_NAME_ getTimeStampsOfDaysStructs _PROTOTYPE_ uint32 *getTimeStampsOfDaysStructs(int day1996, char *structName); _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ Get a list of the time stamps of a particular data type for a given day _DESCRIPTION_ Get a list of the time stamps of a particular data type for a given day. The time stamps returned are those starting at the data valid at second zero of the day and ending just before the data which is valid at second zero of the next day. Any intervals of missing data for the day return values of -1 for their time stamps. Beware that both start and stop time stamps are returned. For periodic data types, this means all of the stop time stamps will be set to -1 (because they have no stop time stamps.) _ You need to free the memory allocated to the time stamp list when you are finished using it. _SHORT-CODE-SAMPLE_ int day1996 = 703, i; char structName[] = "L1CrisCommandEcho"; uint32 *pStampList; _ pStampList = getTimeStampsOfDaysStructs(day1996, structName); i = 0; while (pStampList[i] != 0) { printf("%d: start stamp: %ld, stop stamp: %ld\n", (i / 2), pStampList[i], pStampList[i + 1]); i += 2; } free(pStampList); _INPUT_ * day1996 is the day-of-1996 of interest. * structName is the full name of the data type of interest. _OUTPUT_ * An array of start and stop time stamps, terminated by a zero value. The array is arranged such that startStamp[0] is followed by stopStamp[0], followed by startStamp[1], and so forth.