_NAME_ getOverlapStructs _PROTOTYPE_ void *getOverlapStructs(uint32 secondsSince1996Start, uint32 secondsSince1996Stop, char *structName); _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ Get a data type's overlap structs which are valid during a time interval. _DESCRIPTION_ getOverlapStructs determines if any overlap data for the data type given by structName was created within the time interval secondsSince1996Start to secondsSince1996Stop (the exact definition of this time interval can be found in getStructs.) _ getOverlapStructs allocates memory which must be freed by procedures which call it. _INPUT_ * secondsSince1996Start is the start second on which to look for valid data. * secondsSince1996Stop is the stop second for the data retrieval. * structName is the full name of the structure for the data type we are requesting (e.g., "L1CrisLowPriorityRate"). _OUTPUT_ * A pointer (void *) to the array of structs of type structName. The calling routine must cast the pointer to type structName. This pointer points to the start of an allocated memory block which needs to be freed by calling routines after it is no longer needed.