_NAME_ getSecondsSince1996FromDate _PROTOTYPE_ uint32 getSecondsSince1996FromDate(struct tm *pTimeStruct); _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ Get the number of seconds-since-1996 from a date (date in struct tm format) _DESCRIPTION_ getSecondsSince1996FromDate returns the seconds-since-1996 corresponding to the date given in a struct tm format (as defined in ). _SHORT-CODE-SAMPLE_ uint32 secondsSince1996; struct tm timeStruct; _ timeStruct.tm_year = 98; timeStruct.tm_mon = 0; timeStruct.tm_mday = 27; timeStruct.tm_hour = 17; timeStruct.tm_min = 24; timeStruct.tm_sec = 15; _ secondsSince1996 = getSecondsSince1996FromDate(&timeStruct); _ printf("year = %d\n", pTimeStruct->tm_year + 1900); printf("month = %d\n", pTimeStruct->tm_mon); /* 0 - 11 */ printf("mday = %d\n", pTimeStruct->tm_mday); /* 1 - 31 */ printf("hour = %d\n", pTimeStruct->tm_hour); /* 0 - 23 */ printf("minute = %d\n", pTimeStruct->tm_min); /* 0 - 59 */ printf("second = %d\n", pTimeStruct->tm_sec); /* 0 - 59 */ _ printf("secondsSince1996 = %d\n", secondsSince1996); _INPUT_ * pTimeStruct is a pointer to a tm struct (as defined in ). See code sample for fields of interest and possible values. Be aware that tm_year is the year since 1900, and most fields have a zero least value. The exception is the month-day, tm_mday. _OUTPUT_ * A long, unsigned int, the number of seconds-since-1996 (which corresponds to the values of the spacecraft clock's time stamps on all data.