_NAME_ isDayWithNoData _PROTOTYPE_ int isDayWithNoData(int dayOf1996, char sisOrCris); _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ Check to see if a day1996 is supposed to have data or not. _DESCRIPTION_ On rare occasions such as December 8 - 12, 1997, an instrument returned no data. isDayWithNoData checks if it is legitimate that no data is found on a particular day. _ When these gaps appear, a table inside isDayWithNoData.c will need to be updated. _SHORT-CODE-SAMPLE_ int day1996 = 710; char instrumentID = 'c'; _ if (!isDayWithNoData(day1996, instrumentID)) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Directory %s does not exist.\n\n", pathBuffer); } _INPUT_ * day1996 is the day-of-1996 of interest. * instrumentID is 'c' for CRIS and 's' for SIS _OUTPUT_ * An int, either 0 (false) or 1 (true). A return value of 1 confirms that the day legitimately has no data associated with it.