_NAME_ determineDataFilePathAndCreateDirsAsNeeded _PROTOTYPE_ void determineDataFilePathAndCreateDirsAsNeeded(uint32 secondsSince1996, const char *dataFileSuffix, char *path, int *pIntervalNumber, char instrumentID); _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ Generate a data file path and create directories as needed for storage _DESCRIPTION_ determineDataFilePathAndCreateDirsAsNeeded determines the path to the archive file of a particular data type from a particular day. If parts of this path do not exist yet, this routine attempts to create them before handing back the file's (or file-to-be's) path. _INPUT_ * secondsSince1996 is the number of seconds since 1/1/96 00:00:00. All data structs are time tagged with such a number. * dataFileSuffix is the 2 or 3 character string which is appended to all data files containing a particular type of data. E.g., the "hp" at the end of the file sis_prelim.1997.10.31.hp is the marker used for all high priority rate data. * path is a pointer to a char array of sufficient size to hold the file path. * pIntervalNumber is a pointer to an int. * instrumentID is either 'c' or 's' to denote CRIS or SIS respectively. _OUTPUT_ * The path of the data file is placed in the location pointed to by the char* path (which is passed to the routine as an argument). * The time slot in the data file associated with the value of the secondsSince1996 argument is returned in the location pointed to by the int* pIntervalNumber (which is passed to the routine as an argument).