_NAME_ createInitializedFileWithIntervalN _PROTOTYPE_ void createInitializedFileWithIntervalN(int fd, char dataBuffer[], int bufferSize, int dataTypeID, int timeInterval); _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ Initialize aday's data file for a data type with a period other than 256 secs _DESCRIPTION_ See notes for routine createInitializedFile. _INPUT_ * fd is the file descriptor of the just created, but uninitialized, file. * bufferSize is equal to the size of a single struct of the data type which is to be archived in this file. * dataBuffer is a char array of size bufferSize. * dataTypeID is the ID number assigned to the data type to be archived in this file. These IDs are defined in the header file FileTypes.h. * timeInterval is the period of time (in seconds) for which the data structs in question cover. (createInitializedFile assumes this value to be 256.) _OUTPUT_ * None. (A file is written to disk.)