April 4 - 5, 2002 Caltech Campus Winnett Center, 2nd Floor Lounge Building 51 |
This web page will be updated frequently.
The next ACE Team meeting is to be held April 4 and 5 at Caltech.
The meeting will start at 8:30am on the 4th and end at 5pm on the 5th.
Please email Christina Davezan
if you are planning to attend the meeting.
While you are at the meeting messages can be sent to you at (626) 395-6611 and faxes can be sent to (626) 449-8676.
Internet Access
Guest accounts will be set up to enable you to access the internet.
Terminals will be available in the Synchrotron, Room 204 from 8:00 am -
5:00 pm. Caltech Space Radiation Lab personnel at the meeting should
be able to guide you there.
ACE Team Meeting Thursday, April 4, 2002 Winnett 2nd Floor Lounge, Caltech Pasadena, CA 830 Call to Order/Opening Remarks Stone Local announcements Mewaldt Open Items from October Meeting Mewaldt Remarks from Headquarters 855 Flight Operations Report Sodano (S/C, Instruments) 915 ASC Report Davis Science Topics 925 Termination shock from pressure balance: new results Gloeckler Interaction of heavy IS atoms with the heliosphere Zank 955 Break 1020 SEP spatial and temporal variations von Rosenvinge The 2/20/02 SEP event: Flare composition with a CME Mazur 1050 RHESSI: Overview and first results Hurford 1120 Discussion: Opportunities for RHESSI/ACE Collaboration 1140 Lunch 1240 ULEIS/SIS impulsive event spectra survey Mason A joint SIS/ULEIS 3He survey Wiedenbeck 1310 Integrated SEP charge state distributions Popecki Coronal shock acceleration signatures Haggerty/Roelof 1330 Heavy element variations in small SEP events Slocum Trans-Fe ions in large SEP events Mewaldt 1400 Bizarre enrichment pattern in some impulsive events Mason Simulations of SEP transport in the inner heliosphere Giacalone The role of quasi-static 2D and slab turbulence le Roux Is there enough 3He to go around? Mewaldt Particle acceeration at interplanetary shocks in the inner heliosphere Zank/Li/Rice Solar electron events over the N/S poles Lario/Roelof 1530 Adjorn 1545 Refreshments in 108 East Bridge 1600 Physics Research Conference (201 E Bridge) Ian Axford "The Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays" 1800 Wine/Cheese Reception at the Athenaeum 1845 Dinner at the Athenaeum
ACE Team Meeting Friday, April 5, 2002 Winnett 2nd Floor Lounge, Caltech Pasadena CA 800 Energetic storm particle events observed at ACE Ho/Decker/Lario Heavy ion energy spectra at in terplanetary shocks Mason/Desai Prelim. exam. of upstream waves at interplan. shocks Smith Charge states in CIR events Moebius Quiet-time suprathermal tails from SWICS and ULEIS Gloeckler Abundance variations of energetic He+ at 1 AU Kucharek Modeling 1-AU cosmic ray spectra over the solar cycle Davis 945 Break 1005 Electron capture nuclei in cosmic rays Binns Cosmic rays in superbubbles Higdon New cross sections for cosmic ray transport models George EPAM/HiScale comparisions of Z>1 ions: major events Haggerty/Roelof and fast latitude scan Latitudinal extent of large-scale heliospheric Elliott structures H/He variations at high latitudes Lario/Decker/Roelof 1135 The heliosphere at solar maximum - special issue Moebius 1145 Lunch 1240 Outreach Christian 1250 ACE News Mewaldt 1255 What's new with Wind? von Rosenvinge 1305 Report from the SEC Roadmap Committee Roelof 1315 Real-Time Solar Wind Report Zwickl 1330 10-80 MeV Protons in the RTSW data Mewaldt/Ogliore/Leske 1340 Browse Data: Gem or Millstone? Davis 1350 SEPICA Operations Popecki 1400 EPAM Operations Gold/Haggerty 1415 Spring break at L1 Christian 1420 Level-2 Data from SWIMS Continued Science Topics 1430 Counterstreaming electrons in coronal hole flows Skoug Solar parameters from solar wind composition Gloeckler 1500 Break 1520 The origin of radial magnetic fields in the solar wind Skoug Another look at FIP, FIT, and all that Mewaldt/Cohen Isotopic composition comparison: SIS and ULEIS Cohen Low-energy isotope prospects: A SIS strip show Leske EOS article on ACE Level-2 data Davis 1635 Plans for upcoming conferences/workshops Discussion Summary of Action Items Mewaldt Schedule next meeting ~1700 Adjorn
The meeting is in the 2nd floor lounge of Winnett Center, which is building 51 on the Caltech Map. Winnett center and several likely parking spots are noted on the map. We recommend you park either in the California Blvd. parking lot (South of campus) or in the new parking structure on Wilson Ave. (East of campus), or in the new Holliston Ave. parking lot (West side of campus). In the parking lots, park only in unmarked parking spaces, otherwise you're likely to get ticketed or towed. It's less than 5 minutes walk from either lot to Winnett center.