February 7 - 8, 2001 Caltech Campus Winnett Center, 2nd Floor Lounge Building 51 |
This web page will be updated frequently.
The next ACE Team meeting is to be held February 7 to 8 at Caltech. It will be a 2 day meeting. The first 1.5 days will be devoted to the science and operations reports similar to last time. The last afternoon (from 1 to ~5 pm on Thursday) will involve a smaller group (membership TBD) and be devoted to planning for the Senior Review Proposal.
(For those of you involved in Voyager, the Voyager Team is meeting at JPL Feb. 5 and 6.)
While you are at the meeting messages can be sent to you at (626) 395-6611 and faxes can be sent to (626) 449-8676.
We have obtained a waiver from the Pasadena authorities that allows all-day parking on Arden Road on Feb. 7 and 8. Arden Road is a residential street off of California Blvd., directly South of Downs Lab (building 47) on the Caltech Map.
Internet Access
Guest accounts have been set up to enable you to access the internet.
Terminals will be available in the Synchrotron, Room 204 from 8:00 am -
5:00 pm. Caltech Space Radiation Lab personnel at the meeting should
be able to guide you there.
To get on the mailing list for additional workshop announcements input your name and e-mail address here. Note: if you have recently received email reminders about this meeting, you are already on the list!
Here is the agenda as of Feb 5, 2001.
ACE Team Meeting Wednesday February 7, 2001 Winnett Center Lounge (Building 51 2nd floor) Caltech 830 Call to Order/Opening Remarks Stone Open Items from October Meeting Mewaldt Local announcements Mewaldt Spacecraft Operations Status TBD (S/C, Instruments) SIS Instrument Status Leske SEPICA HV Testing Status Popecki ULEIS door algorithm simulation report Mason Science Center Report Davis ACE Science Reports for NASA HQ Summary of Earlier Reports Mewaldt Status: Bastille Day Highlights Discussion Q-States Fluences CIRs Local Cloud Metallicity, others 940 SCIENCE TOPICS Brookhaven calibration for UH ions Mason Update on UH ions Mazur 1010 Break 1020 FIP Fractionation in SEPs and the Solar Wind Mewaldt 3He and heavies in interplanetary shocks Mason SEP Event Context - color spectrograms Wiedenbeck Extension of SEPICA charge state measurements to Popecki STOF energies Relative Timing of Solar Energetic Electron Impulsive Roelof Injections and Solar Electromagnetic Emissions 1145 LUNCH 1245 Application of Leaky Box Propagation to the Webber High Precision ACE Data GSI accelerator cross-section analysis progress J. George ACR Time variations Sollitt Voyager/ACE data comparisons Lukasiak He cone observations 1998 - 2000 Gloeckler Anisotropy measurements with SIS Leske CIR source populations based on charge state Moebius observations Particle Acceleration at CIRs Giacalone 1500 Break 1515 Bastille day Observations Smith Bastille day observations from SWICS, II Zurbuchen Magnetic Fluctuations during May 10-12, 1999 Smith High latitude at solar max as seen with SWICS/ULysses Gloeckler Suprathermal Electron Emissions Skoug Interplanetary Aspects of the May 1-4, 1998 Period Popecki Comparision of Proton and Alpha Measurements Skoug at ACE and Wind 1700 Adjourn 1800 ICE Breaker/Dinner at TBA Thursday, February 8, 2001 Winnett Lounge Caltech 830 Senior Review Proposal Discussion
We have obtained a waiver from the Pasadena authorities that allows all-day parking on Arden Road on Feb. 7 and 8. Arden Road is a residential street off of California Blvd., directly South of Downs Lab (building 47) on the Caltech Map.
The meeting is in the 2nd floor lounge of Winnett Center, which is building 51
on the Caltech Map. Winnett center and several
likely parking spots are noted on the map. We recommend you park either on
Arden Road, or in the California Blvd. parking lot (South of campus) or in the
new parking structure on Wilson Ave. (East of campus). In the parking lots,
park only in unmarked parking spaces, otherwise you're likely to get ticketed or towed.
It's less than 5 minutes walk from either lot to Winnett center.
[an error occurred while processing this directive] visitors since 00/12/14