3_cmonitor.h , v 1.4

/* SWICS monitor rates */

#include  "hdfi.h"

#define  CMON_N     6    /*  number of monitor rates   */
#define  CMON_S     8    /*  number of sectors   */
#define  CMON_CYC  60    /*  number of cycles per SR = 60/1   */
#define  CMON_TSZ  ( CMON_N*CMON_S*CMON_CYC )   /*  total size in bytes */
#define  CMON_CSZ  ( CMON_N*CMON_S )

struct cmonitor  {
           uint32  sctime_readout;      /*  32 bit  spacecraft  time  */
           uint32  sctime_collection;      /*  32 bit  spacecraft  time  */
           uint32  QAC;         /* number of missing frames in this SR */

           uint8  MONITOR[CMON_CYC][CMON_CSZ];   

s3_cbasic.h , v 1.4

/* SWICS basic rates */

#include  "hdfi.h"

#define  CBAS_N    12                 /* number of basic rates, only 8 used? */
#define  CBAS_S    8                  /* number of sectors */
#define  CBAS_CYC  60                 /* number of cycles per SR= 60/1   */
#define  CBAS_TSZ  ( CBAS_N*CBAS_S*CBAS_CYC ) /* total size in bytes 60x8x12     */
#define  CBAS_CSZ  ( CBAS_N*CBAS_S )

struct cbasic  {
           uint32  sctime_readout;      /*  32 bit  spacecraft  time  */
           uint32  sctime_collection;   /*  32 bit  spacecraft  time  */
           uint32  QAC;         /*number of missing frams in this SR  */

           uint8  BASIC[CBAS_CYC][CBAS_CSZ]; 


swics_br.h , v 1.2

#include "hdfi.h"

struct Swics_br
  float64 bin_start;            /* beginning of bin. ACE epoch */
  float64 bin_end;              /* end of bin. ACE epoch */

  int32 dpps[60];               /* DPPS voltage */
  int32 grpaps[60];             /* Post-Accel. Power Supply voltage (unconverted - mult by 0.15) */
  int32 edb[60];                /* = (EDB,-1) if (good/bad) EDB */
  int32 rate[5][60];            /* unsectored, decompressed rates */
				/* 0=H+(AuxH), 1=He++, 2=O6, 3=O7, 4=Fe(8-11) */

For comments, questions or suggestions regarding these data structures,
email: asc@srl.caltech.edu
Last update: Wed Nov 3 12:45:33 PST 1999