_NAME_ file_exists _PROTOTYPE_ result = file_exists(path); _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ Check on the existence of a file _DESCRIPTION_ file_exists is used primarily by the put data routines to check if an archive data file exists already or needs to be created and initialized. Returns 1 (true) if the file does exist, and 0 (false) if not. If the file is actually a directory, 0 is returned. _SHORT-CODE-SAMPLE_ filePath = "/home/idunn1/rgr/dataStorage/data1.out" if (file_exists(filePath)) then print, filePath, " exists." $ else print, filePath, " does not exist." _INPUT_ * path is the file's path string. _OUTPUT_ * 1 if the file exists. * 0 if the file does not exist (or if the file is actually a directory.)