This web page will be updated frequently.
8:00 am - 8:30 am
Coffee and Rolls
Beckman Institute Courtyard
Beckman Institute Auditorium - building 74
8:30 am
Edward Stone, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Caltech
Agenda, Goals and Logistics
Richard Mewaldt, Caltech
8:40 am
Challenges for the Experiments on the Advanced Composition Explorer
John Simpson, University of Chicago
9:20 am
Overview of the ACE Instrumentation and Mission
Richard Mewaldt, Caltech
9:45 am - 10:10 am
Coffee Break
Beckman Institute Courtyard
10:10 am
Elemental and Isotopic Composition of the Solar System: Meteorites and Comets
Peter Eberhardt, University of Bern
10:50 am
Review of the Solar Particle Record in Lunar Samples
Donald Burnett, Caltech
11:30 am
Galactic Cosmic Rays from Supernova Remnants: I - Evidence for a
Volatility Controlled Cosmic Ray Composition
Jean-Paul Meyer, Centre d'Etudes Nucliaries de Saclay
12:00 am - 1:20 pm
Break for Lunch
1:20 pm
Elemental and Isotopic Composition of the Solar Wind
Fred Ipavich, University of Maryland
2:00 pm
On the Solar Wind
Len Fisk, University of Michigan
2:40 pm
Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares: Diagnostics and Model Predictions
Jim Miller, University of Alabama
3:20 pm - 3:45 pm
Beckman Institute Courtyard - building 74
3:45 pm
Space Weather: The ACE Connection
Jack Gosling, Los Alamos National Laboratory
4:25 pm
Interstellar Matter and the Journey of the Sun
Priscilla Frisch, University of Chicago
5:05 pm
Pickup Ions in the Heliosphere
George Gloeckler, University of Maryland
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Poster Session
Wine and Cheese Reception
Athenaeum Hall of Associates - building 61
8:00 am - 8:30 am
Coffee and Rolls
Beckman Institute Courtyard
Beckman Institute Auditorium - building 74
8:30 am
Publication Plans/Schedule
Tycho von Rosenvinge, NASA/GSFC
Richard Mewaldt, Caltech
8:45 am
Suprathermal Particles
Robert Lin, University of California, Berkeley
9:25 am
Particle Acceleration in Interplanetary Space
Martin Lee, University of New Hampshire
10:05 am - 10:35 am
Beckman Institute Courtyard - building 74
10:35 am
Insights into Cosmic Ray Acceleration from Anomalous Cosmic Rays
Randy Jokipii, University of Arizona
11:15 am
Galactic Cosmic Rays from Supernova Remnants: II -
Shock Acceleration of Gas and Dust
Don Ellison, North Carolina State University
11:45 am - 2:00 pm
Break for Lunch
2:00 pm
Cosmic Ray Clocks
Vladamir Ptuskin, Institute of Terrestial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio
Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN), Moscow
2:40 pm
What are the Limits for ACE Galactic Cosmic Ray Isotope Studies?
William Webber, New Mexico State University
3:20 pm - 3:45 pm
Beckman Institute Courtyard - building 74
3:45 pm - 5:30 pm
Splinter Group Meetings
Beckman Institute, Room 115 - building 74
Beckman Institute, Room 121 - building 74
Lauritsen, Room 248 - building 48
East Bridge, Room 114 - building 33
Downs Laboratory, Room 101 - building 47
IPAC Conference Room, Room 244 - building 22
6:30 pm - 7:00 pm
No Host Cocktails
Athenaeum Hall of Associates - building 61
7:00 pm
Speaker: John Trauger, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, The Hubble Space Telescope
Athenaeum Hall of Associates
8:00 am - 8:30 am
Coffee and Rolls
Beckman Institute Courtyard
Beckman Institute Auditorium - building 74
8:30 am
Splinter Group Status Report - Plenary Session
8:45 am
Splinter Group Meetings
Beckman Institute Auditorium - building 74
Beckman Institute, Room 115 - building 74
Beckman Institute, Room 121 - building 74
Lauritsen, Room 248 - building 48
Lauritsen, Room 469 - building 48
East Bridge, Room 114 - building 33
10:15 am - 10:45 am
Beckman Institute Courtyard - building 74
10:45 am - 12:15 pm
Splinter Group Reports and Discussion
Beckman Institute Auditorium - building 74
1:30 pm
Organizational Committee Meeting
Downs Laboratory, Room 101 - building 47
MESSAGE CENTER If you are expecting a message while attending the workshop, please check the message board in the registration area. If you are expecting a package or other delivery, please let the registration staff know so they may assist you.
For messages, you may be reached at (626) 395-6809. For faxes, you may be reached at (626) 449-8676.
TELNETING A guest account has been set up to enable you to read e-mail. Telneting is available in Downs Laboratory, Room 10 on January 7th, 8th and 9th from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
A scientific workshop for NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) mission will be held on January 7, 8, and 9, 1997 on the campus of the California Institute of Technology. ACE includes nine instruments that will measure the elemental, isotopic, and ionic charge state composition of 1<= Z <= 28 nuclei from solar wind energies (~1 keV/nuc) to galactic cosmic ray energies (~500 MeV/nuc). It will be launched in August 1997 into orbit about the inner Lagrangian (L1) point, where it will provide unprecedented measurements of energetic nuclei of solar, interplanetary, and galactic origin, and provide real-time solar wind and other interplanetary data.
The January workshop will include fifteen invited speakers that will discuss the broad range of scientific objectives that ACE can address. The scientific community is invited to present ideas for the use of ACE data in a poster session, and by participation in several splinter sessions that will focus on topics involving solar wind origin and acceleration, pick-up ions and anomalous cosmic rays, solar/interplanetary particle acceleration and composition, and the origin, acceleration, and transport of galactic cosmic rays. A special issue of Space Science Reviews is also planned.
To get on the mailing list for additional workshop announcements send your name and address by e-mail to or call Debby Kubly at 626/395-6809 or fax to Debby Kubly at 626-449-8676.
Questions about the scientific program can be addressed to the organizing committee:
Invited Speakers: The following have agreed to deliver invited talks at the workshop. Approximately five additional invited talks are tentatively scheduled.
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