_NAME_ writeArchiveFilesTimeStampInfo _PROTOTYPE_ void writeArchiveFilesTimeStampInfo(int day1996, char *structName); _SHORT-DESCRIPTION_ Write out information about the time stamps in an archive file. _DESCRIPTION_ Write out information about the time stamps in an archive file as well as it's associated overlap file (if one exists.) _SHORT-CODE-SAMPLE_ int structureTypeCount = 10; char *structureTypes[] = { "BrowseSis", "L1SisCommandEcho", "L1SisCommandTable", "L1SisDiagnosticEvent", "L1SisEventCycle", "L1SisHighPriorityRate", "L1SisHskp", "L1SisLowPriorityRate", "L1SisSubset", "L1SisSummary" }; _ day1996Start = 885; day1996End = 886; _ for (day1996 = day1996Start; day1996 <= day1996End; day1996++) { for (i = 0; i < structureTypeCount; i++) { writeArchiveFilesTimeStampInfo(day1996, structureTypes[i]); } } _INPUT_ * day1996 is the day-of-1996. * structName is the full name of the data type of interest. _OUTPUT_ * None. Information is written to standard out.