New ACE Level 2 Data Server
Beta-test Version
Pick an ACE data set and cadence from the menu to the left
What's different about this new server?
- It offers enhanced data subsetting capabilities - users may download data for time-spans that cross yearly, monthly, Bartels-rotaion boundaries, etc. The old server could not handle some of these kinds of requests.
- In addition to the usual form-based web interface, power-users and value-added service providers (such as VOs) may take advantage of a simple URL-based interface that can support automated/unattended data downloadds.
- Autoplot is used to create online plots. We are working closely with the Autoplot developers to expand the features of the Autoplot servlet.
- The server makes extensive use of SPASE-compliant
XML metadata descriptions of ACE data sets. The server uses SPASE metadata
in several ways:
- The backend data extraction/preparation software. For instance, to verify the validity
of requested parameters, and to configure print-formatting for each data parameter requested
by a user in ASCII form.
SPASE terms used: ParameterKey, RenderingHints. - The perl CGI scripts that build the form interfaces for each data set.
SPASE terms used: ParameterKey. Would also like to use Name or AxisLabel, however markup is not allowed in SPASE descriptions, so their use is too constraining - can't even have subscripts/superscripts, greek symbols... - The creation of online plots uses lots of SPASE metadata:
SPASE terms used: Name, Units, RenderingHints and sub-elements thereof, ValidMin, ValidMax, FillValue.
- The backend data extraction/preparation software. For instance, to verify the validity
of requested parameters, and to configure print-formatting for each data parameter requested
by a user in ASCII form.
- The backend software is generic, using external SPASE-based metadata to configure it for a particular ACE data set. Thus the software is easier to maintain and enhance than the old version.
- Any power-user, or VO service provider who wishes to construct a URL to request data from the service could do so using ParameterKeys extracted from SPASE-compliant descriptions of ACE data.
This work supported by NASA grants:
ACE Data Services Upgrade grant NNX08AB55G
Virtual Heliospheric Observatorygrant NNX08AC72G.