sisThickMaps package author: bruce sears released: 3-19-97 This package is used for determining the absolute thickness of a sis detector given the number of the sis detector and a point (x, y) on the detector. IMPORTANT: This package relies on the package idlUtilities_bs being installed on your system (and in your IDLPATH). version 1.02: fixed factor of 2 problem in interferometer dT maps version 1.01: added missing data for P1000 detector in absThickAt00.db file version 1.00: Calls: get_sis_thickness, detNum, x, y, thickness, extrapCount in: detNum = sis detector number (integer) e.g., use detNum = 1000 for P1000, use detNum = 0 for ACE000, etc. x, y = point on the detector (float, float) out: thickness = thickness at (x, y) in microns (float) extrapCount = the value of thickness at (x, y) is interpolated between the 4 nodes at the corners of 5 mm x 5 mm pixels. The nodes correspond to the points which were measured by the interferometer maps of the sis detectors. At the edges of the detector, the thickness has been extrapolated to the nodes outside of the actual measurments. extrapCount will usually return as 0, but near the edges of the detector may be from 1 to 3. if extrapCount = 4, the point you are looking at is probably not physically on the detector even though get_sis_thickness may return a thickness value using 4 extrapolated nodes. (integer)