_NAME_ getFilesStructCount _PROTOTYPE_ int getFilesStructCount(char *dataFilePath, int structSize, int hasHeader); _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ Get the number of structs in a particular archive file _DESCRIPTION_ getFilesStructCount is used to determine the number of data structs of size structSize in the file pointed at by dataFilePath. It does this merely by looking at the size of the file, subtracting out the number of bytes in the standard CRIS/SIS data archive header if the flag hasHeader is set (it usually will be), and then dividing by structSize. If the divide does not return an integral number, getFilesStructCount will exit with an error message. _INPUT_ * dataFilePath is the string specifying the pathname of the data file dataFilePath. * structSize is the size of the structures the file should be made up of. * hasHeader is a flag indicating whether the file should have a standard CRIS/SIS data archive header in it in addition to the data. _OUTPUT_ * The number of data structures in the data file. Beware that this is a "raw" number, which does not indicate whether there are zeroed (no data in the struct) structures in the file or not.