_NAME_ get_days_structs _PROTOTYPE_ structs = get_days_structs(day1996, structName) _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ A get a day's worth of data structs _DESCRIPTION_ A get a day's worth of structs, starting with the data struct which is valid at second zero of the day (which is usually archived in the file of the previous day), and ending just prior to the data struct which is valid at second zero of the next day (which is usually the last struct in this day's archive file.) _ get_days_structs reads the non-zero structs from the file, terminates the array of structs with a zeroed struct, and returns the struct array. _INPUT_ * day1996 is the "day 1996" where day1996 = 1 on 1/1/96. * structName is the full name of the structure for the data type we are requesting (e.g., "L1CrisLowPriorityRate"). _OUTPUT_ * The day's array of data structs of type structName. See description above for the exact meaning of "a day's array of data."