Example: I want to read in and process all the events that occured Sept. 24, 1997. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is my test routine: pro test ; preliminary definitions for cris data common CrisSymbols ; get an {AceTime} struct for day 633 (jan 1, 1996 = day 1) date = get_date_from_day_1996(633) ; we could also have set this "manually" like so: ; ; date = {AceTime} ; date.year = 1997 ; date.month = 9 ; date.day = 24 print, 'date = ', date ; get the secondsSince1996 at the beginning of the day secondsSince1996 = cvttosec1996(date) print, 'secondsSince1996 = ', secondsSince1996 ; how many event cycles in the day (basically always 338) nEventCycles = get_days_events_struct_count_c(date) print, 'nEventCycles = ', nEventCycles for i = 0, nEventCycles - 1 do begin ; get the events in the event cycle valid during secondsSince1996 structs = get_events_c(secondsSince1996) ; print out number of events occuring in this event cycle if (structs[0].secs1996 EQ 0) then begin print, 'No events in interval starting at ', secondsSince1996 endif $ else begin count = n_elements(structs) - 1 print, count, ' event(s) with time stamp = ', structs[0].secs1996 endelse ; get to next event cycle interval secondsSince1996 = secondsSince1996 + G$_Cris.EventCycleSampleTime endfor end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and here is the run... % setenv L1_CRIS_DATA_BASE_DIRECTORY /home/idunn1/rgr/prototype/data/cris_prelim % idl IDL> crissymbols_define IDL> test date = { 1997 9 24 0 0 0} secondsSince1996 = 54604801 nEventCycles = 338 No events in interval starting at 54604801 191 event(s) with time stamp = 54605048 171 event(s) with time stamp = 54605304 179 event(s) with time stamp = 54605560 168 event(s) with time stamp = 54605816 182 event(s) with time stamp = 54606072 173 event(s) with time stamp = 54606328 No events in interval starting at 54606593 182 event(s) with time stamp = 54606840 183 event(s) with time stamp = 54607096 177 event(s) with time stamp = 54607352 147 event(s) with time stamp = 54607608 177 event(s) with time stamp = 54607864 187 event(s) with time stamp = 54608120 180 event(s) with time stamp = 54608376 184 event(s) with time stamp = 54608632 157 event(s) with time stamp = 54608888 183 event(s) with time stamp = 54609144 . . .